NewsMax Corrects Itself!It only involves two minor errors, but hey, it's a start. Now, about all those other screw-ups...By Terry Krepel It's heavily buried, but it's there: NewsMax actually issued a correction. Two of 'em, if you can believe it. It can be found in a March 28 Wes Vernon story that starts out by trashing John McCain for his campaign finance reform efforts (all of the anti-McCain quotes are anonymous) then meanders to Clinton-bashing by Ohio congressman Jim Traficant. Tacked on at the very end is the following (link added): CORRECTIONS: This, to ConWebWatch's knowledge, is the first explicit admission by NewsMax that it an article on its site contains an error, coming months after editor and CEO Christopher Ruddy pledged that "if I believed we had stated something false, misleading or inaccurate, I would immediately retract the story and make any corrections." It's certainly not that NewsMax hasn't made mistakes:
There's another screw-up worth noting. On March 5, NewsMax reprinted an item from the American Spectator web site that Sen. Hillary Clinton nearly knocked over Sen. Strom Thurmond following President Bush's state of the union address. The problem? Thurmond didn't attend the speech. As the Palmetto Journal (a site about political news in South Carolina, Thurmond's home state) notes, "the American Spectator columnist who initially reported the story backed off his story a bit and said that Thurmond may not have been seen at the speech, but he was in the room where media interviews were conducted following it." But no one's sure of that, either. The Palmetto Journal also quotes John Monk, a reporter for The State newspaper in Columbia, S.C., as saying: "I was at Bush's speech last week, both in the U.S. House chamber (in the press gallery) during the speech and outside in Statuary Hall for an hour afterwards. Strom was not there. No one I talked with saw Strom that night. I was on the lookout for him because that's why I went to Washington-- to do a story on him. Also, his office said he was not there, which I reported in my Sunday articles on Strom. ... So NewsMax gets caught in another apparent lie. But since it's about a Clinton, don't look for a correction. As long as it makes the Clintons look bad, the truth doesn't matter. |