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Monday, September 26, 2022
How Is Michael Brown Hating LGBT People Now?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown loves to pretend that he really doesn't hate LGBT people, even though pretty much every action he takes reinforces the fact that he does. The hate has unsurprisingly continued over the summer. In his July 11 column following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, Brown rooted for it to be followed by the banning of same-sex marriage as right-wing Justice Clarence Thomas advocated (and yet again falsely denying he hates LGBT people):

Before the Supreme Court's official decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was released, President Biden was already warning that same-sex "marriage" would be next. As he said in May, "It's not just the brutality of taking away a woman's right to her body ... but it also, if you read the opinion ... basically says there's no such thing as the right to privacy. If that holds ... mark my words: They are going to go after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage." Was he right?


Personally, regardless of whose legal argument is right (in terms of Alito or Thomas), I do hope that the Court revisits the Obergefell ruling. But that is not because of animus I have toward gays and lesbians. It is simply because the Court had no business redefining marriage.

That decision should never have been in the hands of nine justices, nor is there any way under the sun our founders would have countenanced such a thing. Could you even imagine how the signers of the Constitution would react to such a scenario?

"Gentlemen, are you comfortable with the idea that, based on the division of powers you have outlined, the Supreme Court could one day redefine marriage so that two men or two women could marry each other?"

The question itself would not have even qualified as a poor joke. It would have been too ridiculous (and, plainly, distasteful) even to draw a smile.


As for the argument that "love is love," that is not the issue here, since it's not up to the court to determine what is and is not loving. Plus, most all of us would agree that some relationships should not be recognized by the courts or by society, no matter how loving they might be. (Included in this list would be adult, consensual, incestuous relationships, such as two gay brothers or a father and his adult daughter.)

And as far as loving relationships go, I have no doubt that there are thousands of gay couples who love each other dearly and deeply, even sacrificially. In fact, the Obergefell case itself involves a very touching story.

I am also acutely aware of how much the Court's ruling meant to same-sex couples throughout America, giving them a feeling of legitimization and respect.

I do not minimize any of this, especially as a follower of Jesus who genuinely cares about those who identify as LGBTQ+. They hurt and suffer pain and feel rejection like anyone else, and I don't relish the fact that my words seem hateful to them on the most visceral level.

But I am even more committed to honoring the God who created us male and female and who never intended for men to be with men and women to be with women. And I am sure that the Court's ruling in 2015 was a massive step in the wrong direction.

My hope is that it will not take almost 50 years to reverse Obergefell and, more fundamentally, that, just as America has shifted radically towards LGBTQ+ activism in recent years, the tide will turn here as well.

Brown is, in fact, minimizing gay marriage by demanding that their relationships must not be legally recognized.

Brown used his July 20 column to rant against transgender people and mocking how to describe them (while, again falsely claiming compassion for them):

On the other hand, the mainstreaming of this societal craziness is particularly shocking, especially when we think of the devastatingly destructive impact it has had on impressionable children. (For my recent article on this, see here.) How could so many people accept as normative something that is so very bizarre? (I say this with compassion for those who struggle with their gender identity while at the same time being convinced that hormone therapy and sex-change surgery are not the way to go.)


For example, the Cleveland Clinic website notes that, "While Afib can affect anyone, it's more common among people of European descent. However, Black people who have Afib are more likely to have serious complications such as stroke or heart failure. People assigned female at birth (AFAB) are more commonly diagnosed than people assigned male at birth (AMAB)."

So, there are even acronyms for these terms now, AFAB and AMAB. (I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that these acronyms will not replace female and male in the long term.)

Couple these acronyms with the discussion about Afib, and the whole thing almost sounds like an Abbott and Costello parody.

"Doctor, do I have Afib?"

"First I need to know if you're an AFAB or an AMAB. This way I can tell you if you're an AFAB with Afib or an AMAB with Afib."

"But what if I don't have Afib?"

"Then you're an AFAB without Afib or an AMAB without Afib. But first tell me if you're AFAB or AMAB and then we'll discuss Afib."

Sarcasm aside, the very fact that doctors need to distinguish between "AFAB" and "AMAB" is because there is a difference between females and males, and that difference directly affects many health outcomes and treatments. Of course biology matters!

Brown ranted against same-sex marriage again -- and that some Republicans don't hate it as much as he does -- in his July 22 column:

As reported by Fox News on July 19, "A vote to codify same-sex marriage into federal law split House Republicans on Tuesday, with roughly a third of the GOP conference voting with Democrats in favor and the rest opposing.

"In a 267-157 vote, the House passed legislation repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and enshrining protections for gay marriage into federal law. Overall, 47 House Republicans voted with nearly every single Democrat to back the measure, dubbed the Respect for Marriage Act."

Let that sink in for a moment.

It is bad enough that this bill is called the "Respect for Marriage Act," seeing that the "marriage" of which it speaks represents a radical and fundamental redefining of the institution of marriage.

And it is to the shame of the Democratic Party that "nearly every single Democrat" voted in favor of the measure.

But it is no surprise that the Democrats voted this way, seeing that they are overtly and proudly pro-LGBTQ+. Perhaps the only surprise is that there were any who did not toe the line.

But for 47 Republicans to vote this way, representing almost 25% of all Republicans in the House, is both surprising and shameful.

That's because the Republican Party is supposed to be the pro-life, pro-family party, the party that upholds traditional Judeo-Christian values. Why else do so many conservative Christians vote Republican if not for these core moral and social values?

And, yes, he played his bogus compassion card:

Again, as I have said many times, by saying this, I do not mean that gay couples do not love each other deeply. And I do not deny that many of them are incredibly devoted parents. I simply mean that marriage throughout history, with the rarest and slightest exceptions (like Nero marrying a man who took on female characteristics), has always been the union of a male and female. And from a biblical perspective, the idea of two men or two women marrying would be utterly abhorrent.

For 47 House Republicans to vote to protect this new version of "marriage" is deplorable (in the worst sense of the word), regardless of what Republican senators decide to do.

Brown began his Aug. 19 column by huffing: "Just as we should have compassion on those who truly struggle with their gender identity, we should stand firmly against transgender activism. Thankfully, there are more and more signs that the tide is turning against this latest example of sociological contagion." Needless to say, the column contains much more transphobia than it does the "compassion" he falsely claims to have.HE continued to huff:

Thank God for a moment of sanity in the midst of today's cultural madness. And how telling it is that the school leadership was shocked by the response of the parents. Moms and dads, keep raising your voices!


The bad news is that some cultural commentators have been sounding the alarm about transgender radicalism for many years.

The good news is that society is waking up to reality.

The bad news is that many young lives have already been irreparably destroyed, at least physically.

Let us, then, do our best to hasten the societal turn by continuing to get the truth out. The time for doing that is now.

Brown is too consumed by anti-LGBT hate to be considered a credible source of "truth."

Brown spent his Sept. 19 column reminding readers that all non-heterosexuals must be hated, not just the transgender ones:

Whatever the cause, the fact is that, as much as opposition to transgender activism has increased, opposition to LGB activism has decreased.

This is a serious error, theologically, morally and practically, since the transgender movement is just the logical extension of the homosexual movement, the inevitable next step on the LGBQ trajectory.


Without any possible doubt, if we do not reaffirm our position that homosexual practice and same-sex relationships are sinful in God's sight and detrimental to society, we will lose the moral battle for our nation. If we do not reaffirm our belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, we will see a continued downward spiral into sexual and gender confusion.

There is nothing more fundamental to a society than the institution of marriage, and once you redefine that, you redefine everything. Once you say that biology does not matter when it comes to marriage, it's a small jump to say that biology doesn't matter when it comes to gender identity, and from there, it's an even smaller jump to putting children on puberty blockers and subjecting them to mutilating surgery. And once kids are raised in a same-sex environment with two mommies or two daddies, no matter how loving and caring those parents might be, it will bring confusion on the next generation.


Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that by opposing radical transgender activism, we can stem the larger decline into sexual confusion, which itself is the natural fruit of the sexual revolution, which quickly went from hetero to homo to beyond.

By all means, let us truly love our neighbors as ourselves and practice decency and civility. But we can do that without affirming that which violates God's fundamental order and plan. To ignore the LGB while opposing the T is a shortsighted counsel of despair.

Brown didn't mention any of the purported compassion he has for the LGBT community -- perhaps he's finally understanding that he's lying to himself, and his readers, by claiming he has any.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:19 PM EDT
MRC Comes To DeSantis' Defense Again, This Time Over Election Cops
Topic: Media Research Center

There's nothing Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis does that the Media Research Center won't defend. When DeSantis formed a special police unit to enforce "election integrity," the MRC unsuprisingly rushed to defend him. Kyle Drennen complained in a Feb. 7 post:

On Monday, CBS Mornings adopted the left-wing premise that a new election fraud investigative unit in the State of Florida was a threat to democracy and proceeded to line up Democrats to denounce the specialized law enforcement team as a racist “goon squad.” The segment ultimately concluded that Republican Governor Ron DeSantis – unlike his Democratic opponents – was entirely motivated by “politics.”


Wrapping up the segment, Dokoupil asked this loaded question: “So, Ed, as you point out, there are vanishingly few cases of actual election fraud and zero evidence of any kind of systematic fraud....So what’s behind this new effort in Florida, and by all these Republicans in different states?” O’Keefe promptly dismissed the measures: “Politics. It’s about appealing to the Trump base.”

Funny how the Democrats O’Keefe featured – including those not properly identified as such – were not depicted as having any ulterior political motivation at all.

Drennen offered no evidence that there was no partisan motivation behind DeSantis' election squad.

Kevin Tober served up more complaints about criticism in an April 25 post:

On Monday night’s episode of The ReidOut, the vile and race-obsessed MSNBC host Joy Reid opened her show by throwing a tantrum over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signing into law the creation of a new state election integrity unit that will be tasked with helping the state enforce election laws and crackdown on voter fraud or other election irregularities. 

Reid started off by referring to DeSantis as “Baby MAGA” and wailed that he “signed a bill that allows him to create his own private police force that is tasked with pursuing alleged election law violations.” 

Doubling down on the myth that conservatives who want to uphold the integrity of our elections are promoting “the big lie”, Reid quipped “just lovely, the big lie will now have its own battalion of goons. I wonder who they’ll go after first. I think you can guess.”


It’s telling that Joy Reid hears the news of DeSantis wanting to crack down on voter fraud and immediately thinks of black people. Is she telling us that only black people commit voter fraud? Who’s the real racist? It seems like Reid is the only racist in this equation, not DeSantis.

An April 26 post by Alex Christy complaining about a CNN report on the DeSantis' election cops tried to turn the tables by insisting that the eletion cops won't intimidate voters but, instead, it's speculation about them that will actually suppress voter turnout: "CNN has set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. It doesn’t matter that Florida isn’t intimidating voters, but if it falsely reports that it is, people will believe it, which will lead to a lower turnout, which they will then claim validates their false reporting."

When DeSantis announced that his election cops had arrested 20 people for allegedly voting when not eligible, it was Curtis Houck's turn to deflect from criticism in an Aug. 23 post:

In an editorial for Tuesday’s print edition, The Washington Post screeched over an announcement last week from Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) that, as per a release from his office, 20 people were arrested for having despite having been banned from voting for having been convicted of either murder or sex crimes.

The Post’s argument? Such a measure to protect our elections systems “will have a chilling effect” on our democracy. To put this another way, The Post is so deranged and hates conservatives so much that, in order to oppose them, they’ll go to the mat for murderers and sex offenders.

The piece began by lamenting the event announcing the charges “felt like a rally for an unannounced 2024 presidential campaign” and that the charges themselves were “a clear effort to deter legitimate voting.”

But again, it was against the law for these convicted felons to vote.


Another grievance? The fact that “most were from the heavily Democratic counties of Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade” so as to make it seem like it’s only a problem for one side of the aisle.

Actually, that focus on people of color in Democratic counties would seem to more than justify the fears the MRC had previously dismissed. As the Post noted, four people from Florida's right-wing senior enclave The Villages have also been arrested for alleged voting fraud, but DeSantis "did not hold a press conference to celebrate that triumph of law enforcement."

Houck also complained that "The Post explained that their gripe derived in part from the fact that 'the tiny number of cases brought so far underscores the paucity of voter fraud' and excused away the actions of the defendants due to what they speculated was some confusion." Given that, as the Post also reported, those 20 alleged violations occured in an election in which more than 11 million people voted.

There's also a legitimate concern regarding the confusion angle. Advocates for those arrested have said those accused had no deliberate intent -- which is required under state law -- and some said government officials had actually sent them voter registration materials, leading them to believe they were eligible to vote.

But the MRC's readers don't about these developments because it has not addressed the story again. DeSantis can't be questioned, after all.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:45 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, September 26, 2022 2:24 PM EDT
NEW ARTICLE: CNS' Hot Intern Propaganda Summer
This summer, had its interns put fake news and right-wing narratives ahead of practicing actual journalism and their usual job of pestering members of Congress with biased gotcha questions. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:34 AM EDT
Sunday, September 25, 2022
MRC Whines That Interviews With Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Weren't Sleazy Enough
Topic: Media Research Center

You don't have to be Hunter Biden to be obsessively attacked by the Media Research Center. Merely having the Biden name will do. A June 1 post by Scott Whitlock tried to attack the president's brother:

If you thought that Hunter Biden was the only First Family member with disturbing financial dealings and foreign connections, you would be wrong. But you could also be forgiven for not knowing about James Biden, brother to the President. Just like his son Hunter, the networks have mostly failed to ask questions about this sibling. 

James Biden has concerning associations with Chinese businesses linked to the country’s Communist Party. But even though Joe Biden announced his presidential run back on April 25, 2019, it wasn’t until April 2022 when CBS realized there might be some questionable connections. 

Until then, CBS was silent on James Biden. ABC and NBC still have failed to investigate him. On April 6 and 7, 2022, the CBS Evening News and CBS Mornings< devoted a combined five minutes and 51 seconds to James. That's the network total in more than three years.


When will the networks start investigating James Biden? Hunter Biden? Their connection to Joe Biden? When Donald Trump was president, journalists saw it as their job to speak truth to power, to make sure democracy didn’t die in darkness. But with the ethically-challenged  Biden family, no journalistic skepticism is allowed.

It’s time for ABC, CBS and NBC to do their jobs. Fully investigate all questionable Biden family members and all their connections.

By contrast, when Donald Trump's sister Mary Trump came forward to make credible charges about Donald's dealings with his family, the MRC tried (and failed) to discredit her. In other words, it doesn't always consider presidential siblings to be important.

The MRC even lashed out at Hunter Biden's ex-wife not hating him to the extent it (and the rest of the right-wing media bubble that's equally and bizarrely obsessed with Hunter). Tim Graham whined in a June 14 post that an interview with the ex wasn't salacious enough forthe demands of right-wing media (and perhaps his own personal proclivities):

ABC’s Good Morning America put Hunter Biden into the news – a rare event – with an interview with his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, who has a new memoir out on their turbulent life together.

The interviewer was Amy Robach, and the questions were preposterously vague, and the answers look carefully curated. The infamous laptop came up, for just seconds. In laptop videos, Hunter was doing drugs and making porn with prostitutes, and Robach just said he was "looking disheveled"?


If this sounds like someone trying to stay in the First Family, you should know her daughter Naomi has a White House wedding coming up. In an almost seven-minute interview, it took them more than four minutes to get to Hunter cheating with his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie. 

Curtis Houck similarly demanded more porn and sleaze in a June 16 post:

Two days after ABC’s Good Morning America and co-host Amy Robach aired what our Tim Graham called an interview with Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle featuring “preposterously vague” questions and “carefully curated” answers, Thursday’s CBS Mornings sunk lower in ignoring topics such as Hunter’s infamous laptop and his alleged child out of wedlock.

Instead, Mason — who, like Robach, previously interviewed Hunter — focused on Hunter’s spiraling after his brother Beau’s death, his affair with said brother’s widow, and vague discussions about Hunter’s “finances.” Worse yet, co-host Tony Dokoupil falsely claimed that Hunter’s “become a frequent headline in the news.”


The closet Mason and Buhle got to Hunter’s life of corruption was her insistence she was in the dark on the family’s finances and, while she wasn’t subpoenaed or called before the grand jury as part of the U.S. Attorney in Delaware’s probe, she “talked to certain investigators”

In the promotion for his June 17 podcast, Graham whined further that his sleaze demands weren't satiated by the interviews with Buhle:

Excerpts from a new memoir from Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's ex-wife, were posted by People magazine on June 1, but ABC and CBS didn't air their softball interviews with Kathleen until this week.

Hunter's still mostly getting off the hook. Kathleen insists she knew nothing about the mysterious family finances, and that she's make a terrible witness for the federal investigation of Hunter going on right now.

Both ABC and CBS eventually raised the embarrassing revelation that Hunter cheated on Kathleen not just with a conga line of prostitutes, but even with his brother Beau's widow, Hallie. Joe and Jill Biden even put out a statement of support for Hunter and Hallie's affair. How weird is that?

Not as weird as Graham demanding constant mention of porn every time Hunter's name comes up. Is there something Tim needs to share with the class?

Graham spent a June 18 post being mad at the Washington Post for pointing that Buhle's book is seemingly for right-wing Hunter obsessives like himself though it lacks the dirt people like him have been demanding, and as usual, he has nothing but whataboutism to offer in return:

On Friday, The Washington Post published a book review of Kathleen Buhle's memoir about being married to Hunter Biden. But Post writer Karen Heller didn't like the book -- or the audience she thinks is interested in it.

She warned "And obsessive Hunter gatherers out there, be warned, the book contains nary a mention of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma or the infamous laptop left at the Delaware repair shop."


So Kathleen is a sap. She's so dumb she can't even see Hunter cheated with his brother's widow, and that is recounted in the awful anti-Biden press. "The affair goes public in the New York Post, the tabloid that will turn Hunter’s lobbying exploits and role as a Burisma board member into something of a full-time beat."

There's zero shame that ahem, The Washington Post has made the Trump family's finances a full-time beat.

Graham then huffed that it is "a very partisan question" for the reviewer to ponder if Buhle's tome is "really a book the public is asking to read." For sleaze-hunters like Graham, it clearly was -- though he went on to attack Lena Dunham's memoir from way back in 2014.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:20 PM EDT
CNS Attacks Fauci After His Retirement Announcement
Topic: loved to parrot right-wing hatred of Anthony Fauci for his role in fighting the COVID pandemic. In a July 27 article, for instance, Craig Bannister plucked a Fauci statement that he "didn't recommend locking anything down" to cherry-pick old statements in which he allegedly did. In fact, Fauci's statement was taken out of context; his full statement shows he was speaking specifically about schools. So when Fauci announced his retirement plans last month, CNS made sure to voice those right-wing attacks again.

An anonymously (and blandly) written Aug. 22 article focused on the announcement and that "President Biden released a statement praising Fauci." The attacks began the next day: An article by Susan Jones played to right-wing obsessions with transhumanism with the headline "Dr. Fauci: 'We Have to Pay Much More Attention to the Animal/Human Interface'," going on to repeat other attacks from Republicans who are demanding he testify before Congress (despite offering no evidence he has ever refused to do so), which particular focus on professional Fauci--basher rand Paul::

Fauci has downplayed the Wuhan lab-leak theory of COVID's origins, drawing criticism from those who suggest he may have reasons to deny that theory. (Sen. Rand Paul tweeted on Monday: "Fauci’s resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak.")


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is a particularly sharp critic of Fauci. Paul has argued that Fauci is promulgating "disinformation" that is "actually harmful," including the suggestion that masks protect people from COVID and that prior infection with COVID is less effective than an mRNA shot.

Jones did note that Fauci pushed back on "conspiracy theories which don't make any sense at all, pushing back on sound public health measures, you know, making it look like trying to save lives is encroaching on people's freedom," but didn't mention that right-wingers like Paul are among the ones pushing them.

Bannister returned with an article entirely devoted to Republican attacks on Fauci:

On Monday, President Joe Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he’ll be retiring from government service in December, but Republicans vow that won’t stop them from investigating him for any misdeeds concerning the COVID pandemic, if they take control of Congress in November.

“This guy is a coward,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) tweeted Monday, reacting to Fauci’s announcement:

“Dr. Fauci is conveniently resigning from his position in December before House Republicans have an opportunity to hold him accountable for destroying our country over these past three years. This guy is a coward.”

Other Republican leaders in both the House and Senate echoed Rep. Biggs, promising that retirement won’t shield Fauci from Congressional investigation and being held accountable for any COVID-related wrongdoing:

Bannister did not quote any Republican politician naming any specific "COVID-related wrongdoing" Fauci has purportedly engaged in.

Bannister served up yet another attack afrticle later in the day:

White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has “touched all Americans’ lives with his work,” President Joe Biden said Monday – but, not everyone says that’s a good thing.

“Whether you’ve met him personally or not, he has touched all Americans’ lives with his work,” Pres. Biden said in reacting to Fauci’s announcement that he will retire in December from his positions as Biden's chief medical director, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation.

Indeed, Dr. Fauci did affect the lives of all Americans – but, he did so by presiding over the “greatest debacle in public health history,” former White House Coronavirus Adviser and current Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Dr. Scott Atlas says.

In an appearance Monday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Dr. Atlas noted the harm done to Americans by the lockdowns and school closures Dr. Fauci recommended, as well as by the NIH’s failure to help make “already-approved, low-cost” anti-coronavirus drugs available:

We've previously noted that Atlas has no expertixe in virology or immunology; he also pushed a dangerous "herd immunity" strategy in his brief time in the Trump Whtie House.Those “already-approved, low-cost” anti-coronavirus drugs Atlas is referring to are likely hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which have not been legitimately proven to fight COVID.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:40 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 25, 2022 7:53 PM EDT
Saturday, September 24, 2022
MRC Suggests Dark Soros Conspiracy To Redefine Recession At ... Wikipedia?
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center has been screaming loudly that the U.S. is in a recession, President Biden is the only person who could possibly be responsible, and only a rigid definition of two quarters of negative GDP counts as the definition. It even roped its favorite conspiracy target, George Soros, into its recession obsession. A July 26 post by chief MRC Soros obsessive Joseph Vazquez suggested Soros was behind a grand conspiracy to redefine a recession:

The White House attempted to gaslight Americans by casting confusion over the meaning of a recession. But did it take its cues from a major publication funded by liberal billionaire George Soros? 

The White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released propaganda July 21: “It is unlikely that the decline in GDP in the first quarter of this year—even if followed by another GDP decline in the second quarter—indicates a recession.”

Three days earlier, major liberal global publication Project Syndicate released a column by Jeffrey Frankel, a Harvard economist and research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, which bloviated the same talking points: “[E]ven if the [Bureau of Economic Analysis] estimate is negative, however, it does not necessarily mean that the US has entered a recession.”

Frankel further gaslighted that “a US recession is not defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” But a publication from Frankel’s own institution – the Harvard Business Review – even noted in a 2019 research article that recessions are “defined as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.”

Frankel even went so far as to suggest that “contrary to popular belief, first-quarter growth was not necessarily negative,” even though first-quarter GDP growth contracted 1.6 percent. The BEA is set to release second-quarter GDP numbers July 28.

Soros’ Open Society Foundations funneled at least $1,532,105 into the spin-doctor Project Syndicate just between 2018 and 2020 alone. Project Syndicate boasts about its so-called “unparalleled” global reach. It notes that it is currently active in 156 countries, works with 508 media outlets and has had its commentaries appear in 66 languages. In 2021, Project Syndicate distributed 1,385 columns and was published a total “of 20,393 times around the world.” 

Like Project Syndicate, Frankel also has ties to Soros.

In the world of Vazquez and the MRC, disagreeing with right-wing propaganda means you're spreading "propaganda" yourself.

A July 29 post by Jeffrey Clark bizarrely portraying Wikipedia edits as part of a Soros conspiracy:

Wikipedia, a site funded by George Soros, followed the liberal media’s lead in shielding the Biden administration on bad economic news. The online encyclopedia literally redefined the word recession on its website in recent days.

The move sparked outrage on Twitter, with even Tesla CEO Elon Musk slamming Wikipedia in a viral tweet: “Wikipedia is losing its objectivity.” 

Wikipedia allowed at least 116 edits to the “recession” page on its site in the past week alone. It appeared to be an attempt to downplay the “technical definition” of recession, which is characterized by two quarters of negative GDP growth. After the government released a July 28 report revealing that GDP had indeed fallen for a second-consecutive quarter by 0.9 percent, some Twitter users speculated about whether the timing was pure coincidence. 

The Wikimedia Foundation, which hosts Wikipedia, reported in 2018 that Soros committed $2 million to support the platform. “‘The Endowment is not just a practical way to support Wikipedia,’” Soros said at the time. “‘My gift represents a commitment to the ideals of open knowledge—and to the long-term importance of free knowledge sources that benefit people around the world.’”

Does Clark nor anyone else at the MRC understand how Wikipedia works? It's a user-edited website, and users are the ones who worked on the reession page. Clarkoffers no evidence whatsoever that Soros persoanlly directed anyone to edit the page, nor does he explain why he thinks Wikipedia management should meddle in content management -- which he would be attacking as "censorship" if the page in question involved something near and dear to the hearts of right-wingers like himself. Indeed, he complained that "MRC Business has yet to receive comment from Wikipedia on why so many changes were allowed before the second-quarter GDP report dropped early on July 28," apparently not understanding that limiting what edits are "allowed" is generally not something Wikipedia does.

The MRC's obsession with Soros is going further into la-la land.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:01 PM EDT
WND's Lively Once Again Tries To Justify His Hatred Of LGBT People
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In his Aug. 1 WorldNetDaily column, notorious homophobe Scott Lively announced this would be "the first in a series of articles explaining the history behind today's LGBT movement." Translated: Lively would be trying to yet again justify his hatred form LGBT people. That column raged against the idea of a right to privacy, and his attack on the Supreme Court justice whom he says championed it has anti-Semitic overtones masquerading as anti-Marxism:

The "father" of the "right to privacy" was Justice Louis Brandeis, the secularized Jewish Marxist son of "heretical Sabbatean" Frankist (anti-Torah) parents who believed their religious duty was to "transgress as many moral boundaries as possible." Brandeis co-authored an 1890 article in Harvard Law Review "widely regarded as the first publication in the United States to advocate a right to privacy, articulating that right primarily as a 'right to be let alone.'" And he was made an associate justice of the Supreme Court by Woodrow Wilson in 1916 where he advocated relentlessly for its adoption as constitutional law.

While there are many aspects of the right to privacy that promote and affirm benign and civilization-enhancing human rights, there was a darker side that reflected the Frankist mindset. When finally it was embraced intellectually by SCOTUS as a fundamental right, "privacy" became the primary vehicle for advancing a Frankist and Marxist "social justice" agenda pursuing sexual anarchy through judicial activism, most famously in the landmark case first adopting the "right to privacy" as law: the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut case (contraception on demand for married couples). It was dramatically expanded in the recently overturned 1973 Roe v. Wade decision (judicially legislating abortion on demand).

But the political driving force behind the "right to privacy" as a vehicle for social engineering had since at least the 1940s been the "gay liberation" movement led by the first lasting homosexual rights organization in America, The (Marxist) Mattachine Society (founded in 1950 by Marxist pederast Harry Hay). It's goal and vision, as articulated by early Mattachine leader Dale Jennings was, tellingly, to promote "the right to be left alone."

Lively then complained that after a Supreme Court case rejected LGBT rights based on a right to privacy, emphasis shifted to proving "that homosexuals should be constitutionally protected as a civil rights minority under the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment," the "cornerstone" of which was "the 'born gay' hoax." He spent his Aug. 8 column column attacking that, starting with suggesting without evidence that anti-LGBT hate crimes are mostly hoaxes:

Usually, these committees focused their efforts on combating "hate crimes," and public opinion about these crimes was shaped by annual or more frequent reports on "hate crime" statistics, based largely upon unverified citizen reporting systems that served to create the impression that "hate" was a significant and growing problem in the community that could only be solved by anti-discrimination ordinances passed into law by local authorities. Incidental "hate crimes" (real or staged) in the community provided additional opportunities to push for these laws. If a local community was too conservative to include "sexual orientation" in the list of protected groups, it would be left out at first and added by amendment later.

This "Lavender Bulldozer" strategy, as I called it, was brilliantly diabolical and very effective. They used the left's control of the "blue" cities to work from the bottom up to establish the appearance of a nationwide trend of citizen support for the concept of homosexuals as a civil rights minority group meeting all the elements of the constitutional legal test. And wherever "sexual orientation" was granted anti-discrimination protections, the entire LGBT agenda would eventually follow, because opposition and dissent became – in essence – immoral if not actually illegal beyond the technical parameters of the law. And, of course, the left conspired to act as if all opposition was illegal. In virtually every jurisdiction where it passed, the anti-discrimination "shield" against losing one's home or job for "being gay" was in actual practice a "sword" for offensive culture war against all dissenters – including some Christian bakers and other service companies made famous for refusing to submit to bullying.

Once the Lavender Bulldozer strategy had been proven at the municipal level, it was recreated across the cultural landscape, including the business realm, evolving over several decades into today's phenomenon of "woke" fascist control of huge swaths of corporate America.

Lively spent his Aug. 15 column explaining how being attacked for pushing an anti-gay law in Oregon  -- and LGBT people pointing out how marginalized they are in society -- led to him linking gays to Nazis:

The dominant campaign theme of our "No on 9" opponents was that the Oregon Citizens Alliance and me personally were "like the Nazis" for opposing LGBT civil rights status based on "sexual orientation." It was this deeply offensive and utterly false propaganda campaign that initially led me to team up with Orthodox Jewish Holocaust researcher Kevin Abrams to write "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" and to develop strong relationships with numerous pro-family conservative Jews around the nation. But in the process, I uncovered a conspiracy among the LGBTs to basically steal the Jewish Holocaust for themselves for political leverage.

Contrary to today's rising chorus of fringe historical revisionists of the anti-Zionist movement, the Holocaust was an actual plan and policy of Nazi Germany, totally consistent with the philosophy and practice of the eugenicist elites of the early 20th century. Adolf Hitler, John D. Rockefeller, John Harvey Kellogg, Margaret Sanger and Josef Mengele were the Klaus Schwabs, Justin Trudeaus, Gavin Newsoms, Jacinda Arderns and Anthony Faucis of their generation: protean transhumanist sociopaths for whom humanity was mere cattle whose utility could and should be improved by scientific experimentation and selective breeding/culling.

We've documented how "The Pink Swastika" is filled with factual errors that discredit it.

Lively went vaguely anti-Semitic again, suggesting that "before you visit your own local Holocaust memorial to assess and document the extent to which it has been hijacked by the LGBTs," you should "check the donor lists for evidence that LGBT mega-donors have essentially purchased Holocaust 'victimhood rights' from the Jewish hard-leftists (some who are themselves homosexual) who typically run these facilities in gross violation of their own religious mandate."

Lively's Aug. 22 column attacked "the far-left hate-profiteering shark pod, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) whose greed for money is matched only by its hypocrisy," for fighting the Oregon anti-gay law. He ranted that "The SPLC, the corporate media, elected officials, civil rights figureheads and even prosecutors and judges all conspired to subvert justice to advance the overthrow of the Judeo-Christian social order. Alone in Oregon against that cabal stood the OCA and Ballot Measure 9." That would be the Oregon Citizens Alliance, which pushed thte law that Lively helped to write. He went on to whine that "thanks in significant part to the SPLC, the left's propaganda campaign against Measure 9 and OCA was allowed to draw from both black and Jewish victim-symbolism – characterizing OCA leaders and supporters as KKK members and Nazis interchangeably – with NO push-back on the political misuse of either the civil rights movement or the Nazi/Holocaust narrative by leftist Jewish gatekeepers at the SPLC. That was critically important, because even then the SPLC was considered America's premier authority on 'hatred and bigotry' generally and 'white supremacy' specifically."

Of course, Lively has more than ably demonstrated his hatred and bigotry of people who aren't as heterosexual as he claims to be.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:25 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 25, 2022 6:53 PM EDT
Friday, September 23, 2022
MRC's Jean-Pierre-Bashing, Doocy-Fluffing Watch, Stolen Election Edition
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Curtis Houck was practically orgasmic in his writeup of the Sept. 6 White House press briefing -- under the screaming headline "HE WENT THERE" -- cheering a personal attack his mancrush Peter Doocy made against press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:

Fox News’s Peter Doocy opened the short week with a bang during Tuesday’s White House press briefing as, after four months of silence from the entire press corps, he cornered Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over her past tweets falsely claiming the 2016 presidential and 2018 Georgia gubernatorial elections were stolen by Republicans.

With much of the political discourse still fixated on the 2020 election results, it was pertinent for each and every reporter from the AP seat to those in the back corners, but those from the left to the right skimped. And, as Stephen L. Miller wrote, it’s an abject failure that it hadn’t come up.

Doocy took his turn by, as usual, asking a basic question with underlying motivations: “A follow up about that MAGA Republican attention. So, we're all in agreement that it is incorrect to say the 2020 election was stolen, what about the 2016 election?”

Jean-Pierre walked right into the trap by insisting she wasn’t “going to go back to where we were or what happened in 2016” and would instead “focus on the here and now we're going to focus on what's happening today — this inflection point that the President pointed out very clearly, very decisively, and in a few speeches about what the country needs to bring the country together.”

Having been caught, Doocy explained he was “just in trying to understand the new attention on the MAGA Republicans” given her past tweets, but Jean-Pierre interjected to wonder why he hadn’t asked this yet:

JEAN-PIERRE: Oh, I knew this was coming. I was waiting, Peter, when you were going to ask me that.

DOOCY: — well, great. Here we go. You tweeted, Trump stole an election. You tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now —


DOOCY: — why wasn’t it then?

Despite having allegedly spent months anticipating this question, Jean-Pierre’s answer landed with a thud. First, she claimed “that comparison that you made is just ridiculous,” leaving Doocy in a predictably exasperated state and wondering why.

Jean-Pierre argued she was allowed to say elections were stolen (even though “Kemp won the election in Georgia” and “Trump won the election of 2016”) because she “was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and the — what was in danger of voting rights.”

Unsurprisingly, Jean-Pierre further defended questioning election results because at least her side didn’t storm the Capitol in “an attack on our democracy” like on January 6

That's a perfecly valild answer, of course, but Houck will never admit it because that would interfere with his malicious narrative of painting Jean-Pierre as an incompetent diversity hire. And he's certainly not going to call out his beloved Doocy by name for waiting this long to bring up the issue.

And despite that perfectly valid answer, the MRC turned into an right-wing attack narrative anyway. The misogynistic Nicholas Fondacaro used a  Sept. 7 post to attack the co-hosts of "The View" -- who he again hatefully smeared as a "cackling coven" -- for siding with Jean-Pierre:

Doing their part to endanger our country on Wednesday, the cackling coven of ABC’s The View largely defended White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her denialism that former President Donald Trump legitimately won the 2016 election. Although, unusual battle lines were drawn as co-host Sunny Hostin took on co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar. But co-host Sara Haines argued that it’s “always okay” to “question” and “challenge” election results.

After playing a soundbite of Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy pressing Jean-Pierre on her election denialism tweets, Goldberg defended the Press Secretary by saying it didn’t count because “she was not an elected official.”

Goldberg also declared that Jean-Pierre “was doing her part as an American citizen saying how she felt about an election. Whether you like it or not, everybody talks about everybody has the right [to] freedom of speech.”

“Doing her part?” What is this, Starship Troopers? Goldberg’s argument itself was an exercise in hypocrisy as she and The View attacked and smeared Ginni Thomas, a private citizen who just happens to be married to Justice Clarence Thomas, for her past beliefs about the 2020 election.

That would be the same Ginni Thomas whose aggressive efforts to attempt to overturn the 2020 election -- something Jean-Pierre has never been accused of trying to do -- became so pervasive that even Fondacaro's fellow MRC co-workers stopped trying to defend her. Fondacaro also provided no evidence that Thomas' "beliefs" on the 2020 election are, in fact, "past."

If wouldn't be Fondacaro if he wasn't also spewing hate at Alyssa Farah Griffin for not being right-wing enough, so when she made an obvious point, he was enraged: "“Conservative” Alyssa Farah Griffin noted that Democrats like Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Hillary Clinton engaged in election denialism over 2016, but beclowned herself again by arguing what they did was 'a far cry from what Donald Trump did.'" Fondacaro didn't dispute the accuracy of Farah Griffin's statement.

Tim Graham devoted his Sept. 9 column to this non-controversy, rehashing Houck's and Fondacaro's posts to indict Jean-Pierre anew -- though he did GO THERE and mildly criticize Doocy for waiting so long to ask his biased question:

Jean-Pierre tried to call the comparison “ridiculous,” that “I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and the — what was in danger of voting rights.” That changes absolutely nothing. The hypocrisy remains. The only leg these liberals have to stand on is they didn’t riot at the Capitol. They spent most of Trump’s presidency treating him as a Russian-imposed fraud, but that’s somehow not being a dangerous “election denier.”

Conservatives quickly pointed out the obvious: if the press secretary had long anticipated this question, why was the answer so remarkably insufficient?


It’s a rollicking part of our democracy that Democrats seek to keep their minority voters activated and lining up to vote by scaring them relentlessly about Republican conspiracies of “Jim Crow” voter suppression and even “they want y’all in chains,” to quote Vice President Biden. The “independent fact checkers” fail to pounce and the Big Tech platforms won’t squash them for “disinformation” and dangerous election-denier messaging.

Karine Jean-Pierre was only acting like every other cynical liberal playing this game. Doocy could have thrown this question at her when she took over for Jen Psaki in May. Her answer would have been just as lame then.

Meanwhile, Graham's MRC still promotes its version of Trump's Big Lie on the election being stolen from Trump. Talk about cynical game-playing.

This was followed by a Sept. 10 "flashback" post by Scott Whitlock rehashed her comments yet again, whining that "The revolving door between radical MSNBC analyst and Biden White House Press Secretary shows just how little difference there really is between the two leftist outfits." He won't mention the revolving door between the MRC and Fox News.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:33 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 25, 2022 10:20 PM EDT
CNS' Hate-Filled Donohue Spreads Discredited George Soros-Nazi Lie
Topic: columnist and dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue has been on quite the bad-take kick of late. He served up another one in his Aug. 25 column, which he started this way:

Few persons have done more damage to free societies than George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire. Yet in left-wing circles, the 92-year-old is regarded as a hero. That may have something to do with the fact that his Open Society Foundations have been greasing them for decades. Less well known is his record of bigotry.

Soros is known as a "self-hating Jew." As a young man in Hungary he became a Nazi collaborator.

In a 60 Minutes interview, Soros admitted that he helped confiscate property from Jews. He told Steve Kroft that he never regretted doing so. When asked if this was difficult, Soros said, "Not, not at all. Not at all." Stunned, Kroft said, "No feeling of guilt?" "No" came the reply.

That is a filthy lie. As has been repeatedly documented, Soros was a teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary when Soros' father arranged to have his son pose as the nephew of a Hungarian official whose job it was to inventory the property abandoned by Jews who fled the country that the Nazis appropriated, playing no other role beyond helper. As any reasonable person might expect, Soros has no regrets about doing what he needed to do to survive the Nazis.

it appears we can add Donohue to the list of right-wingers who fervently wish that the Nazis had exterminated just one more Jew.

Donohue went on to rant that "Soros has a long history of supporting anti-Catholicism," citing his support of [checks notes] a organization called Catholics for Choice,  who Donohue bizarrely insists is "anti-Catholic" despite being made up of Catholics, continuing:

In January, Catholics for Choice vandalized the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. At a prayer vigil that was held there before the March for Life, the Soros-funded entity desecrated the Basilica by using light-projecting technology to post  anti-Catholic messages on it.

Projecting something on a building cannot possibly be "vandalism" since no damage is done to the building. He then served up a tale that doesn't quite hold together about another Catholic group he hates:

There is one other aspect to this story worth mentioning. After Obama was elected in 2008, the IRS contacted me to say that the Catholic League was under investigation for violating IRS strictures for non-profit organizations. After the probe was finally finished, we received a slap on the wrist.

I promised the IRS official I would not stop hammering pro-abortion anti-Catholic politicians, and that he should inform his superiors of my pledge.

More important, I told him that I knew who was behind the attempt to destroy me. Just before the 2008 election, a CNN staffer sent me copies of a long document detailing news releases I had sent that allegedly violated IRS rules. She did this because the person who sent it to her tried to get me kicked off TV; he sent the document to validate his request.

When the IRS complaint was sent to me before Thanksgiving in 2008, I  quickly concluded that it looked amazingly like the document forwarded to me by the CNN employee. It was sent to her by Catholics United.

In other words, Soros was behind the attempt to silence the Catholic League.

He lost. It's too bad he hasn't lost more often—his legacy of hate has done much harm.

First: His attempt to blame Obama for the audit fails on the facts. He admitted that he received the complaint "before Thanksgiving in 2008" -- two months before Obama took office, meaning that Obama could not possibly have had any influence on the IRS to push for an audit. Further, Donohue said in 2013 that a copy of the Catholics United complaint was leaked to him in October 2008 -- before Obama was even elected.

Second: He offers no evidence whatsoever that Soros has personally targeted Donohue or his little Catholic League group -- he's just copiously dropping Soros'name because he's a right-wing bogeyman and can get clicks by doing so.

More dishonesty from Donohue? Doesn't surprise us at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:00 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 24, 2022 4:23 AM EDT
WND Writers Freak Out Over 'Liberal World Order' Reference They Don't Understand
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh wrote ominously in a July 1 WorldNetDaily article:

Perhaps the "New World Order," a phrase that has been use previously, many times negatively, has too much baggage.

Or perhaps there's another reason.

But a Biden administration official has just confirmed that Americans will have to keep paying those nearly $5 a gallon prices for gasoline because that's what's needed right now for the "Liberal World Order."

The comment came during a CNN appearance by Biden adviser Brian Deese.

He said, "This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm."

His response was to a question about what to tell Americans facing those massively inflated gasoline prices under Biden's policies, where the cost of a tank of gasoline can easily surpass $100.

Unruh didn't mention that WND has beenone of the places where the phrase "New World Order" has been used "negatively." More importantly: While "New World Order" is a code word for right-wing conspikracy theories (hence its aggressive usage by the conspiracy theorists at WND), "liberal world order" means something else entirely and is not interchangable. As explained in debunking the bogus spin peddled by Unruh and other right-wingers:

The term “liberal world order,” also referred to as the “liberal international order,” has been in use since at least the end of World War II when “countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence,” according to the Council on Foreign Relations.


The term has been used by Biden on at least two occasions as president, but it also has been referenced by Republican presidents.

Some drop the word “liberal” and just say “world order,” as former President Richard Nixon did in 1969 in a message to Congress about foreign aid. “U.S. assistance is essential to express and achieve our national goals in the international community — a world order of peace and justice,” Nixon said.


An April 2020 paper titled “The Rise of the Liberal World Order,” written by Samantha A. Taylor for the U.S. Army War College website, explained how the rise of the United States is tied to the creation of the liberal world order.

“[T]he rise of the liberal world order is connected to the rise of the United States in the international system. This development occurred in three phases. The first phase occurred between 1917 and 1945, during which the United States emerged as a world power,” wrote Taylor, a visiting professor at the college. “The second phase from 1945 to 1991 occurred as the United States stood as one of two superpowers. The third phase began in 1991 and continues to today, where the United States stands as the world’s sole superpower and supporter of the liberal world order.”

But that context is ignored in social media posts that misleadingly suggest Biden is pushing a “new liberal world order” to make Americans pay “high gas prices forever.”

But as we all know, WND refuses to let the truth interfere with a reasonably clickbait-y right-wing narrative.Andy Schlafly huffed in his July 5 WND column:

"This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm," declared Biden administration official Brian Deese.

That was the administration's answer to the question posed by CNN: "What do you say to those families who say, 'Listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable'?"

"Liberal world order" is apparently what globalists meant all along when they spoke of a "new world order" and a "new normal."

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, uses the "Great Reset" to refer to the globalist vision for the future. The elite met there again in May to reassert their control over politics worldwide.


Also called the "liberal international order," globalists insist on a system in which all the important decisions are made by phony experts who set norms of conduct without input or rejection by citizens of individual nation-states. The views of American voters are irrelevant under this scheme, as voters are then told we are bound by treaties and must participate in foreign wars.


The cat is out of the bag: Higher gas prices are due to Democrats' insistence on a liberal world order. No thanks to that.

Brent Smith used his July 8 WND column to manufacture a conspiracy theory about the guy who said the phrase:

Yet it would seem we have another player, or players, in the running as Biden's "shadow president."

His name is Brian Deese. You're probably saying to yourself – wait, I know that name. And if you've been paying attention, you would. He was the guy who last week on CNN exclaimed, "Americans should 'stand firm' on paying record-high gas prices because the 'future of the liberal world order' is more important."

I don't know about you, but to me that's an odd thing for Biden's director of the National Economic Council to say. Sounds more like something that Bond villain and WEF head Klaus Schwab would say.


And this is why, in 2020, immediately after the presidential election, Deese left BlackRock to join the Biden administration. But did he ever really leave BlackRock? More likely, in the opinion of Rucker and me, he is the BlackRock insider that may be running the show from inside the White House.

And I don't think it's being done covertly. I think he was invited in to help usher in the Great Reset and the New World Order, or as Deese describes it: the Liberal World Order. And he/they are happy to use us and ruin the greatest nation on Earth to do so.

The question that could then be asked: Is it Deese running the show, or does he take marching orders from others at BlackRock? Who knows, for now.

Note that both Schlafly and Smith drop the name of Klaus Schwab, who is apparently the heir apparent to George Soros on the right-wing world-controlling conspiracy front.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:53 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 24, 2022 9:56 PM EDT
NEW ARTICLE -- New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: July 2022
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center is keeping up its nasty narrative of new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as an incompetent diversity hire (and, of course, continuing to fluff Peter Doocy). Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:40 AM EDT
Thursday, September 22, 2022
The MRC's Summer of Hunter Biden Derangement
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center's Hunter Biden Derangement Sydrome is legion, largely devoted to whining that the story regarding his laptop was ignored by the media (even though it should really be criticizing the New York Post for not providing independent verification of the story that would have made it more likely to be taken as seriously as the MRC demands). Over the summer, the MRC continued to manufacture "scandals" regarding Hunter Biden that it demanded must be covered outside its right-wing media bubble, declaring every single negative attack, no matter how small, as its own "scandal." A June 8 item by Geoffrey Dickens complained under the headline "Seven NEW Hunter Biden Scandals the Networks Refuse to Report On":

The scandalous hits from Hunter Biden keep coming, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news primarily from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks. 

From very serious allegations of corruption that that could hurt President Joe Biden’s credibility (Hunter’s business partners visiting the White House) to the kind of salacious headlines that would dominate the news cycles if this was a son of a Republican president (Hunter allegedly cavorts around with an illegal gun while with a hooker) the nets have been completely silent.


The following are just a FEW of the Hunter scandals that have been revealed since March 16 and how ABC, CBS and NBC have covered or, more accurately, not covered them:

Dickens ramped up the numbers in a July 12 post headlined "Ten NEW Hunter Biden Scandals the Networks Are CENSORING":

ABC, CBS and NBC still refuse to cover the latest Hunter Biden scandals, even as they pile up on an almost daily basis. 

Because they are so in the tank for the Biden administration the broadcast networks remain stubborn in their refusal to report on evidence that links directly to the President himself like Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter that disproves his claim he “never” spoke to Hunter about his “business dealings. The networks have also been completely silent on the kind of salacious headlines (Hunter may face federal prostitution charges) that would dominate the news cycles if this was a son of a Republican president.

Of course, Dickens and the MRC would be vociferously denying such scandals if this was "a son of a Republican president" and accusing the media of "liberal bias" for reporting them, so perhaps Dickens' rhetoric is not terribly based in reality.

Dickens ran up the numbers to an almost logic-defying extent in an Aug. 30 post under the screaming headline "Ten BRAND NEW Hunter Biden Scandals the Nets Are Censoring":

When will the dam break?

ABC, CBS and NBC’s evening and morning news programs continue to hold back from their audiences the latest shocking revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s various scandals. 

Not even the stunning news that whistleblowers claimed FBI officials told employees (prior to the 2020 election) to slow-walk the Hunter Biden laptop investigation and Mark Zuckerberg’s confession that the FBI told Facebook to censor Hunter’s laptop scandal got the Big Three networks to break their ongoing blackout.

A new poll underlines how the liberal media elites may have turned the tide of a presidential election with 79 percent of respondents saying “truthful” coverage of Hunter’s laptop scandal would have changed the 2020 outcome. 

Because they are so in the tank for the Biden administration the broadcast networks remain stubborn in their refusal to report on evidence that links directly to the President himself like e-mails from Hunter’s laptop and White House visitor logs that disprove his claim he “never” spoke to Hunter about his “business dealings.”

In between (and a little before) all that dubious inflation -- 27 separate "scandals"? Really? -- the MRC continued to blare every attack on Hunter it could find and whine that non-right-wing outlets weren't as obsessed with them as it was. For example:

Many of the Hunter attacks the MRC is hyping come from highly biased anti-Biden bubble outlets like Fox News, the Daily Mail and the Washington Examiner. The MRC did not explain why these outlets deserve to be trusted at face value given their obvious biases.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:01 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, January 28, 2023 2:49 PM EST
WND Columnists Cheer Brittney Griner Rotting In Russian Prison
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Like their ideological counterparts at the Media Research Center, a couple of WorldNetDaily columnists seem to believe that WNBA star Brittney Griner deserves to rot in a Russian prison on trumped-up drug charges because she's a lesbian who doesn't love America enough. James Zumwalt spent a July 13 column complaining about those "who have actively jumped on their soapboxes to denigrate America," adding:

Topping this list of regretful ingrates most probably is American basketball player Brittney Griner who spent this Independence Day in a Russian jail cell after pleading guilty to smuggling drugs into the county. Facing up to 10 years in prison, she is pleading with the U.S. State Department to help get her out. This is the same ingrate who decided not to respect the national anthem at her games by remaining in the locker room until it ended – all to protest the death of the criminal Geroge Floyd during his arrest for yet another crime.

Larry Tomczak's Aug. 16 column was spent lecturing Griner of her supposedly evil ways -- such as failing to be heterosexual -- and called on her to repent:

Brittney Griner, American basketball star, was sentenced to nine years in prison for her failure to honor Russia's drug laws. I am encouraging Christians everywhere to not forget about her but intercede for her in her incarceration.

Recently I did a video on her situation and if you missed it, please consider reading this article to understand the complexities of her situation and empathize with her dilemma while praying that God uses it to turn her life around.


Many Americans don't like the Russian criminal justice system and have put pressure on Biden to do something to get her out. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made an offer publicly to exchange prisoners to secure her release. Her sympathizers applaud the "progressive" maneuver and say, "Let's get on with it, it should be a done deal!"

Tomcczak hates Griner so much that he clearly approves of Griner's father kicking her out of their home because she wasn't heterosexual, repeated right-wing attacks on her, and bizarrely portrayed Griner's height and size as evidence that she is actually a man and, somehow, "woke":

Griner, 31, is 6'9" and 205 pounds, and wears size 17 shoes. Russian authorities required her to take a DNA test to determine if she is masculine or feminine gender. Putin and his party don't much care for being "woke."

Growing up, Brittney says she was bullied because of her size. She attended the largest Southern Baptist university in America, Baylor, which maintains a century-old tradition of a weekly chapel for all the students.

She proudly proclaims herself a lesbian, which caused her father, a Marine, to have her move out of the home.

She dated a Los Angeles Laker star but eventually "married" a woman who had twins in vitro. Brittney divorced her partner after being arrested on assault charges (required to have 26 weeks of domestic violence classes) then "married" another lesbian.

Brittney was featured unclothed in ESPN Magazine – the "Taboo Issue" – holding a snake, which is her favorite animal. She regularly models "menswear" for Nike.

Brittney projected an anti-American persona as she protested the National Anthem, declaring she would not go on the court if it was played.

A recent headline on the satirical site Babylon Bee said "Brittney Griner was rewarded with nine years of not hearing the US National Anthem."

Author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza commented: "I suspect what happened with Brittney Griner is she became massively entitled in this country – 'I'm black, I'm a lesbian, and I am a leftist, so I am a superior person and basically above the law.' Then she discovered to her astonishment that other countries don't see it that way!"

Former President Donald Trump said in an interview July 30 on "The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show" that it was a sad case but "she knew you don't go in there loaded up with drugs – she admitted it."

Tomczak concluded with minor criticism of the Russian legal system but made sure to put most of the blame on Griner herself and demanded repenttnce:

As patriotic Americans and compassionate Christians, we must continue praying for our leaders and Ms. Griner. In her trial she lamented that she had been "tossed into a bewildering legal system." Pray that God can use this situation to bring her to an end of herself, turn to Christ for healing from her brokenness and discover gratitude to God for all she's been blessed with and taken for granted as a citizen of the United States of America.

Tomczak didn't explain why being non-heterosexual means she deserves unjust punishment. It seems he is using the Russian prison system as a tool to justify his own sense of cruelty.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:05 PM EDT
MRC's Graham Hypocritically Lashes Out At 'Incorrect Tweet'
Topic: Media Research Center

Media Research Center executive Tim Graham wrote in an Aug. 17 post:

Anonymous sources can cut both ways. After CBS anchor Norah O'Donnell sloppily tweeted an inaccurate claim that Trump was lying about the FBI taking his passports in the Mar-a-Lago raid, unnamed critics inside CBS pounced in a Tuesday New York Post story. 

[T]he anchor attributed the information to a single source — a big no-no at CBS News, which has a strict two-source protocol, angry CBS sources told The Post. They added that the tweets also made it sound like O’Donnell was calling the former president a “liar.”

“This is an embarrassment for CBS that the face of your network can’t even make a second call to a Justice Department rep,” one livid source said. “It’s Journalism 101.”

The loathing of Trump routinely leads to sloppy, rushed reporting to paint Trump as perennially engulfed in damaging scandal.

In fact, O'Donnell's tweet was not incorrect; she accurately quoted an official stating that the FBI was not in possession of Trump's passports, though it was murky whether it ever actually had possession of them. Trump claimed they were "stolen," but he's also an invetarate liar and there's no real reason to trust anything he or his subordinates have to say about, well, anything -- especially given that the raid was prompted by deception about Trump's unauthorized possession of classified documents.

Of course, Graham is being a total hypocrite about anonymous sources, decrying them when the "liberal media" ues them but gleefully uses them when they serve his partisan agenda -- as he does here in uncritically citing the anonymous source the New York Post used to bash O'Donnell. He will not apply the demands he makes of the "liberal" media to his own right-wing media operation -- that's cowardice and craven politics at work.

Graham is demonstrating another double standard as well: He will never call out erronenous tweets in his right-wing media bubble -- and certainly not ones from his boss, Brent Bozell.

And, throughout all of this, Graham never explained why someone's "incorrect tweet" deserved so much attention -- outside of the MRC's anti-media agenda, that is.

Graham's dishonest behavior is yet another reason why his MRC shouldn't be taken seriously as media critics.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:50 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, March 5, 2023 4:43 PM EST
CNS Cheers Liz Cheney's Primary Loss
Topic:, like its Media Research Center parent, has attacked the House hearings on the Capitol riot, so it was inevitable that it would also lash out at the ranking Republican on that committee, Liz Cheney. Managing editor Michael W. Chapman complained in May following the racially motivated gun massacre in Buffalo (remember, CNS has embraced the racial replacement theory conspiracy spouted by both the shooter and Tucker Carlson), that Cheney -- who he made sure to note was "one of only 10 Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump" -- "denounced the GOP leadership in the House of Representatives, stating it "has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism." Chapman hyped how pro-Trump Republicans like him have rejected her and that he didn't like her response:

In March, Leader McCarthy endorsed Cheney's opponent, Republican Harriet Hageman, for the primary run in Wyoming. In response, Cheney's spokesman issued a statement that said, "A leader with honor would be rejecting -- not protecting -- the pro-Putin, anti-Semitic, white nationalist members of the party, instead of fighting against Liz Cheney for telling the truth."

Susan Jones sneered at an interview with Cheney in a July 5 "news" article:

Rep. Liz Cheney, the Wyoming Republican who is working with Democrats to "protect" the nation from Donald Trump, says the January 6 committee on which she sits is not "political," and the committee's goal is not to knock Trump out of the running in 2024.

She told ABC's Jonathan Karl the Republican Party "can't survive if he's our nominee." And Cheney said she has not yet decided whether she will run for president in 2024. Her work with Democrats has put her congressional re-election in jeopardy.


Cheney said she doesn't intend to lose the August 16th Republican primary in Wyoming, although she faces a significant challenge from the Trump-endorsed candidate.

Cheney said it's important for her to win, "because I will be the best representative that the people of Wyoming can have.

“The single most important thing is protecting the nation from Donald Trump. And I think that that matters to us as Americans more than anything else, and that's why my work on the committee is so important and why it's so important to not just brush this passed, I think it's very important that people know the truth and that there are consequences."

Jones didn't explain why that's a bad thing.

When Cheney did, in fact, lose her Republican primary, Jones happily wrote about that in an Aug. 17 article, hyping her alleged future political ambitions and attacking her role on a "one-sided and politically motivated" committee:

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) lost her primary election to Republican Harriet Hageman by a wide margin Tuesday, getting only about 30 percent of the vote to Hageman's 66 percent.

But in her concession speech, as she thanked her team, Cheney told them, "our work is far from over."

Cheney noted that Abraham Lincoln was defeated in Senate and House elections before winning the presidency. "Lincoln ultimately prevailed," she said. "He saved our union and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history."


Toward the end of her speech, she hinted that her political future is not over: "This primary election is over. But now the real work begins."

Cheney is rumored to be mulling a run for president, and in her speech, she mentioned not only Abraham Lincoln but also General Ulysses S Grant, who also became president.

As she concluded her speech, Cheney said, "We must be very clear about the threat we face and about what is required to defeat it. I have said since January 6 that I will do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office. And I mean it.

"This is a fight for all of us together. I'm a conservative Republican," Cheney said. She's also one of two anti-Trump Republicans joining Democrats on their one-sided and politically motivated "select committee" investigating the events of January 6.

Jones also lovingly wrote about the woman who defeated Cheney in a separate article that added new attacks on Cheney's concession speech:

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), resoundingly defeated in her primary election by fellow Republican Harriet Hageman, spent much of her concession speech doubling down on her vow that Donald Trump must never come near the Oval Office again.

In fact, she mentioned Trump by name at least nine times in her remarks, calling out his "election lies" and promotion of "conspiracies."

"It doesn't surprise me that she would revert to those same old talking points, because that's really in large part what got her defeated," Hageman said:

Jones also noted that Hageman also talked about "accountability," but didn't mention that the House committee Cheney is on is delivering that to Trump and his cronies.

It wouldn't be a complete political attack by CNS if Mark Levin wasn't given space to rant, and Craig Bannister gave him that space in yet another Aug. 17 article:

After losing her primary election by more than a two-to-one margin on Tuesday, anti-Trump January 6 Committee member Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) compared herself to iconic former Republican President Abraham Lincoln – but, that’s not who radio and television host Mark Levin says she resembles.

Responding to Cheney’s remarks, Levin tweeted congratulations to Republican Harriet Hageman, who won the primary with 66% of the vote, and told Cheney she’s more like infamous traitor Benedict Arnold than she is like Lincoln:

“Congratulations, Rep.-elect Hageman!  The better woman won. And no, Liz, you’re not Abraham Lincoln. More like Benedict Arnold. Your speech tonight and the Hollywood film crew you brought with you further underscores that your ambitions and ego are utterly out-of-control.”

Neither Bannister nor Levin explained how the mere act of holding Trump accountable for his actions is the same thing as theactual treason committed by Arnold.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:33 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, September 22, 2022 10:57 PM EDT

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