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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It's La Raza-Bashing Day at WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In declaring John McCain's visit to La Raza's national convention "sickening," "repulsive," "inexcusable," "immoral and evil," Joseph Farah declares in his May 12 WorldNetDaily column that "I know what La Raza is all about." And what might that be?

In reality, La Raza is a racist hate group – a band of "Hispanic supremacists," if you will, though it is seldom characterized that way.

It is no more a civil rights group than the Ku Klux Klan is a group promoting the civil rights of white people. It is no more a civil rights group than the neo-Nazi scum who marched a generation ago at Skokie, Ill., with the legal protection of the American Civil Liberties Union, another misnamed organization. It is no more a civil rights group than the Aryan skinheads who victimize Jews and others they detest in trying to lift themselves up from the gutter.

La Raza is part of the movement in this country to destroy it from within by dividing and "reconquering."


The only real differences between La Raza and the neo-Nazis and the KKK are its wealth, power and level of sophistication.

Farah offers no evidence to support these claims.

By invoking the Nazi comparison, Farah contradicts WND's earlier professed offense that someone would be likened to a Nazi (plus following in the footsteps of the ilk of Michael Savage and Jim Gilchrist in likening La Raza to the KKK). And in a later reference to Democrats as "the plantation party," Farah contradicts the ConWeb's purported shock when Hillary Clinton used the plantation metaphor to describe Republicans.

Farah wasn't the only one to bash La Raza this day. In her May 12 WND column, Barbara Simpson wrote:

Don't you know "La Raza" means "The Race," and it's a militant, angry, anti-U.S. organization. Too many members want American whites out of land they consider theirs. The goal is to have the U.S. Southwest be Hispanic.

Like Farah, Simpson offers no evidence to back up her attack.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EDT

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