This is the transcript of the appearance by WorldNetDaily's Joe Kovacs on the Sept. 27, 2006, edition of Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor."
Posted 9/29/2006
BILL O'REILLY: "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight: As Jessica's Law steams ahead in the USA, about 40 states either have tough laws against child predators or are close to having them, seem to be a growing problem with female pedophile teachers.
The nation was stunned by Mary Kay LeTourneau, watched in amazement as Florida teacher Deborah LaFave avoided prison after raping a 14-year-old boy. And we're stunned again when Tennessee teacher Pamela Rogers turned and violated her parole and continued pursuing a student, age 13.
The website WorldNetDaily has been investigating the female teacher situation. And Joe Kovacs, the executive news editor of WorldNet, joins us now from Palm Beach, Florida. So you looked at the country and tried to compile the stats. What did you find out?
KOVACS: Bill, we found out this problem is everywhere. It is rampant. It is in big school districts in big cities. It is in little towns all across America. There are teachers who are just preying on their students and having sex with them. They're having sex with them on school campuses. They're having sex with them in their homes. They're having sex with them in the parking lot of Busch Gardens. It's going on everywhere. It's just unbelievable.
O'REILLY: Is there any way you can put it in perspective? Can you put a number on it? You know, how did you arrive at this conclusion?
KOVACS: Well, at WorldNetDaily, we not only break our own entrepreneurial news stories, but we also monitor hundreds of newspapers from across the world and across America. And what we notice are trends. And on a nightly basis, we just saw case after case of women having sex with their students.
O'REILLY: All right, so you were reading the local newspapers from around the country, and you were seeing more and more and more of these stories about female pedophile teachers being caught. All right, now, you did do research, and you came up with the average sentence for these female teachers is one to three years, one to three. And the average for men --
KOVACS: That's correct. I didn't do that research.
O'REILLY: Where did it come from?
KOVACS: It was but done by a Kansas State professor, Bob Shoop, who studied news accounts over the past five years and found out that women, if they get jail time, and many of them don't, they get just one to three years. And men, on the other hand, get 15 to 20 years on average.
O'REILLY: That's amazing. So the Kansas professor did the research.
KOVACS: Right.
O'REILLY: So it's one to three for women, if they go to prison. And many of them don't.
KOVACS: Right, many of them don't.
O'REILLY: Right, as the one in Tampa area didn't. And 15 to 20 for men. OK, so this is -- and it's the same thing. We're talking about the same crime. It's usually kids in the ages of 12 to 16, right over Jessica's Law. See, it's usually 12 and under for Jessica's Law. Over, then, gets into this area. It's little middle school or high school kids. So why the disparity?
KOVACS: This is the million-dollar question. I mean, justice is supposed to be blind, but it seems sometimes that judges are looking out of their blindfold to see who they're sentencing. And it seems the more attractive a woman is, especially, they get less jail time. Some women do go to jail. There are cases -- there was one just yesterday. Deanna Bobo in Arkansas was found guilty of having sex with a 14-year-old boy, and she was sentenced to 12 years. That is kind of an exception to the rule. Most get much less than that. But you have your glamour-model types out there, like Deborah LaFave, Pamela Rogers Turner. They get little to no jail time. Cameo Patch, just week in Utah had sex with a 16-year-old. No jail time.
O'REILLY: Yeah. Well, look, I never saw any remorse by any of these. Obviously, the Tennessee woman was out on parole, got a light sentence, and then she sends the kid a videotape of her, you know, flouncing around. So look, we have here, I believe, is a decline of standards in the teaching profession. That's what I think is behind this. I think they're getting people in -- because they don't pay teachers a lot in a lot of areas around the country. They're getting people in who are unstable. You have to be unstable to be an attractive woman. OK, you have to be. You'd have to be an emotional mess, to be an attractive woman and then try to stalk a 13-year-old. I mean, there's just no rationalization. So I think it is a drop in standards. Do you have any other reason to explain it?
KOVACS: I think society has become so sexualized in our modern times between MTV and the entertainment we see on television every night, shows like "Desperate Housewives," everything is about sex all the time. And this is what's on people's minds. It's on kids' minds, it's on adults' minds. And this is what we have as a result.
O'REILLY: Right, and the websites, too. I mean, the websites have all this kind of crazy stuff going on. In fact, tomorrow, we're going to have a Paris Hilton thing that's going to shock everybody. Joe, we appreciate it. Thanks very much.