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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Massie's Claims Unquestioned by CNS
Topic: WorldNetDaily
An Aug. 26 article by Melanie Hunter does a fine job of reproducing a press release from the black conservative group Project 21. And, being a reproduction of a press release, refuses to question any of the assertions made in it.

The big assertion, of course, is that Project 21 member Mychal Massie likened Supreme Court nominee John Roberts to Martin Luther King Jr. That's not really news, since Massie is prone to bizarrely overheated statements, such as likening House minority leader Harry Reid to segregationists Bull Connor and Orval Faubus.

The purpose of the press release was to rebut another press release criticizing Massie's claim, issued by African American Ministers in Action, which Hunter writes is "described as a front group for People for the American Way" (though she doesn't note who's describing it that way). Hunter, meanwhile, describes Project 21 as a "black conservative group" even though it too is a "front group"; it's an arm of the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research.

Sticking with Project 21's script, the only claims from the African American Ministers in Action press release that appear in Hunter's article are the two short sentences Project 21 put in its press release; it includes the AAMIA claim that "John Roberts is no Martin Luther King, Jr." without any explanation of the reasons why AAMIA believes that.

Hunter also faithfully reproduces the statement that Project 21 "takes no position on the confirmation of any particular judicial nominee," but she fails to explore how likening Roberts to a beloved (except, ironically, by some conservatives) public figure such as King could be construed as anything other than an call to confirm Roberts.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:00 AM EDT

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