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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ponte Rants Against Oprah
Topic: Newsmax

A Sept. 8 Newsmax column by Lowell Ponte is one long rant against Oprah Winfrey, suggesting she's "a misogynist, a hater of women" for not allowing Sarah Palin to be on her show. Ponte misleadingly claimed that "Oprah has used her program repeatedly to showcase, promote, and lionize Barack Obama"; in fact, while Winfrey has endorsed Obama, he hasn't appeared on her show since October 2006, before he became a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Ponte rants on, claiming that "Some might say that Oprah is a traitor to her gender, a turn (petty) coat whose support for Obama destroyed Hillary’s chance in 2008 to become America’s first female president." He doesn't say who "some" are. Ponte also gets in some less-than-factual licks on Obama, asserting without evidence that "Obama promises to unleash capricious and partisan government censors on talk radio when he becomes president."

Posted by Terry K. at 2:03 PM EDT

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