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Monday, July 18, 2005
Book-Bashing, Then and Now
Topic: Newsmax
In yet another attempt to give Ed Klein's discredited "The Truth About Hillary" a boost, NewsMax's John LeBoutillier has written a July 18 column called "How Hillary Clinton Controls the Media." In it, he describes "the latest salvo from the Hillary War Machine: a new spin that the book - which has now been in the top ten on the New York Times best-seller list for three straight weeks - is actually "'not doing well.'" He claimed that reporters are using words like "drop-off," "sinking" and "fallen" to describe the book and concluded: "Clearly Team Hillary distributed a new set of Talking Points to their media lap dogs in the MSM."

Or, "Team Hillary" (snicker) could have merely picked up pointers from NewsMax's treatment of Hillary Clinton's autobiography. Here are some headlines from mid-2003 NewsMax articles, when Hillary's "Living History" was released:

"Harry Potter Still Tops Hillary on Amazon," June 11, 2003
"Juanita Beats Hillary in Ratings Showdown," June 11, 2003
Monica's TV Audience Dwarfed Hillary's," June 12, 2003
Lucianne Goldberg: Hillary's Book Sales 'Way Below 200,000' -- June 14, 2003
Limbaugh: Hillary's Book Sales Don't Add Up," June 18, 2003
"Coulter Dethrones Hillary on Amazon," June 20, 2003
"Dick Morris Lands on Best-Seller List; Coulter Crushes Hillary," June 25, 2003

That last article was eager to chortle that "Hillary Clinton's recently published, wildly hyped 'memoirs' failed to make the top 25 in non-fiction" at Currently, Klein's book isn't, either.

And, of course, LeBoutillier fails to acknowledge the long trail of lies, distortions and backtracked claims in Klein's book.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:53 PM EDT

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