Topic: WorldNetDaily
We already know that WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh condones child abuse in the service of homeschooling. Apparently, Unruh now has no problem with defacing a church that's too friendly to gays for his liking.
An April 1 WND article by Unruh begins: "A United Church of Christ congregation in upstate New York is pursuing a felony criminal mischief charge against a Christian who allegedly protested a homosexual festival by anointing its church building with cooking or baking oil." Unruh goes on to write that at the Park Church of Elmira, N.Y., the woman, Holly Somers, caused an estimated "$2,875 in damages to the windows and window frames, doors and door frames 'as well as the stone and masonry work' at the church by allegedly anointing those points with oil."
But, it appears this desecration of church property is all peachy with Unruh because the Park Church is way too gay-friendly:
The Park Church lists its affiliation with the UCC [United Church of Christ] and provides a link to the denomination, which has pages of Web information on its programs on behalf of homosexuals.
It specifically provides information about its advocacy for "marriage equality" as well as "hate crimes" legislation. One of its promotions is for the "Day of Silence," a nationwide event held in public schools in which students and faculty are encouraged to protest society's unwillingness to endorse homosexual behavior.
That's an, er, unique interpretation of the "Day of Silence"; among the "4 truths" the Day of Silence website lists about the event, the word "endorse" appears nowhere. Unruh appears to be invoking a version of the Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy; he apparently feels that his apparent inability to harrass gays into silence translates into endorsing their existence -- a situation it seems he can't bear.
While he's hanging out in Elmira, Unruh can't resist yet another repetition of his previous distortions of an anti-gay protest he obviously sympathizes with:
WND previously reported a case against four Christians fined for praying in Wisner Park, the public park adjacent to Park Church, during the pride festival.
That month the [Julian] Ravens and others were arrested after they entered Elmira's Wisner Park with their heads bowed to pray for the participants of the homosexual festival going on at the time.. Advertising for the event stated it was open to the public.
The defendants had been told by a police sergeant they were not allowed to "cross the street, enter the park, or share their religion with anyone in the park."
As we detail whenever Unruh distorts the facts about this case, he neglects to mention what exactly street preacher Julian Raven and his followers did to draw the arrests: they lay prostrate on the lawn in front of a stage at the gay festival.