WorldNetDaily's Race-Baiters Love Paula DeenNot only have WND's writers minimized the celebrity cook's actions and rushed to her defense, WND has added her cookbooks to its online store.By Terry Krepel For the past year, WorldNetDaily has hired Colin Flaherty to engage in a primitive form of race-baiting -- obsessing over every incident of "black mob violence" he can find, even if the "black mob" in question is made up mostly of dogs. Thus, it probably shouldn't be a surprise that WND is rushing to the defense of celebrity chef Paula Deen over the racially charged behavior she has been accused of engaging in. ![]() Paula DeenBut Schilling is deliberately downplaying what Deen has been accused of. Several paragraphs later, Schilling admits that a former Deen employee "accused the chef star of using the racial epithet repeatedly, including at least once in reference to Obama." Contrary to Schilling's earlier claim, that alleged reference to Obama probably did not happen "many years ago." Schilling also admits another key claim against Deen: "The former employee claims Deen said, 'What I would really like is a bunch of little [N-word] to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties. Now that would be a true Southern wedding, wouldn’t it?'” But Schilling edited the most offensive part out, as Talking Points Memo reported (emphasis added): “Well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around,” the lawsuit claims Deen said. “Now that would be a true southern wedding, wouldn’t it? But we can’t do that because the media would be on me about that.” Amid all Schilling's whitewashing of Deen, she includes the phone numbers and email addresses of the networks and companies that have dropped Deen, stating that "Concerned individuals may contact the following partners who have dumped Deen." Meanwhile, WND's columnists jumped on the pro-Deen bandwagon, joining Schilling in downplaying the nature of Deen's offenses by reducing them solely to a long-ago use of the N-word. Ilana Mercer lamented in her June 28 column that "Deen was forced to confess to using the “N-word” decades ago, upon which the Paula Deen Enterprises began to lose revenue. Now the poor woman is on that familiar, modern-day Via Dolorosa: the apology tour." Mercer then suggest that Deen's views of black people are justified because one robbed her: Blaming Old-South culture as the prototypical knaves of conservatism are doing is, moreover, unlikely to help exculpate Ms. Deen in the minds of the morons who judge her for her words, rather than for her deeds. The bad Old South macro-narrative is as ineffective in mitigation as is pointing out that Deen misspoke because of a near-death experience. “A black man [once] burst into the bank that I was working at and put a gun to my head,” recounted Deen. “I didn’t feel real favorable towards him.” But then, Mercer also kinda misses apartheid, so she may not be the most objective person on racial issues. Erik Rush -- one of the black conservatives WND apparently keeps around to provide it cover for Colin Flaherty's race-baiting -- laments even more in his June 30 column (while also working in a plug for his book): Regarding the Deen debacle, some have criticized the inequity, capriciousness and mercilessness of the mob mentality, as well as the hypocrisy of the liberal media, which tolerates abject racism from Rev. Al Sharpton, Touré Neblett and other people of color, while queuing up to crucify someone who admitted to using a racial slur in private years ago. If what he writes is any indication, we know what's in Mr. Rush's heart: a raging case of Obama derangement. In a July 2 column, Jesse Lee Peterson ranted that "I’ve been warning for the past 23 years that black racism is out-of-control it appears black racism killed Trayvon Martin, and Paula Deen’s career!" Like the other WND writers, Peterson reduced her offense to "use of the word 'N-er' decades ago," going on to complain, "By apologizing to all blacks, Deen and her former sponsors are unwittingly sending the message that just the accusation alone is enough to get whites to cave. This only encourages vultures like [Jesse] Jackson and [Al] Sharpton to swoop in and exploit these incidents for personal gain." WND's store "stocking up on everything Paula Deen"WND is so proud of Deen's racism, in fact, that it added her cookbooks to its online store. The move was announced in a July 1 article: The rest of the media and corporate world may be running away from Paula Deen, punishing the celebrity chef for a 20-year-old remark for which she has apologized profusely. The article goes on to list several Deen cookbooks now available through WND. Apparently, WND hadn't thought of Deen as a moneymaker prior to the revelation of her racial remarks. But now that she's on record as a racist, she's become a suitable commodity for WND's online store. That doesn't make WND "politically incorrect" -- it makes WND the supporter of a racist.
Farah doesn't mention, of course, that the Democrats who weren't eager to give up their racism usually gravitated toward the Republican Party. Farah expressed no criticism of her racism -- in fact, it appears he's more offended that Deen "had a 10-year affair with a married man after she was divorced" than an established pattern of racism. Ultimately, it all came down to which side he disliked more (and, of course, a money-making opportunity): If they can do it to Paula Deen, they can do it to anyone. Unless those witch hunts are conducted by Farah and WND, in which case they're perfectly fine. You can almost hear the cash register ringing in Farah's brain at the prospect, however remote, that he might publish Deen's next cookbook. Meanwhile, WND columnists continued to dishonestly rush to Deen's defense. Diana West wrote in her July 4 column that Deen is being persecuted because "she had used what is referred to as 'the N-word' some 25 years ago": Deen, 66, may have supported President Obama in 2008, but she is an old, white Southerner, which, in good, ol’ fashioned Marxist-Leninist terms, is still a class of person best defined as “enemy of the people.” Detestable. Expendable. Throw her under the “limousine liberals’” limousine while they, admiring enemies of the Constitution (or U.S. troops), whiz by us in cultural camouflage all the way to the reliably capitalist bank. Barbara Simpson is even more vociferous in lamenting that Deen "admitted once using the “N”-word, and the world fell in on her": Trial? Proof? Who cares? Destroy her! Neither West nor Simpson made no mention of Deen's other offenses. But, really, what else would one expect from a website that meticulously documents every instance of "black mob violence" but finds Paula Deen's history of racially charged behavior to be a money-making opportunity? |