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Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Another Stealth Geller Column At Newsmax
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax is still publishing Pamela Geller's hateful screeds, though it still refuses to promote them on its front page. Geller's April 12 column keeps up her anti-Obama hate:

And so today anti-Semitism rises again in Europe, courtesy the Muslims. Same jihad, different day.

Did six million die for nothing? Could it be possible they died in vain? And once again will the American Jewish Diaspora fail their brethren, in a horrible repeat of history?

I’m sick of it. And sick of the liberal American Jews who sell their souls and their children just so that they can get on with the barbarians.

With Barack Hussein Obama in the White House, things will go from bad to terrible in short order.

Again we ask: If Newsmax is ashamed to publicize Geller's column, why publish it at all?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:37 AM EDT

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