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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Aaron Klein Anti-Obama Agenda Watch: This Time, A Lie
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The lead of Aaron Klein's 41st anti-Obama article (versus just one anti-McCain article), a July 15 WorldNetDaily piece, falsely claims that Barack Obama forwared a "a discredited distortion of the Holocaust." The article carries the headline "New Yorker discredited Obama Holocaust distortion."

In fact, as Klein goes on to report, the "distortion" is actually an alleged misstatement about whether Obama's grandfather helped to liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp in World War II. At no point does Klein accuse Obama of making a "distortion" about the Holocaust that has been "discredited," and stating that he has falsely suggests that Obama is a Holocaust denier.

In short, the lead of Klein's article tells a lie. Klein and WND should apologize to Obama and retract it.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:47 PM EDT

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