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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
MRC Edits Out Matthews 'Fascism' Reference
Topic: Media Research Center

The MRC CyberAlert version of Rich Noyes' Feb. 7 NewsBusters post on Chris Matthews' F-bomb deletes Noyes' misleading citing of Matthews' reference to "fascism" and Rudy Giuliani. In fact, the word "fascism" is nowhere to be found, let alone a correct contextual quoting of it.

How can the MRC possibly defend its attempted deception? This flagrant instance of intellectual dishonesty?


UPDATE: On the other hand, this version also states the magic (factual) words much more clearly than the NewsBusters version: that Matthews was "praising the 'great job' Rudy Giuliani did in cleaning up New York City."

Posted by Terry K. at 6:42 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:19 PM EST

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