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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Double Standard on Boycotts
Topic: NewsBusters

Remember how NewsBusters' Tom Blumer was trying to get people to take seriously conservative activists' boycott against Ford for its alleged "aggressive support of homosexual advocacy groups and publications" and insisting that the boycott was hurting the automaker's sales (though he had no actual evidence to back that up)?  You'd think that NewsBusters would take all boycotts seriously, right?

Well, think again. Here's NewsBusters executive editor Matthew Sheffield, in a July 28 post on a plan to boycott Fox News advertisers: "Ah to be a liberal, to proclaim my tolerance and open-mindedness with a few tacky bumperstickers and then turn around and try to silence any type of political divergence." 

Gosh, somebody doesn't like boycotts -- and he might want to alert his NewsBusters underling.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:00 PM EDT

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