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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
There's Gold In Them Thar Slanted Articles
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Is WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah saying that it's OK to steal from the federal government?That's the implication of an Aug. 30 article he wrote regarding the government seizure of gold coins believed to have been stolen from the Philadelphia mint.

Farah quotes a coin dealer who says, "What we appear to have is yet another example of the U.S. government overstepping its boundaries, further alienating American citizens from conducting free trade of personal property." But this case regards stolen property, for which nobody that we know of has affirmed a right of free trade.

Farah also goes off on a tangent over alleged threats to the "right to own gold." That's not the issue, either; nobody has the right to own gold stolen from others.

At the end of the article, a link titled "Read more about your right to own gold" takes readers to an plug for a booklet on the subject at metals dealer Swiss America Trading Corp. The link is not clearly delineated as an ad, nor is it disclosed that Swiss America is a sponsor of WND and and an adviser Farah's radio show.

Swiss America chief Craig R. Smith also writes a weekly column for WND in which it's usually not disclosed that he's even with Swiss America, let alone anything about Swiss America's financial relationship with WND and Farah.

Given that Farah is so squeamish about disclosing conflicts of interest, condoning theft isn't really that far of a leap. After all, he already condones murder.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:53 PM EDT

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