Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's clear Barack Obama has never considered himself an American, though, ironically, he managed to get himself elected president of the United States.
-- Erik Rush, April 9 WorldNetDaily column
If you are not now hearing the warning wail of the sirens of tyranny, you should be. Obama's dystopian, socialist, tyrannical agenda has only just begun, using the current "economic crisis" as both rationalization and rationale for an increase in government control over our private lives that has been unequaled since FDR's day.
If we refuse to fight this battle for the Internet, we allow private and public entities to turn us into thought-criminals by robbing us of our civil rights. I have no desire to live in Orwell's dystopia as interpreted by Barack Hussein Obama.
-- Phil Elmore, April 9 WorldNetDaily column
The rest of the world isn't as stupid as the Bush Derangement Sufferers who elected an illegal immigrant as president.
Craige McMillan, April 9 WorldNetDaily column