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Monday, November 3, 2008
AIM's Favorite Domestic Terrorist
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid's final Obama smear before the election, in a Nov. 2 Accuracy in Media column, is a lame one, ranting about William Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn. Kincaid makes the false claim that "Barack Obama’s initial political campaign in Chicago was launched from the home of Dohrn and her husband, another member of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers."

Kincaid repeats a quote by a former FBI informant trying to make a case against Dohrn: "If you had McCain hanging out with the high Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan, you’d have the media all over him like flies on manure." But McCain does have an associated with an unrepentant domestic terrorist: G. Gordon Liddy.

But Kincaid will never discuss that relationship because AIM has one with Liddy as well.

Kincaid himself has appeared on Liddy's radio show, and to our knowledge he has not broached the subject with Liddy. Further, Kincaid has taken Liddy's side in a dispute between Liddy and fellow Watergate figure John Dean over the alleged purpose of the Watergate break-in, as summarized in a June 2005 press release:

Kincaid noted that the book, Silent Coup, demolishes the Woodward-Bernstein explanation of who was behind the Watergate break-in. But former Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy, now a popular radio host, has been virtually alone in promoting the alternative theory of why the Watergate break-in occurred. Kincaid said there is no question that Nixon was forced out of office for corrupt practices which also occurred under other administrations: “Victor Lasky’s classic book, It Didn’t Start With Watergate, set the record straight on that score.” Kincaid cited other scandals that received far less attention, including

· FDR’s Pearl Harbor cover-up, blaming Admiral Kimmel for the disaster

· The stolen presidential election of 1960 that put John F. Kennedy in the White House · Attorney General Bobby Kennedy’s bugging of the phones of Martin Luther King, Jr.

· Clinton administration abuse of the IRS and FBI to go after “enemies.” 

Kincaid is curiously silent about Liddy's record of plotting to kill and bomb innocent people. He might want to address that before he does any further bashing of Ayers.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:08 AM EST
Updated: Monday, November 3, 2008 1:44 AM EST

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