Third-Party Concern-Trolling At The MRC

The Media Research Center fretted that efforts to put a third-party candidate on the presidential ballot weren't getting traction -- but censored the fact that those efforts were being driven by pro-Trump interests.

Related: The MRC's Ironic Promotion Of RFK Jr.'s Presidential Campaign

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The MRC's Hunter Biden Derangement, Winter 2024, Part 2

A lot of the wind was taken out of the Media Research Center's Hunter-hating sails when a key informant turned out to be be a liar -- but it still won't tell its readers that it altered dozens of NewsBusters posts to reflect that information.

Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 3

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian has used the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine to hypocritically accuse others of what he and WND have been doing for years.

The MRC's Dirty War On George Soros: New Year, Same Hate

The Media Research Center went into 2024 performatively freaking out over George Soros investing in more radio stations and whining that organizations he funds call out right-wing misinformation online.

A Conspiracy Promoter At Newsmax

Michael Dorstewitz has used his Newsmax column to push the usual right-wing conspiracies about the 2020 election and the Capitol riot.

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