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Thursday, November 16, 2006
Cashill Still Peddling Weldon Conspiracy Theory
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Conspiracy maven and Curt Weldon promoter (but we repeat ourselves) Jack Cashill spends his Nov. 16 WorldNetDaily column flogging once more his latest conspiracy theory (which we've previously detailed) that former Clinton administration officials conspired to cause Weldon to lose his congressional seat to Democrat Joe Sestak.

Nothing really new here -- the usual false attacks on Sandy Berger, denigration of Sestak as a tool of the conspiracy. And once again, Cashill downplays the federal investigation into Weldon's influence-peddling calling it "dirty" that it was exposed a few weeks before the election and suggesting it was part of the larger anti-Weldon conspiracy plot. (Cashill never actually offers any evidence to contradict the influence-peddling claims.) This time, though, Cashill dragged his longtime TWA Flight 800 conspiracy-mongering into the picture, recounting the time Cashill showed Weldon his film on that conspiracy, "Silenced" (though Cashill fails to note in his column that he was the one who made "Silenced").

Cashill also writes of his attempts to get other media interested in his efforts to tie the Weldon investigation into his larger conspiracy theory:

I attempted to contact both [Greg] Gordon of the McClatchy papers and the local Pennsylvania newspaper, the Delco Times. I left messages telling them there was more to this plot than met the media's blinkered eye. I got no response from either.

Gee, why could that be? Perhaps because Cashill has a history of dubious conspiracy theories, such as his claiming that anti-abortion extremist James Kopp was framed in the shooting death of an abortion doctor shortly before Kopp pleaded guilty to shooting the doctor.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:29 PM EST

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