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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Distraction and Delusion
Topic: Newsmax
According to an Oct. 15 article, NewsMax has decided that no matter what anyone else says (especially anyone Democrat), Republicans aren't crooks, and they should start busting Democrats to prove it.

In NewsMax's eyes, Tom DeLay faces "phantom campaign finance charges" and Patrick Fitzgerald is an "otherwise credible prosecutor" out to prove that "Karl Rove lied about a case where - as now seems likely - no initial crime was committed." Democrats are just "scandalmongering," NewsMax says, and the proper way to respond is "[a] little GOP scrutiny directed towards a myriad of alleged crimes perpetrated by Democrats," which could "easily neutralize their ability to wage the current investigative jihad."

Example: "the Sandy Berger scandal dwarfs by a factor of fifty anything currently being probed by Democrats and the prosecutors they're now cheering on"; NewsMax calls it "one of the most serious crimes in the history of the U.S. government." Likewise, NewsMax adds, "a Senate Intelligence Committee memo that surfaced in 2003 suggesting that Democrats were prepared to leak classified information in a bid to undermine President Bush's reelection chances bears some looking into."

Need to know just how in the tank NewsMax is for conservatives? Here's your answer.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:49 PM EDT

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