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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The Plantation, Part 2
Topic: Media Research Center
The folks at NewsBusters are making a big deal out of Hillary Clinton's "plantation" remark: Mark Finkelstein has three posts on it, and Brad Wilmouth and Dave Pierre each have one.

But will Finkelstein, et al., criticize their employer, the Media Research Center, for running articles employing that same metaphor? Some examples, mostly appearing at MRC division

-- When I changed my political affiliation ten years ago, I thought I broke the chains of the liberal plantation. -- Kevin Martin, CNS commentary, July 15, 2005

-- Liberals believe that blacks should all think and vote the same. ... And they loathe any free-thinking black who dares to walk off their plantation. -- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, CNS article, Jan. 26, 2005

-- Liberals have kept the poor on the government plantations, and compassionate conservatives are trying to free them. -- Marvin Olasky, MRC column, Dec. 14, 2002

-- The African American Republican Leadership Council, meanwhile, called [then-NAACP president Julian] Bond "a bigoted plantation'' racist out of step with Black America. -- CNS article, July 8, 2002

-- Shouted down publicly at the universities, disdained in the media, serious Christians are becoming America's new slave class for the plantation owners of the politically-correct U.S. of A. -- Dennis Peacocke, CNS commentary, Oct. 20, 1999

So, NewsBusters guys, before you start bashing Hillary Clinton, you might want to check in your own closet first. And while you're at it, check into why one of your fellow writers, Cinnamon Stillwell, is whitewashing the violent history of Israeli extremists.

(More examples of conservatives using the "plantation" metaphor to attack liberals here.)

Posted by Terry K. at 11:25 AM EST

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