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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
WND Adds Reporter Who Shares Its Bias
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A March 23 WorldNetDaily article announced that it has added Chelsea Schilling, a former WND reporting intern and current (apparent part-time) assistant commentary editor, "as a full-time general assignment reporter upon her graduation from college in May." The article touts her "perfect 4.0 grade point average in pursuit of her journalism degree."

So, what can we expect from Schilling? Will her work be any more fair and balanced and accurate than that of, say, Bob Unruh? A perusal through the ConWebWatch archives during the time of Schilling's WND reporting internship suggests not:

  • Schilling has unquestioningly parroted Alliance Defense Fund press releases without making an effort to gather the full story.
  • Schilling called Hillary Clinton a "clown" for having purportedly "cried three times to gain voter sympathy." Schilling claimed Hillary answered one questioner with "a pathetically contrived tremble" and anonther with "crocodile tears," as if she could divine Hillary's true emotions. Schilling also tossed out a casual smear of John Edwards as "Miss Sunshine Breck."

Further, the other two news outlets with which Schilling has claimed professional experience -- USA Radio Network and the Sacramento Union -- are both conservative (the latter with its own bias problems).

That's what you have to look forward to when Schilling goes full-time -- in other words, exactly what we've come to expect from WND. A perfect GPA doesn't make you less biased.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:01 AM EDT

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