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Friday, May 2, 2008
Joseph Farah Disingenuousness Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How can you tell when Joseph Farah is being disingenuous? His lips are moving.

Farah's May 1 WorldNetDaily column is a big steaming pile of disingenuousness (in a long line of such). In it, he points out that "It's probably no secret to anyone who reads my column regularly that I will not be voting for either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton for president," then explains why he won't be voting for John McCain.

Why is this disingenous? Because Farah's and his website are doing McCain's dirty work for him.

WorldNetDaily has been a constant parade of outright lies, guilt-by-association smears and discredited Dumpster-diving against Obama and Clinton. But it has offered nowhere near the same scrutiny of McCain -- indeed, we can't recall the last negative story WND wrote about him.

If "there is simply no reason for me to support McCain," as Farah claims, why isn't WND hammering him to the extent it is hammering Obama and Clinton?

For Farah to claim that "John McCain won't get any help from me" is nothing less than a lie. With WND's continual attacks on Obama and Clinton -- and its comparable kid-glove treatment of McCain -- Farah is behaving like he's on McCain's payroll. 

Posted by Terry K. at 12:41 AM EDT

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