WorldNetDaily's editor won't acknowlege Barack Obama is president, so it's no surprise he spent 2014 saying hateful things about Obama.
By Terry Krepel Posted 1/1/2015
Joseph Farah
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is such a rabid Obama-hater that not only has he destroyed what little credibility WND had by pursuing trumped-up or wholly imaginary Obama scandals, he refuses to acknowledge the indisputable fact that Obama is the elected president of the United States.
Obama has never been my president. I have steadfastly refused to acknowledge him as such," Farah huffed in a June 2014 column. "He is undeserving of the honorific. To this day, I am unconvinced he is even eligible for office."
And that's just the tip of the iceberg of Farah's Obama derangement in 2014. Let's take a look back at some of the Obama-hate Farah spewed in the past year.
Does Obama really believe that a nation could elect a black president in 2008 while black Americans had still not achieves “anything approaching formal equality, much less real equality”? Perhaps he does. Perhaps he thinks he’s that special a monumental personality who could overcome the racist tendencies of a country by getting elected to the highest office in the land, a nation not even close to approaching equality in theory or reality.
I will believe Barack Obama’s heart is in the right place when he vows that he is a follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and will take no actions and make no pronouncements that he cannot square with His Holy Word. I will believe Barack Obama’s heart is in the right place when he repents of all the evil he has wrought since assuming office five years ago. I will believe Barack Obama’s heart is in the right place when he turns from his wicked ways, scrupulously follows the law of the land and listens not only for the voice of God but for the voice of the people he is sworn to serve.
But I’ll just bet he is surprised sometimes how easy it all was.
I have no doubt he wonders some days why he doesn’t have more real opposition whether he is being set up.
But most days he is probably more inclined, as a narcissist and ego-maniac, to believe he’s invincible, a man of destiny, maybe even anointed by some force for a time such as this.
He may think he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.
Wouldn’t you think like that if you had lived his life?
I was harshly criticized when I questioned Barack Obama’s claim to be a Christian back in 2008 when he was running for president.
It’s not an easy thing to do to dispute what someone else says he believes. For most people, faith is a private matter. Americans are often uncomfortable talking about religion. It’s considered taboo to scratch beneath the surface of spiritual claims and assertions by politicians. It’s considered bigoted, closed-minded, gauche.
From the reaction, I must have been the first who dared point out the contradictions in Obama’s own description of his brand of Christianity in which many roads lead to the Kingdom of God.
I can’t tell you how many times I was instructed and admonished about Jesus’ words from Matthew 7, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
But, as a Christian, scripture informs me that we will know people by their fruits. Obama’s fruits were well-known and well-documented by the time he first ran for president. Any true believer in the One True God would have had the discernment to view what he had sown and reaped.
Today it’s growing increasingly clear that far from being a believer, as Obama claimed in 2008, he is an enemy of believers a tormenter of Christians, a persecutor.
No U.S. president since Israel was reborn in 1948 has been less of a friend to Israel or the Jewish people than Barack Obama. He seeks to redraw the nation’s borders in a way that would leave Israel unable to defend itself. He has sought to freeze building by Jews in and around Israel’s capital. He seeks a so-called peace agreement that would involve ethnic cleansing of Jews in a future Palestinian state. Obama is not operating in the spirit of Oscar Schindler. On the contrary, he is operating in the spirit of those who appeased Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. He is operating in the spirit of those who looked the other way as 6 million Jews were exterminated. He is operating in the spirit of those who had an opportunity to save Jews from death in the Holocaust but did nothing.
In short, Obama’s list of humanitarian priorities is not like Schindler’s.
Does Obama identify with Bowe Bergdahl? Is Bergdahl his kind of guy? Is he much different, for instance, from the man Obama chose to be secretary of state John Kerry? Remember, Kerry served in Vietnam. When he returned, he became a vicious critic of the U.S. military. Some of the messages Bergdahl wrote about his fellow soldiers sound uncannily like the claims Kerry made about U.S. soldiers in Vietnam.
Or is there something else a motivation even darker?
Is there evidence suggesting Obama actually sympathizes, at some level, with the jihadist enemy? Could we, at least, safely conclude that he is more willing to negotiate with the Taliban than he is with Republicans in Congress? That’s the stark and seemingly undeniable conclusion of one member of Congress Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Think about that! We have a president whose enemies are not mass murderers who enslave people, subjugate women and convert by the sword. His real enemies are those who disagree with him and oppose his policies at home.
When millions of Egyptians rallied in the streets to overthrow Muslim Brotherhood warlord Muhammad Morsi as president, Obama suspended aid he had earmarked for the tyrant he helped bring to power.
When a Muslim Brotherhood army that included a strong al-Qaida element set out to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, Obama sought congressional approval for airstrikes to support the insurgents and he did help arm them.
He can’t wait to turn Afghanistan over to the “Tallybon,” as he likes to call them. He even released five of their top commanders from Guantanamo Bay using the excuse of bringing home an American captive. Of course that “prisoner of war” turned out to be a deserter and a Taliban collaborator.
There’s a pattern here. If you can’t see it, check your lenses. Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. To expect him to come to Iraq’s aid with air power that can blow away much of the al-Qaida terrorist army amassing on the road to Baghdad would be foolhardy. It’s against all his instincts.
There’s another reason Obama has hesitated to take this obvious action. This will be hard to believe for some, but the facts are becoming more apparent everyday: Obama fosters chaos.
The question has been asked many times over the last five years: What is Barack Obama doing?
Why is he inviting massive numbers of illegal aliens, including children, to risk their lives to swarm our southern border?
Why has he created a national health-care system that is unsustainable economically in the long term and is creating crisis in the short term?
Why is he turning down the opportunity to buy oil from our neighbor to the north and forcing Canada to sell it to China instead?
In short, why is he doing so much of what he is doing that seems not to make a lot of sense to the American people?
The shocking answer is that they do make sense in a perverted, un-American paradigm one I have tried to bring to the attention of the American people for many years. The purpose is to increase misery and manufacture crises.
Had Obama not sought election to the presidency, his ideas could rightly be characterized as un-American. In fact, they were by many opponents in 2008 and 2012.
There were many presidents in American history who exceeded their constitutional authority.
There were many presidents in American history who hurt the country through their actions.
There were many presidents in American history who caused pain and sorrow for their constituents.
But has there ever before been an American president who intentionally took office to subvert and undermine the Constitution for the express purpose of imposing his own will on the people without a thought or care to constitutional limits?
Remember, Obama is not a leader in the traditional sense. He’s not a president in any sense at least as we have known that office in the past. He’s a community organizer who counts on demonizing his opponents, playing the victim, blaming, as he did last week, “the unjust status quo,” as if he is an outside in Washington rather than the occupant of the White House for the last five and a half years.
I’ve never thought Obama’s decisions were haphazard, unplanned, unscripted and without purpose just irresponsible, reckless, un-American, extra-constitutional and evil.
And that’s why I raise the question.
More and more critical observers are suggesting Obama wants Republicans to move toward impeachment. It is as if he is daring them to do so. Maybe he recognizes the party’s timid national leadership is reticent to take him on in any meaningful way. Maybe he hopes the midterm election damage will be less severe if the Republican base throws up its hands in frustration over having no meaningful alternative. Maybe he just wants to introduce more confusion and chaos into American politics. Maybe the border crisis is yet another attempt to play the race card that has been his trump card since he ran for president.
Whatever it is, America is paying a big price right now for electing and re-electing this fraud, this impostor, this demagogue.
I’m proud that I was among the first to recognize Obama is unfit for office and a threat to the nation he claims to lead. He’s more of a threat to national security than any terrorist organization. Why? Because terrorists can only kill some of us.
But unconstitutional action by the president of the United States corrupts the very soul of America. If it is not dealt with decisively through impeachment, it can kill the rule of law. It can kill our very spirit. It can kill the American ideal that the will of the people is pre-eminent, rather than the will of some vaunted elite.
The long-term effects of the socialized medicine plan that bears his name will inevitably lead, if not repealed, to lots of death, economic dislocation and suffering of the kind we have seen in Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs.
Understand what I am saying here and this is not hyperbole: We have reached a point in which our own government poses a greater danger to the future of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in America than do the formidable foreign enemies we face.
If Obama is not impeached for his high crimes and misdemeanors before he leaves office of his own accord, then it is hard to imagine any future president ever being impeached, again. The crimes he has committed against the Constitution are breathtaking and legion, unsurpassed in American history and, hopefully, in America’s future.
In other words, if Obama is not impeached, we should write off this constitutional provision forever.
Incoherence. Stupidity. Malfeasance. Who can put a muzzle on this guy and stop him from talking? Let him golf instead. He does less damage to the country when he’s driving and putting than when he’s ad-libbing about national security matters and military strategy to the whole world.
Most young athletes must play on JV teams before they make the varsity. Most people must pay their dues through a process of preparation before they are elevated to positions of real achievement and responsibility in life. Obama is something of an exception to this rule.
He never ran a business.
He never held an executive position in government before being elevated to the presidency.
He never served in the military.
He had no foreign policy experience, save for four years as a U.S. senator.
He was simply a politician in the right place at the right time facing the wrong competition.
The White House is surrounded by security details. There are cameras everywhere. Agents are locked and loaded, determined to prevent any existential threats to the first family and others. The nation is on heightened awareness of potential terrorist threats.
Yet, Omar J. Gonzales, 42, of Copperas Cove, Texas, made it all the way to the White House entrance unscathed.
What does this tell you?
It should tell you no one in America is safe as long as Obama is on watch.
The question is no longer whether racial relations in America have deteriorated under the first black president. The only question is why he deliberately inflames the passions of racists black and white.
Is it just a matter of distraction? Political sleight of hand? Is it to let off steam of the broken promises of six years in power and policies that have hurt the very people they were supposed to help?
Or is this orchestrated mayhem rooted in Obama’s own visceral hatred of America? Is it intended to grow exponentially and bring down the whole system in the model of Cloward-Piven manufactured crisis?
Obama is no longer the “community organizer in chief.” He has become “arsonist in chief.”
This past year has been one of cascading crises from Obamacare, to the invasion of the U.S. across our southern border, to the ascendency of ISIS, Iran and Putin’s Russia, to illegal executive amnesty each and every catastrophe either caused or greatly exacerbated by Barack Obama.
But I have to tell you, such chaos was predicted way back in January by Whistleblower, WND’s acclaimed monthly print magazine.
In an amazingly prophetic New Year’s issue headlined “THE YEAR OF MANUFACTURED CRISES,” Whistleblower foresaw in advance how 2014 would play out.