Topic: Accuracy in Media
Cliff Kincaid has latched onto an old perversion to take his Obama-bashing excitement to a whole new level: lurid sex.
No doubt panting hard as he wrote it, an Aug. 24 Accuracy in Media column by Kincaid repeats claims that alleged Barack Obama "mentor" Frank Marshall Davis "was a bisexual engaged in 'sordid' sexual activities and had repeated sexual encounters with a 13-year-old girl." His source: an article in the conservative UK newspaper the Telegraph stating that Davis wrote a pornographic novel under a pseudonym that included those activities. It doesn't matter if what Davis wrote was fiction, Kincaid declares: "Whether the book Sex Rebel is entirely based on Davis or not, the controversy certainly demonstrates that Davis had a perverted sexual interest and should not have been trusted as a mentor for any young person."
Kincaid is essentially playing the same card Republicans tried to play against congressional candidate Jim Webb in 2006, by portraying sexually explicit scenes in Webb's works of fiction as reflective of Webb himself. ( bought heavily into this meme, if you'll recall.) Kincaid cannot prove Davis actually did any of the stuff he wrote about.
How obsessed is Kincaid about incorporating kinky sex into his Obama-hate? he complains that Obama's "40-page so-called rebuttal" to Jerome Corsi's factually challenged anti-Obama book "makes no mention of Davis’s Sex Rebel book and his interest in pornography."
Wow, Kincaid seems unsually interested in this newfound sex aspect. Does that raise questions about Kincaid's own private life?
Kincaid also whines that David Maraniss, who wrote a Washington Post profile of Obama's years in Hawaii, "completely ignores the fact that Davis was Obama’s mentor and adviser for a significant number of those years." Kincaid adds:
Asked about this striking omission in his Post article, Maraniss told AIM that “My reporting conclusion was the role of ‘Frank’ had been hyped out of all proportion, both by Obama himself in his book and some others later. He did not play a role in really shaping Obama.”
This “conclusion,” of course, fails to let the readers decide, based on what Obama and others have reported. And he does not explain how he came to this conclusion.
If Maraniss "told AIM" about this, why didn't Kincaid or anyone else at AIM ask him to explain? Apparently Kincaid and his crew couldn't tear themselves away from the lurid sex long enough to ask.