Jesse Lee Peterson's Obama DerangementAs with many WND columnists, Peterson has acquired the disease of spouting bizarre and hateful things about the president.By Terry Krepel ![]() Jesse Lee PetersonPeterson seems to spew hatred at the president every chance he gets -- convenient since he has a weekly WorldNetDaily column. And he appears to be learning from his fellow WND columnists. From Erik Rush, he seems to have learned to not put his prime Obama derangement in his WND column. Peterson ranted to for a March 10 article, bizarrely declaring that Obama's speech marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, was nothing more than a Klan rally (no, we are not making this up): “There was no hope in that rally,” Peterson said. “Just think about this: 50 years later we have a black president in the United States of America. This country has done more than any other country to make amends for slavery in this country and yet there was no appreciation of that. There was no praise of America, thanking America for what it had done. It was as though it was still 1955.” From Mychal Massie, he has learned to say things that would be considered racist if a white person spoke them. For his March 16 column, Peterson retooled his Klan remarks to tar all blacks with the insult: It’s evil for Obama to inflame anger among blacks and exploit it for political gain. But, if blacks weren’t so hateful, they couldn’t be manipulated. Chief among those not having a forgiving spirit is Peterson himself. Check this anti-Obama screed in his Oct. 12 column: You can say what you want about Barack Obama. But one thing you can’t take away from him: The guy knows how to spread evil!
The silence from the U.S. government regarding the above atrocities is shameful. Barack Hussein Obama has long ago chosen his side. His quick condemnation of any alleged persecution of Muslims, and utter silence as Christians are slaughtered like animals, tells us all what we need to know. And his outrageous sellout of Israel both before and after its recent elections should have awakened every Jewish person. -- March 30 Barack Obama and others like him have a direct connection to evil; whereas too often people serving God are not directly connected to truth. This is why Obama can lie and push his destructive agenda and mercilessly attack our freedoms and sacred institutions. -- Feb. 15 If Obama is not stopped, ISIS, al-Qaida, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood will have their way, and America will be forced to bow to Islam (as Obama bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia). Then, the only choice left for us will be to submit or die. -- Feb. 8 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than half of American households now receive benefits from the government. -- Jan. 25 Black leaders say “black lives matter,” yet they’re teaching black youth to hate, showing that black lives don’t really matter. Misguided hate drives blacks to hurt and kill; and it destroys the hater, too. -- Dec. 7 Barack Obama continues to draw moral equivalency between police and rioters. His dad was a raging alcoholic who neglected him. His mother was a radical who pushed young Obama on bad role models who shaped his anti-American and racist worldview. -- Nov. 30 Leftists have long been using “the children” to manipulate the emotions of the public, extort American taxpayers, gather power and degrade our way of life. Barack Obama has taken this process to an insane extreme with his self-created border mess. -- July 13 The con: The Democratic Party, the civil rights establishment and the mainstream media convinced blacks not to look at Obama’s far-left associations, ideology or record, but rather to be enamored by the prospect of electing the “first African-American president.” -- June 29 Newsflash to black Americans: Barack Obama has never loved you, and by now it should be clear to you! -- June 15 Obama is committed to his socialist redistribution of wealth agenda, and he is fulfilling his promise to fundamentally transform America! -- June 8 * * * Peterson used to present himself -- and was presented by WND -- as a conservative version of Jesse Jackson. But did Jackson ever publicly express as much hatred toward a president as Peterson has for Obama? Not that we recall. But the Obama-hate fits in nicely with WND's overall Obama derangement editorial agenda, so Peterson will continue to be give free rein, no matter how much he destroys his reputation doing it. |