Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax has already skewed its news coverage of the Republican primary for the Florida governor's race around its endorsement of Bill McCollum over Rick Scott, so it's no surprise that as election day neared, Newsmax gets in a few more licks of bias:
- An Aug. 17 article highlighting an ad attacking Scott, followed by an Aug. 18 article highlighting a different anti-Scott ad.
- An Aug. 18 article by Jim Meyers touting McCollum's lead over Scott in one poll.
- An Aug. 20 article by Meyers headlined "Rick Scott Wants Subpoena Quashed."
- An Aug. 20 interview with Dick Morris, who explained "why he thinks Bill McCollum will win not only the Republican primary against Rick Scott on Tuesday, Aug. 24, but also the general election."
- An Aug. 21 article headlined "Rick Scott Took 5th Amendment 75 Times."
- An Aug. 22 column by Steve Forbes headlined, "You Can't Trust Rick Scott."
- An Aug. 22 endorsement of McCollum by Mike Huckabee.
- An Aug. 23 article attacking an ad by Scott, headlined, "Scott's Ad Distorts Truth About McCollum and Greer."
The election is today; we'll find out soon enough what effect Newsmax's biased coverage had on the race.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:04 AM EDT