Topic: WorldNetDaily
World O'Crap does a fine takedown of Melanie Morgan's April 28 WorldNetDaily column -- and in the process reminds us that the ConWeb, particularly WorldNetDaily, is still telling lies about Sandy Berger.
In addition to Morgan's canards, an April 22 WND article claims that the documents Berger took from the National Archives were "possibly with handwritten notes." In fact, even the Wall Street Journal has pointed out that Noel Hillman, a Justice Department prosecutor in the Berger case, said that the copies of documents that Berger took (that they were copies, not originals, is a detail WND is finally starting to get correct) "don't have notations on them." Hillman further called claims to that effect an "urban myth."
That puts WND in the company of NewsMax in peddling urban myths.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:50 PM EDT