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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
FrontPageMag Bashes Incivility, Ignores Its Own
Topic: Horowitz

A July 14 FrontPageMag article by Ben Johnson baselessly paints the "hateful comments" of a handful of commenters on the death of Tony Snow as the views of "many on the Left." David Horowitz himself similarly chimes in: "large segments of the left are consumed with hate towards those who disagree with them. ... There is nothing personal in this outpouring of leftist hate. The venom directed against Snow is really a hate directed against America."

This is a frequently used tactic on the right to paint those holding opposite views as extremists. (NewsBusters does the same thing.) But as we've previously noted, these sites turn a blind eye when their fellow conservatives make venomous attacks on ailing or deceased liberals like Ted Kennedy. Shouldn't all hateful speech be condemned, instead of when said condemnation is politically expedient?

Johnson went on to write: "[T]the bloggers spun conspiracy theories about the fallen. One diarist linked [Snow] to a much different minister, accusing him fo being a knowing propagandist for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon." But the post to which Johnson links -- a Daily Kos entry by John Gorenfeld, author of a book on Moon -- does no such thing. Rather, it points out that Snow accepted a job as Washington Times opinion page editor at a time when his predecessors had left the job to protest editorial interference by Moon officials. Nowhere does Gorenfeld call Snow a "knowing propagandist," and Johnson does not offer any evidence that anything Gorenfeld wrote is inaccurate.

Johnson also appears offended that one writer called Snow "Goebbels with better hair," which Johnson baselessly asserted "may be the clearest view of the Left's true regard." We don't know why Johnson would be upset about this; after all, writers and commenters at FrontPageMag liken liberals, or anyone else they disagree with, to Goebbels on a regular basis:

  • Thomas Sowell awarded Dan Rather the "Joseph Goebbels award."
  • David Meir-Levi: "Goebbels died 60 years ago, but his core propaganda strategy lives on in the Great Arab Lie that there exists a Palestinian people who have suffered great injustices at the hands of Israel, the UK, and the USA."
  • "US Goebbels Media makes Democrat Pol scum look human."
  • "A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Gorby didn't have the resources to subdue Eastern Europe & accepted the inevitable. Carter did help the Mullahs take over Iran. Both are historical facts that Goebbels Democrats like to ignore."
  • "90% Dem Media =s Joe Goebbels TODAY"
  • "Goebbels Democrat Media follows playbook"
  • "He's Goebbels grandson James Carville"
  • "Joe Goebbels would be proud of this Scum. Democrat Party Media killed TRUTH in reporting along time ago."
  • "Joe Goebbels said the same thing about Nazis. Only he said it better in the Slick Willy sense."
  • "Goebbels had NOTHING on the present concoction of twisted lies propagated by Damnocrats and the Left."

Shouldn't Johnson and Horowitz be cleaning up their own house first before criticizing others?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:46 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:48 AM EDT

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