Topic: NewsBusters
The boys at NewsBusters are way obsessed with Barack Obama's alleged flip-flops. For instance:
- "How many flip-flops can he get a free pass on?" howls John Stephenson. "Obama has a list of flip-flops that would destroy most candidates."
- Tom Blumer cites "all of this flipping, flopping, and flailing by Obama."
- Noel Sheppard is concerned about "the media's lack of interest in reporting presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama's campaign flip-flops."
- P.J. Gladnick also cites "Barack Obama's recent flip-flops."
Curiously, none of these writers have acknowledged John McCain's long, long list of flip-flops. By Stephenson's own reckoning, this should destroy McCain's candidacy.
Stephenson keeps it up in a July 3 post asserting an "ever-growing list" of Obama flip-flops. Problem is, one of the things he claims to be a flip-flop -- Obama saying that a withdrawal from Iraq would involve input from "commanders on the ground" -- isn't.
And, of course, not a word about the prodigious number of flip-flops by his boy McCain.
UPDATE: Tim Graham, in a July 4 post, seems to redefine-flip-flopiing for McCain, calling him merely "not consistently conservative":
Notice how liberals say he’s not on message, which is a nice way to dismiss someone who’s not consistently conservative. If he was pounding away from the right, consistently, liberal reporters would be much harsher[.]