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Saturday, June 7, 2008
Eyeblast: Macaca's Revenge
Topic: Media Research Center

The MRC's macaca complex is even worse than we thought: they built an entire video-oriented website as a reaction.

From an article in the May edition of the Watchdog, the MRC's print newsletter sent to donors, by Eyeblast executive producer Danny Glover:

In 2006, Democrat James Webb paid less than $1,000 to have a young volunteer track Republican Sen. George Allen of Virginia with a video camera. It was the best money Webb ever spent.

The volunteer was named S.R. Sidharth [sic], but he will forever be remembered as “Macaca,” the mocking nickname that Allen gave him in an unguarded moment. Sidharth captured that moment on film, the Webb campaign blasted it over the Internet, and Allen’s popularity collapsed. His once-unimaginable loss to Webb shifted control of the Senate to Democrats.

Look no further than the “Macaca” incident to understand why the Media Research Center launched in April 2008.

Eyeblast is an online community built in part to capture the unguarded moments of liberals on film and blast them over the Internet. The liberal media won’t cover the politically correct confrontations on college campuses, and they suppress stories of liberals behaving badly. Going forward, conservatives will be able to tell the truth about those encounters on Eyeblast.

Yet another reason to doubt the MRC's previous claim that "Eyeblast does not discriminate based upon political view." That, and the headline on Glover's article: "MRC Launches to Battle Liberal Video Presence on Internet."

No mention, of course, of the false smears of S.R. Sidarth by Dan Riehl that the MRC published on NewsBusters.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 PM EDT

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