Topic: NewsBusters
Via TBogg, we learn of the latest shenannigans by our ol' buddy (and NewsBusters poster) Dan Riehl. At his own blog, Riehl is claiming that Sen. George Allen is undergoing a "lynching" via revelations of his history of making racist remarks; below a picture of one of Allen's (white) accusers with his (black) wife, but before he details said accuser's CV -- as if that's relevant to the conversation; are people with Ph.D's in anthropology not qualifed to speak on racial issues? -- Riehl adds: "It's a little difficult to imagine he's the type of guy one would want to hang around the pond and crack wise with about race...." As TBogg points out, the accuser wasn't "hanging around the pond" with Allen; he had come to pick up a puppy.
This, remember, from a guy who was eager to falsely smear S.R. Sidarth as a racist. And yes, he's still listed as a NewsBusters blogger. Riehl, apparently, is the kind of blogger the MRC likes.