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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Corsi Pesters Elderly Woman About Her Dead Daughter
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As we've noted, WorldNetDaily is going all in on the idea that the long-form birth certificate President Obama released is a fake. To that end, Jerome Corsi is now pestering elderly women.

Corsi peddles his latest conspiracy theory in a May 17 WND article: that  the birth certificate number Obama currently holds was originally assigned to an infant named  Virginia Sunahara, who was born the same day as Obama but died a day later. As Corsi writes, "Is it possible that if Obama's birth records were forged, the perpetrator used Virginia Sunahara's birth certificate number, knowing the girl was long dead and the family was unlikely to know or complain?"

Corsi even pestered the infant's now-elderly mother for a copy of the birth certificate:

WND contacted Virginia's mother Clara, 83, who is living in Wahiawa on Oahu.

Clara told WND by telephone she did not have Virginia's birth certificate and she was not interested in applying to the Hawaii Department of Health to see what birth records might be on file regarding her daughter.

Remember, Corsi is reopening old wounds by pestering this elderly woman about her long-dead daughter for the sole purpose of a political hit job on the president. Given Corsi's and WND's demonstrated hatred of the president, there's no need to pretend this is about anything else.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:09 AM EDT

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