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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Corsi Offers Biased Promotion of Anti-Hillary Film
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ken Timmerman isn't the only one engaging in a little historical revisionism in connection with the new anti-Hillary movie. Jerome Corsi writes in a Jan. 15 WorldNetDaily article:

Also attending the premiere was Billy Dale, the 35-year White House travel office manager whose career began under President Kennedy and ended when the Clintons pressed criminal charges against him that later were proved false. The Clintons, according to federal investigators, were trying to clear the way for their campaign contributors to place their own people in the travel office.

In fact, as we've noted, contrary to Corsi's suggestion, independent counsel Robert Ray reported that there were irregularities in the travel office under Dale and that "the Federal Bureau of Investigation had determined that sufficient evidence existed to provide the requisite predicate for the opening of a criminal investigation." Further, Ray also pointed out that "The decision to fire the Travel Office employees was a lawful one. The Travel Office employees served at the pleasure of President Bill Clinton, and they were subject to discharge without cause."

Corsi also noted that "Featured in the film and attending the premier was Kathleen Willey, author of WND Books' 'Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton[.]' In the film, Willey speaks at length about the Clinton camp's personal attacks on her for accusing the president of sexually accosting her in the White House." But Corsi -- following apparent WND editorial policy -- doesn't note Willey's history of contradictory statements and outright lies. Similarly, Corsi noted the film touches on "Peter F. Paul's $17 million civil lawsuit" without noting that Paul is a convicted felon.

Further, Corsi curiously fails to use the word "conservative" in the article, describing Newt Gingrich, Frank Gaffney, Tony Blankley, Ann Coulter and Robert Novak only as "political notables" and failing to accurately describe them as conservatives.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:19 AM EST

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