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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Daily Les, 7/12
Topic: The Daily Les
We're trying out a new ConWebBlog feature -- reporting the questions asked by Les Kinsolving, WorldNetDaily White House reporter and all-around conservative tool.

Today's questions by Kinsolving in the White House press briefing once again had nothing to do with the possible criminal actions of a senior White House adviser, but at least he didn't suck up like yesterday.

Question 1:

KINSOLVING: The news that the G8 nations offered the Palestinian Authority $9 billion inevitably recalls the 2003 International Monetary Fund report that Yasser Arafat diverted $900 million to a special bank account he controlled. And my question: Considering Mammoud Abbas' long association with Arafat, plus his refusal to dismantle any terrorist groups like Hamas, in accordance with the road map, how on earth did the president allow these billions to Abbas without U.S. protest?

Question 2, the full exchange:

KINSOLVING: Does the president believe that it is outrageous for a Los Angeles advertising man to be conducting a campaign to persuade the town selectmen of Weare, New Hampshire, to approve the building of a hotel on the land where Justice Souter's house is located? Or does he regard this as an historic irony resulting from Souter's vote in the case of Kelo versus the City of New London?

McCLELLAN: I haven't seen anything on it. Jim, go ahead.

KINSOLVING: You didn't see anything on it? You'd like to evade this one, wouldn't you?

McCLELLAN: No, I haven't seen anything on it, Les. I like to see reports before I comment on it.

ANOTHER REPORTER: No, it's the other ones he's trying to evade.

(Update: Edited to properly identify Kinsolving as questioner, change topic to the newly created "Daily Les.")

Posted by Terry K. at 8:19 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:04 PM EDT

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