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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
MRC's Meta-Defense of Coulter
Topic: Media Research Center

A June 27 Media Research Center press release touches all the bases that have been percolating at the MRC all day regarding the Elizabeth Edwards-Ann Coulter clash: Coutler is the victim, it's an audition for return of the Fairness Doctrine, and look over there -- Amanda Marcotte! Plus, Brent Bozell ranting about "the iron boot of liberalism" and claiming, "Hugo Chavez does this type of censoring in Venezuela—but in America, we don't." Nowhere does the press release mention what Coulter said to prompt Edwards' confrontation.

Thus, we must assume, by their long silence on the subject, that Bozell and the MRC approve of Coulter's history of insults and offensive comments.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:49 PM EDT

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