A Cop-Killer's Best FriendsThe Media Research Center doesn't want to talk about how its operations earned Facebook likes from cop-killer Jerad Miller, and WorldNetDaily doesn't want to talk about how its anti-police rhetoric mirrors that of Miller's.By Terry Krepel The Media Research Center loves to highlight the supposed liberal links to mass shooters. Among them are Floyd Corkins, who claimed to have found the anti-gay Family Research Council, where he attempted to perpetrate a shooting, on a "hate map" at the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center; the MRC complained that "media isn’t interested in holding the SPLC accountable for its rhetoric." The MRC has also highlighted how "Chris Dorner, an ex-cop on a vengeful rampage against police officers in Los Angeles, praised liberal media personalities in his oddly chatty 'manifesto' posted on Facebook. " (Dorner's manifesto also contained praise for conservatives, which the MRC conveniently failed to mention.) But the MRC doesn't want to talk about the fact that a recent mass shooter has ties to it. Jerad Miller, along with his wife, Amanda, went on a rampage in Las Vegas in early June, killed three people, including two police officers, before he and his wife committed suicide. Turns out he was a big fan of Brent Bozell's empire. Among the 107 entries on Miller's Facebook "likes" page are the MRC's NewsBusters and CNSNews.com, as well as Bozell's quasi-super PAC operation For America. Needless to say, the MRC is showing no interest in holding itself accountable for rhetoric that may have inspired a cop-killer. To the contrary -- it got offended when anyone dared point out the fact that the Millers had links to right-wing ideology:
All of these MRC writers failed to note that Jerad Miller's Facebook page includes likes for MRC operations. * * * The MRC isn't the only part of the ConWeb that got some love -- well, a like, anyway -- from Miller's Facebook account. A couple of WorldNetDaily's friends can be found there too. One is the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the far-right medical group that opposes mandatory vaccinations -- a stance that is undoubtedly contributing to the return of formerly conquered diseases like measles -- and has dabbled in Clinton conspiracy theories. WND has been a reliable promoter of AAPS' conspiracies, at one point even having a top AAPS official, Lee Hieb, write a column. Another entry on Miller's Facebook likes page is the Facebook page of perpetual Oregon candidate Art Robinson, a close friend of WND managing editor David Kupelian. Kupelian and WND have long boosted Robinson's losing campaigns by glossing over issues that hurt his candidacy -- like his building a homeschool curriculum around a series of decidedly racist 19th-century adventure novels or unsubstantiated claims of political retribution against Robinson's children. WND has also uncritically promoted Robinson's anti-global warming petition by avoiding the fact that many, if not most, scientists who signed the petition have degrees bearing no relevance to climate science. While WND itself didn't show up on Las Vegas cop-killer Jerad Miller's Facebook like list, it might as well have. After all, both WND and Miller share a disdain for the police having too much power. WND's archive is strewn with recent headlines like these:
Those headlines were partially in service of promoting the new WND-published book "Police State USA," in which Washington Times reporter Cheryl Chumley fearmongers about "the militarization of the police," complete with melodramatic description of the erosion of citizens' rights: In five years, we will really start to wonder what happened to America. In 10 years, our kids won't know the America of our youth. And in 25 years, we won't recognize America at all. That attitude doesn't seem too far removed from that of the Millers. TPM reports that a sheriff's deputy said of the Millers: "We believe they equate government and law enforcement with fascism and those that support with Nazis. ... They believe that law enforcement is the oppressor and they are associated with the Nazi movement."
Yet despite the obvious overlap in interests, there's virtually nothing about the Millers on the WND website. They're mentioned in only two places on WND, and both link to articles elsewhere and are not original WND reporting. That, however, is two more mentions at WND than that of Brent Douglas Cole, who shot a California highway patrolman and a Bureau of Land Management ranger on June 14. You may recall that WND was an enthusiastic backer of Cliven Bundy in his standoff with the BLM over his decades of refusal to pay grazing fees. Cole is a huge conspiracy theorist, embracing such WND-endorsed concepts as birtherism and the sovereign citizen movement. But since Cole is even closer to WND's far-right agenda then the Millers were, look for WND to do everything possible to avoid acknowledging his existence. |