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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
NewsBusters' Funhouse Mirror
Topic: NewsBusters

Michael Savage claims that "the American left" is "cheer[ing] that Jews are dying" and that they are "the Nazis of our time." And Ann Coulter responded to the news that someone mailed an envelope of suspicious powder to the New York Times by saying, "So glad to hear that the New York Times got my letter." Keith Olbermann takes note of it, makes some snarky comments.

Run that through Noel Sheppard's conservative filter machine, and this is what pops out in a July 19 NewsBusters post: "On Tuesday’s “Countdown,” host Keith Olbermann chose to virulently attack two of America’s most prominent conservatives in his Worst Person in the World segment: radio host Michael Savage, and author Ann Coulter."

Can we assume that Sheppard endorses Savage's and Coulter's views? On the Coulter statement, yes; a July 18 post, Sheppard declared that it was hilarious.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:34 PM EDT

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