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Sunday, June 8, 2008
Will Newsmax, WND Tell Full Story of Baseless Obama Rumors?
Topic: Newsmax

Both Newsmax and WorldNetDaily have reported on rumors of the purported existence of a video of Michelle Obama using a, in WND's words, "derogatory term for white people ... and went further to criticize a reporter for even asking about it." Newsmax cited GOP prankster Roger Stone, while WND cites a report from Politico blogger Ben Smith on the rumors (but doesn't mention Smith's statement that there's "zero credible evidence" to support the rumor).

Indeed, not only is there "zero credible evidence," Talking Points Memo Election Central notes (citing the conservative National Review) that the rumors may, in fact, be based on a novel about a black presidential candidate.

Will Newsmax and WND tell their readers the full story about these baseless rumors? Don't count on it.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:33 PM EDT

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