Topic: Accuracy in Media
From a Jan. 12 Accuracy in Media column by Slantie winner Cliff Kincaid:
This column is not meant to be a political attack on leading Democrats on the Judiciary Committee disguised as media criticism.
Oh, yes it is, Cliff; otherwise, it would not be appearing on the AIM website.
What Kincaid claims he actually wants to know is this: "I really want to know why the major media permit these characters [Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy] to launch personal attacks on Alito when their own personal lives are scarred by scandals."
What we really want to know is why Kincaid so aggresively bashes one political billionaire, George Soros, while not disclosing his longtime suckling at the teat of another, Richard Mellon Scaife?
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:59 PM EST