CNS Joins MRC Parent In Criticizing Trump's Continued Facebook Suspension Topic:
Since is more and more just the Media Research Center's agenda in inverted-pyramid format, CNS followed in its parent's footsteps and attacked Facebook's decision to keep Donald Trump suspended from the platform in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
In CNS' first story on the continued suspension, Susan Jones curiously waited until the sixth paragraph to mention exactly why Trump was suspended: for offering "praise or support of people engaged in violence" and "creat[ing] an environment where a serious risk of violence was possible." That was followed by Craig Bannister supplying a bit of whoredom for his boss, uncritically quoting MRC chief Brent Bozell huffing that the suspension means Facebook "gets its first opportunity to interfere with the 2024 election.” Bannister waited until the fifth paragraph to mention why Trump was suspended.
Melanie Arter went into her usual stenography mode, uncritically quoting former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows decrying the continued suspension as "a sad day for America" during a Fox News interview. Neither Arter nor, apparently, Meadows mentioned the reason why Trump was suspended.
Bannister returned to tout Trump's rant against his continued suspension. This time, Bannisteromitted any mention of the reason why Trump was suspended;' instead, he promoted Trump's then-new blog "to voice his opinions regarding important, national issues."
Arter followed up with a compliation of how "Conservative groups condemned Facebook Oversight Board’s decision Wednesday to continue to block former President Donald Trump’s Facebook page and Instagram account as “un-American” and an “obscene” abuse of power, pointing out that if it treated liberals like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) the same way, people would be outraged." Arter did not mention the reason why Trump was suspended, but the uncritically quoted Jenny Beth Martin ranting that Facebook's "claim that President Trump’s rhetoric contains ‘a serious risk of violence’ is laughable."
Social media platforms “have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content, disinformation and misinformation especially related to COVID-19, vaccinations and elections,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday in reaction to Facebook’s Oversight Board’s decision to continue to the suspension of former President Donald Trump’s Facebook page and Instagram account.
As reported, the board decided “it was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension” on Trump’s account.
Again, Arter failed to mention why Trump was suspended, even though it's the central issue.
On May 6, CNS published a commentary by Heritage Foundation president Kay Coles James attacking Facebook's decision to suspend Trump as "the wrong one, and one that all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, should be concerned about." She did not mention the incitement of violence that got Trump suspended in the first place.
The same day, Arter touted a Fox Business interview in which host Maria Bartiromo played whataboutism with Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell after calling for social media regulation to try and stop bullying and misinformation.
On May 7, Bannister promoted a (biased) Rasmussen poll in which "voters were asked about Facebook’s editorial decision to permanently ban Republican and Former President Donald Trump from its platform." Bannister offered no evidence that Rasmussen told readers that Trump was suspended for inciting and endorsing violence -- which, again, is central to the issue of his suspension.
MRC's Houck Extends War On Psaki (And Man-Crush On Doocy) To Media Profiles Topic: Media Research Center
Media Research Center writer Curtis Houck has repeatedly demonstrated his unhinged hatred of White House press secretary Jen Psaki, and his concurrent man-crush on Fox News repoter Peter Doocy for his near-daily hostile questioning of Psaki. That same wild bias surfaced again regarding media profiles of the two.
Houck devoted a May 5 post to ranting about a magazine profile of Paski that didn't hate her as much as he does:
On Wednesday, Washingtonian magazine came out with a nearly-2,220 word profile of White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki that could best be described as a slobbering love letter that hailed her as a fact-based saint who refuses to play to the cameras, plays and works well with reporters, and represented a break from the belligerence and back-talking of the Obama and Trump administrations.
And unsurprisingly, the piece treaded carefully on extended criticism and pushback on Psaki and her administration colleagues until paragraph 22 out of 30. But before that? Plenty of phrases and words like “competence porn,” “personality that exudes from the podium,” “pleasant,” “unflappable,” and “well-qualified.”
Doing her part to laud Psaki, Goldstein contrasted her “measured” and “warm” tone that asked reporters how their families were doing with Trump press secretaries being “Trumpites” having “gleefully performed belligerence on camera.”
“Psaki succeeds by arguably doing the impossible: Her face and voice beam out of our screens on a regular basis, and she rarely draws attention to herself,” she later added.
On this theme of warmness, this was also a lie. Psaki caused a kerfuffle when she mocked the Space Force (and refused to apologize), dismissed the lack of action from Vice President Harris on the border, laughed at Peter Doocy's phrasing of the border crisis, questioned Kristin Fisher’s humanity as a mother and person, and was angered by the notion that Biden contributed to “systemic racism.” We could go on.
Yes, Houck certainly could -- hating Psaki is his job, after all. The Space Force "kerfuffle" is something Houck helped manufacture for no other reason to have a reason to attack Psaki. He's certainly never to to acknowledge Paski's humanity. And, of course, nobody is allowed to ever be critical of his man-crush.
Houck even managed to take some time away from his anti-Psaki rage to work in a tribute to his man-crush:
Though falsely treated by leftists as a carnival barker worse than even Jim Acosta, Fox’s Peter Doocy showed himself to be a far better man than the actual characters like Acosta and Brian Karem that Trump spokespeople had to deal with when he told Goldstein that Psaki has run “a very low-blood-pressure briefing room.”
If only we call could aspire to that level of civility in the face of nonsense.
Reminder: Spewing hatred at Acosta because he dared to ask questions of the Trump adminstration was Houck's mainjob in the Trump years.
Which brings us to a May 7 post, in which Houck complained that a Politico profile of Doocy wasn't man-crushy enough and spent too much time (which is to say, any time) likening him to Acosta:
Christopher Cadelago’s feature “Is Fox’s Peter Doocy Just Asking Questions — Or Trolling the White House” led with the build-up to President Biden’s March 25 press conference and what ended up not being “a titanic collision between” Biden and Doocy as Biden chose not to call on him.
Cadelago described Doocy as someone who had “positioned himself as the chief foil to the administration in the press room” and developed a journalistic decorum that was “courteous, crisp, [and] oppositional” yet had offered “laconic yet spring-loaded questions” to Psaki in early briefings.
Adding that the news cycle “can be seen as a distillation, in a single reporter, of the challenge facing Fox in the Biden era,” Cadelago said that Doocy has become “a smooth yet aggressive, social media-savvy correspondent who might feel like a fresh face on TV, yet is indisputably of, by and for Fox.”
And in the world of the liberal media where Fox is the enemy, that’s almost always going to be seen as a bad thing.
Cadelago even compared Doocy to carnival barker Jim Acosta of CNN, but said Doocy “rarely raises his voice” “jump[ed] into loud, heated sparing matches.”
Later in the piece, he’d return to this implicit comparison, saying Doocy’s “relentless jousting with the Biden administration has drawn more criticism from the left and even from some journalists at other networks” with complaints that “his approach” has been “intentionally provocative, in service of his own image and the network’s, as Fox tries to make its oppositional stance clear.”
No mention, of course, of Doocy pushing fake news by asking Psaki about a false story involving Kamala Harris' book purportedly being given to immigrant children (which the MRC later stealth-edited out of an item he wrote on the exchange). Houck grew increasingly perturbed that Doocy was likened to the despised Acosta, even bizarrely lashing out yet again at CNN's Oliver Darcy and descending again into Acosta Derangement Syndrome:
Conservative media Benedict Arnold and CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy was also predictably, insisting Doocy bears more resemblance to a divisive pundit than an actual journalist: “Doocy’s line of questioning fits neatly into the messaging pushed by Fox’s conservative newscasts and propagandistic primetime shows.”
Again, Doocy’s not someone who’d equate media criticism to death threats, meltdown over a period when briefs were audio-only or when he wasn't called on, stage a book signing, tweet a picture of himself looking at himself in the mirror, but that’s just us.
In response, a Fox News spokesperson told NewsBusters: “If you want to predict what CNN will cover, watch FOX News — it’s a good indicator of what their partisan activists will spend hours attempting to misconstrue for relevance and ratings.”
Actually, it is pretty much just you, Curt -- the fact that you can't let your rage against Acosta go appears to be some sort of mental issue. How does Houck know for sure that Doocy's not like Acosta? That's just wacky man-crushing. And why did Houck think he needed to get a comment from Fox News to respond to the Politico piece? It's almost as if the MRC is part of Fox News'PR department.
Houck concluded with one last bit of man-crushing:
Cadelago closed with an important tidbit that Doocy has largely stopped tweeting to better focus on his job and, not surprisingly “disputes the characterization of his job as one big troll.”
And perhaps most importantly, he makes clear that he’s not looking for his next break or job (even though Psaki’s tried and failed to help Resistance-types make Doocy look bad)[.]
Again, Houck doesn't know any of that. And when Doocy inevitably gets rewarded for his hostile questioning of Psaki with his own Fox News show, will he lash out at Doocy the way he did at Acosta when the same thing happened to him?
WorldNetDaily just can't stoppushingbogusclaims about the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines as "news" when it ought to be reporting facts to its readers. This happened again in a May 6 article by Art Moore:
Fox News host Tucker Carlson prompted a sharp reaction from critics Wednesday night after addressing the issue of how many people have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
Carlson explainedhe is "completely in favor of vulnerable people taking vaccines" (The CDC profile is a person older than 70 with an average of 2.6 "comorbidities," such as diabetes and heart disease). But he argued that the vast majority of the population, with a survival rate of more than 99%, should have as much information as possible to make a risk assessment.
Between late December 2020 and April 23, a total of 3,362 people were reported to have died after receiving COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S., an average of 30 people every day, according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS.
VAERS is managed by the CDC and the FDA, Carlson noted, and "has received a lot of criticism over the years, some of it founded."
It's not unti lthe eighth paragraph that Moore finally gets around to mentioning that an actual doctor (which Carlson and Moore are not) pointed out that Carlson is wrong and that a fact-checker also discredited Carlson's claim -- adverse effects reported to VAERS do not constitute an established cause-and-effect, and that no death, let alone 3,362, has been found to be directly attributable to the vaccine. But Moore wants you to believe Carlson, not the experts:
However, Carlson pointed out in his segment that some critics have argued that VAERS undercounts vaccine injuries.
He cited a report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 concluding that "fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported" by the VAERS system.
"So what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccine?" Carlson asked. "Well, we don't know that number. Nobody does, and we’re not going to speculate about it.
"But it's clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It’s not even close to what we’ve seen in previous years with previous vaccines," he said.
Moore then called on Andrew Bostom further attacking thte VAERS system. But we've caught him falsely and maliciously blaming a measles oubreak on the entire Islam religion, so maybe his word shouldn't be trusted.
Moore then took then-candidate Kamala Harris out of context in trying to bolster Carlson's argument that getting the COVID vaccine should be a personal choice:
Last September, during the presidential campaign, a CNN reporter asked Kamala Harris whether she would be willing to take the coronavirus vaccine once it became available.
"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us," she replied. "I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump."
A month later, at the vice presidential debate, Harris was more emphatic.
"If Donald Trump tells us we should take" the vaccine, she declared, "I'm not going to take it."
Actually, Harris went on to say that "If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it" -- thus making her argument that Trump could not be trusted given that he was dangling a vaccine as a ploy to get re-elected, not an argument about individual choice.
Such dishonest reporting -- not Big Tech conspiracies -- is the reason nobody trusts WND.
CNS Gets On Board With Anti-Cheney Narrative -- But Wasn't Quite Sold On Her Replacement Topic:
Despite its Media Research Center parent's insistence that it wasn't news, did, in fact, cover the story of Liz Cheney getting kicked out of House Repuiblican leadership for criticizing Donald Trump.
On May 7, Craig Bannister touted how "The union representing the nation’s border agents is endorsing Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to replace Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as chairwoman of the House Republican conference." Bannister didn't epxlain why CNS suddenly thinks it's OK for a labor union to speak out on partisan political issues, given its heavy anti-union record.
In a May 10 article, Susan Jones pushed criticism of Cheney from another GOP congressman and tried to make the case against her:
Cheney, the highest ranking woman in Republican leadership, does oppose the Biden agenda. But she disagrees with Banks and other Republicans on the future of the post-Trump Republican Party.
She infuriated her fellow Republicans when she voted to impeach Donald Trump for incitement of insurrection following the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Since then, she has called Trump's claim that the election was stolen a "big lie."
Cheney has made it clear she does not and will not have anything to do with Donald Trump, and unlike Banks and other Republican leaders, she rejects Trump’s influence on her party.
Jones did note that the congressman, Jim Banks, had to backpedal a bit from Trump's "Big Lie" about the election being stolen from him: "As for Cheney’s 'big lie' criticism of Trump, Banks on Sunday said, 'I've never said that the election was stolen. I've said I have very serious concerns with -- with how the election was conducted in last November because of COVID rules that loosened voter identification laws.'"
In a May 12 article, however, Jones was fully on board with the approved right-wing narrative and mad that the Cheney story drew attention from "activist media" (as if CNS is not "activist media"):
House Republicans say good riddance to Cheney, who voted in February to impeach Donald Trump, whom she accused of trying to steal the election and inciting insurrection. Many House Democrats used Cheney's own words to support their case for impeaching Trump a second time.
Meanwhile, the leftist, activist media is portraying Cheney as a hero, even a martyr to the anti-Trump crusade that still fills the airwaves and cable channels. For weeks, Democrats and the leftist media have showered Cheney with praise, using her to further split and weaken the Republican Party.
Cheney, defiant, delivered a not-so-subtle message to House Republicans leaders last month, when she was seen fist-bumping President Joe Biden on his way into the chamber to deliver a speech to a sparsely attended joint session of Congress.
In another article that day, Jones served up even more right-wing talking points:
As Congressional Democrats seek to consolidate their power by attempting to federalize elections, make D.C. a state, pack the Supreme Court and end the filibuster -- moves that would squelch Republicans for years to come -- it was surprising to hear a defense of the two-party system coming from liberal pundits on MSNBC this Wednesday morning.
The conversation revolved around the anticipated ouster of House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney, whom Democrats and media activists are hailing as a hero, a woman of true integrity, for her outspoken anti-Trump stance.
Jones also boosted the anti-Cheney narrative in a third article, quoting Republican Rep. Jim Jordan saying that "You can't have the Republican Conference chair reciting Democrat talking points, especially when gas prices are up 50 percent, there's a crisis on the border, and Democrats are trying to federalize election law and pack the United States Supreme Court."
Bannister, meanwhile, returned to uncritically repeat Trump's insults of Cheney as "a bitter, horrible human being." And an anonymously written article complained that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement calling Cheney "a leader of great courage, patriotism and integrity. ... those values are unwelcome in the Republican party."
While CNS ultimately fully embraced the dump-Cheney narrative, it wasn't thrilled at first about her replacement, Elise Stefanik. An anonymously written May 10 article noted that Stefanik "boasted on 'CBS This Morning' in 2018 that she was among the 10 percent of House members who were most bipartisan in their voting." And managing editor Michael W. Chapman grumbled in a May 14 article:
Although Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) from the GOP's No. 3 leadership post and replace her with Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), the ratings of Congress members by the American Conservative Union (ACU) show that Stefanik held a 44% rating.
In addition, the ACU ratings show several GOP women in the House hold far higher conservative ratings than both Stefanik and Cheney.
The ACU ratings, which are made by the organization's Center for Legislative Accountability, were started in 1971 and are considered the "gold standard" in showing how closely a lawmaker adheres to conservative principles.
An anonymous article that day portrayed Stefanik as a flip-flopper: Rep. Elise Stefanik (R.-N.Y.), who was elected on Friday to replace Rep. Liz Cheney (R.-Wyo.) as the chair of the House Republican Conference, voted for the pro-transgender Equality Act when it came up for a vote in 2019. ... When it came up for another vote this February, she voted against it."
But CNS seemed to finally approve of Stefanik by May 17, when an article by Melanie Arter featured her attacking Cheney as "looking backwards" when Republicans must look forward and perpetually attack President Biden and his supposedly "radical agenda."
NEW ARTICLE: Loving Levin -- And His Right-Wing Rants Topic: Media Research Center
Radio host Mark Levin can take comfort in knowing that his buddies at the Media Research Center will always have his back, amplifying his misplaced outrage and whitewashing his errors and falsehoods. Read more >>
MRC Predictably Pounces On One Month Of Bad Employment Numbers To Bash Biden Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center loved to complain that the media was talking down the economy under President Trump -- but given the slightest opportunity, the MRC gleefully bad-mouthed the economy uner President Biden.
When the job growth numbers for April came in lower than expected, Joseph Vazquez rushed to blame Biden's economic policies (and not, you know, that people might be alittle leery about returning to work with the coronavirus pandemic still not completely under control) in a May 7 post:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a devastating report on job growth in April. It completely destroyed the media hype about the jobs growth under President Joe Biden. Their glowing job predictions were off by at least 734,000 jobs. Perhaps as much as 1,734,000 jobs.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the U.S. economy added an embarrassing 266,000 jobs in April, and the unemployment rate ticked up to 6.1 percent. Fox Business host Charles Payne summed up the atrocious figures perfectly: “Congratulations President Biden - you have achieved the progressive utopia. At least 7.4 million job openings but only 266,000 people got a job last month.” Less than 4 percent of the approximate job openings were filled. The report came after multiple media outlets were heralding an expected April boom to the tune of — checks notes — 1 million jobs added.
On May 11, Vazquez gushed over Payne again -- he loves Payne despite the fact that Payne has been credibly accused of sexual harassment -- uncritically repeating Payne's attacks on unemployment benefits:
Fox Business host Charles Payne told the American people what many in the media wouldn’t dare say: Giving people money to not work doesn’t incentivize them to find a job.
Payne scorched the haphazard predictions by economists and the media that the U.S. economy would add 1 million new jobs in April. He called the predictions a massive “swing and a miss” during the May 7 edition of Making Money. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) clocked the increase in April at an embarrassing 266,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate ticked up to 6.1 percent. Payne lambasted how “the narrative this year is that America was going to go on this string of million job months as our jobs openings created a whole bunch of opportunity. And well, so far that’s not happening.” In Payne’s estimation, “[S]omething is obviously terribly wrong.”
Acutally, numerous studies have shown that unemployment benefits do not keep people from seeking work. But it's against MRC policy to tell the truth if that truth conflicts with a cherished right-wing narrative.
Mark Finkelstein sneered in a post the same day: "Joe Biden was all geared up to go out last week and boast about the one million jobs the economy had added in April. But then the actual numbers came out, and . . . psych! Only 266,000 new jobs, 73 percent fewer than Biden was planning to brag about!" He then complained that New York Times reporter Elizabeth Bumiller -- whom he called "PATHETIC" in the headline -- called the low number a "real fluke" and would likely be revised upward the next month, adding, "It's not unusual, in fact, for jobs reports to be revised. But Bumiller's reflexive suggestion that they were likely to be revised up was telling. Think she would have made the same suggestion if a Republican president had suffered such a disappointing jobs report?"
Scott Whitlock followed up in a May 13 post with the incredibly dumb headline "As Biden’s Economy TANKS, CBS Makes Excuses for Wretched Job Numbers":
With terrible new jobs numbers and rising inflation,CBS This Morningon Thursday made excuses for the Joe Biden economy, trying to find reasons not to blame the Democratic President. Reporter Ed O’Keefe explained that 11 Republican governors are pulling out of a program that raised unemployment checks by $300 a week.
O’Keefe conceded, “It comes as most recent job numbers were surprisingly low, just 266,000 jobs were added in April despite eight million job openings economists predicted the country would get at least a million jobs.”
But nothing in the segment – or the whole show on Thursday – about other economic factors, such as inflation.
Whitlock cited the biased and partisan right-wing National Review as evidence of allegedly surging inflation.
Vazquez huffed in a May 18 post that "A National Public Radio host tried to spin the atrocious April jobs report numbers by accusing GOP governors of pushing people to go back to work when jobs aren’t available. Fact-check: Millions of jobs were available." he then cited scandal-ridden right-wing economist Stephen Moore to claim that "Perhaps giving people free money is actually a really bad method to stimulate the economy."
On May 21, Vazquez got mad that The Hill accurately pointed out what he and the MRC were doing:
The Hill used the old “Republicans have pounced” cliché to turn attention away from the disastrous effects President Joe Biden’s agenda is having on the economy.
The liberal outlet May 20, whining that “Republicans have pounced on unexpectedly high inflation readings and a disappointing jobs report for April.” The Hillwhined that the GOP suggested the terrible economic data were “the products of an overzealous government response that could kneecap the economy.” The tweet also happened to be the verbatim text from the second paragraph of The Hill reporter Niv Elis’s pro-Biden spin story headlined: “Biden tries to navigate fits and starts of economic recovery.”
At no point did Vazquez dispute the accuracy of the reporter pointing that right-wingers were using the jobs numbers to attack Bide; in stead, he complained that Elis "characterized the terrible jobs numbers as 'the potential quirks of an economy reawakening from a pandemic-induced slumber.'" He also offered no evidence that The Hill is a "liberal outlet."
Meanwhile, the May employment numbers proved the those who pointed out the flukiness of April's numbers correct -- 559,000 jobs were created last month, and April's numbers were adjusted upward from 266,000 to 278,000. Vazquez, the MRC's main blogger on economic matters, has yet to devote a post to the much better May numbers -- presumably because there's nothing for him to pounce on.
Newsmax Columnist Trying To Gin Up Census Conspiracies Topic: Newsmax
The lasttime we checked in on Newsmax columnist Mark Schulte, he was spreading coronavirus conspiracy theories so wacky that Newsmax felt compelled to add a disclaimer to his columns that he is a "non-clinician." Perhaps Newsmax also needs to note that Schulte is also not a statistician, because he's now trying to develop conspiracy theories about census numbers.
In his April 29 column, Schulte declared that "Tallies for five heavily populated, Democratic-controlled states – New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Jersey - are worthy of scrutiny for several reasons" -- which mainly come down to Schulte believing that the populations of those "dystopian" states have supposedly increased too much.He also pronounced the census statistics to be "egregiously flawed."
Schulte huffed further in his May 4 column (needless bolding and italics in original):
By contrast, the combined population of four heavily-populated, thriving Republican states —Texas, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina — leaped from 59,874,000 in 2010 to 68,241,000 in 2019. This is an 8,367,000 gain, or 14% over nine years, or 1.6% yearly.
But the Census Bureau is preposterously claiming that these Republican mega-states only increased by a combined microscopic 126,000residents between July 1, 2019 and April 1, 2020: from 68,241,000 to 68,367,000, ortwo-tenths of 1%.
This improbably feeble growth, over nine months, extrapolates to 168,000 for one year, or two-tenths of 1%.
To summarize: The 2020 Census tallies for the 50 states are not only suspiciously high for five Democratic-controlled mega-states, but also anomalously low for four Republican ones.
Schulte seems to be overlooking a couple things: First ,that the census is conducted only every 10 years, and that numbers in between those official census counts are just estimates, and second, Republican scare tactics may have led Hispanics to avoid census counts, leading to an apparent undercount in Republican-led states with a large Hispanic population.
Even though several Republican-led states are already getting additional congressional seats based on the preliminary census numbers, Schulte spent his May 12 column demanding even more:
But how does Texas, whose population soared by 4.04 million residents, receive only two more House seats?
And how does Florida, whose population jumped by 2.77 million, receive only one more seat?
Arizona is the third Republican mega-state that should have been awarded one more seat in the highly suspicious 2021 reapportionment. Between April 1, 2010, and July 1, 2019, its population soared by 887,000 residents: from 6,392,000 to 7,279,000, or 97,000 annually.
Calculating this 97,000-yearly increase for the nine months between July 1, 2019, and April 1, 2020, yields 73,000.
If we add these missing Arizonians, to the 7,279,000 counted in July 2019, the sum is 7,352,000, which if divided by 761,000, yields 9.7 seats, which rounds up to 10 seats, and not the allotted 9 seats.
However, the demographically-inept Census Bureau is reporting that Arizona’s population dropped by 120,000, from 7,279,000 to 7,159,000, between July 2019 and April 2020.
Again, Schulte is ignoring that between-census numbers are estimates and GOP scare tactics, showing that he's the one who's "demographically inept."
And on May 17, Schulte ranted that sparsely populated states have too much congressional represenatation:
But the nation's highest court has not ruled on the constitutionality of the colossal disparities in the number of residents per seat among the 50 states, which flagrantly discriminates against the mega-populated states.
Moreover, America's most populous states are already monumentally underrepresented by the constitutional mandate that every state has two seats in the U.S. Senate.
Wyoming, whose 578,000 residents are the nation's smallest population, has 289,000 per U.S. Senate seat. California, with 39,577,000 people, has 19,789,000 per Senate seat, or 68 times that of Wyoming.
Indeed, the 26 states with the smallest populations, which range from Wyoming's 578,000 to Louisiana's 4,661,000, have a total population of only 58 million, or just 17.5% of the nation's 331 million people.
Of course, if the proportion was more accurately reflective of the U.S. population, it's likely that Democrats would have more congressional representation. We presume Schulte doesn't actually want that.
Hannah Harrison, a writer for the right-wing American Family Association wrote a column published May 6 at eulogizing activist Judith Reisman, who she claimed "fought against the left's darkness." Harrison particularly praised Reisman's attacks on sex researcher Alfred Kinsey:
Mrs. Reisman passed away in April, but she is a victor for so many reasons. She’s mainly remembered for her work against her number one foe, Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey was a “sexologist,” and his career was focused on studying sexual behavior in both men and women.
Kinsey’s goal was quite simple: Focus on sex and praise everything that comes with it. In 1948, Kinsey’s study, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," spread like wildfire. Time magazine compared its selling to that of "Gone with the Wind." His goal was to glorify, praise, and normalize sex in every possible facet. However, his methods of research were unsettling to Mrs. Reisman, and she exposed him.
In her 1990s book, "Kinsey, Sex, and Fraud," Reisman exposed Kinsey for his greatest crime: the sexual abuse of young children. After his book had been released, Reisman discovered that sexual abuse was inflicted on 317 boys as young as two months and up to 15 years old as part of his testing methodology which was included in his research.
Two. Months. Old.
In 1948, sexologists were reportedly raping babies in the name of “science.” Can you imagine how much worse things are getting in today’s world? On digital screens everywhere, there is sex. Why? Because it sells, and people buy.
Actually, Reisman never proved any of that. As we documented, Reisman's assertions that Kinsey conducted sexual experiments on infants has been discredited by other researchers and the Kinsey Institite, which stated that Kinsey obtained his data from interviews, not direct experimentation. the data on the 317 young children, it turns out, came from a single pedophile who kept notes and was not paid.
Harrison also wrote: "She discovered the effects of 'erototoxins' otherwise known as the chemicals that flood the brain when pornography is viewed. Her studies proved that these toxins could rewire one’s brain and cause many negative issues related to sex and relationships." In fact, there's no evidence that "erototoxins" exist, much less that porography affects the brain in a uniquely harmful fashion.
Harrison didn't mention that Reisman has also blamed Jews for promoting abortion and likened homosexuals to Nazis. And in 2019 we caught Reisman using bogus statistics taken from a QAnon message board to tout President Trump as more aggressive on human trafficking than President Obama was.
But facts apparently aren't important to Harrison. The only thing that matters is that Reisman peddled a narrative she approves of.
WND's Cashill Trashes George Floyd, Defends His Killer Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill continues to be on the wrong side of history by deciding to defend a convicted murderer -- Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who was convicted of killing George Floyd.
Cashill started on his April 21 column by declaring: "While the clueless celebrate the possible lifetime imprisonment of a police officer whose trial was anything but fair, the leadership is bummed. Although the Derek Chauvin verdict came down on Hitler's birthday, radical honchos owe their unease to Josef Stalin." He then went on a long digression about the 1920s Sacco and Vanzetti case, then ranted that Chauvin's conviction eliminated something that liberals could have exploited:
"Guilty on all counts?" One can almost hear the more astute radicals saying in Minneapolis. "What good does Derek Chauvin do us in prison?" Even a lesser charge would have given them a license to riot.
While the angry young mill about in the streets not quite sure where to place their anger, the Democratic leadership blathers on about "systemic racism," indifferent to the fact that the left controls every system in America more influential than My Pillow.
Then too, the fact that a jury was quick to send a white police officer to prison, possibly for life, for the incidental death of a black career felon suggests that the "system" is not terribly supportive of its "racists."
As to the easily frightened right, including the more "responsible" conservative media, they exhausted their moral energy defending Dr. Seuss.
Of courrse, if Chauvin hadn't been convicted, Cashill would have anything to write about, proving there's two sides to his analogy.
In his May 5 column, Cashill found a random Texas doctor to attack the testimony of Martin Tobin, who said that Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck is what killed Floyd. The supposed real cause of Floyd's death, according to Cashill's doc, John Dunn -- who claims in Cashill's words to have "followed the case from the beginning, studied the videos and reviewed the autopsy report." -- was "cardiac arrhythmia during an episode of excited delirium" brought on by the drugs in Floyd's system. Cashill went on to huff:
If Dunn is right, the State of Minnesota convicted an innocent man of murder in the second degree. Without the asphyxia diagnosis, there is no murder case against Chauvin and his fellow officers.
Tobin did, however, put on a good show. To sell asphyxia as the cause of death, he had to. His assignment was made all the more difficult since the one man to examine Floyd's body, Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, failed to notice any signs of asphyxia.
Tobin and the other physicians who testified for the State, Dunn argues, "are a classic example of science hijacked by politics – kind of like COVID, climate scares, the social sciences, most professional scientific work."
Dunn adds, "Politics dominates everything and that means racial politics for sure."
Cashill went on to trash Floyd -- not unlike the way he continuallytrashed Trayvon Martin, the black teenager killed by George Zimmerman -- in his May 19 column:
By canonizing Floyd and crucifying the Minneapolis cops, the world's woke have not just justified the epic destruction that followed in the wake of Floyd's demise. They have sanctified it.
The word "sanctify" barely does justice to the grotesque memorial pageantry surrounding Floyd's death. "We are all a part of George Floyd's legacy," gushed Vice President Kamala Harris, "and our job now is to honor it and to honor him."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stopped just shy of comparing the chronic felon to Jesus Christ. "Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice," said Pelosi. "For being there to call out to your mom. How heartbreaking was that? And because of you … your name will always be synonymous with justice."
Up until May 25, 2020, Floyd's name was synonymous, at least in Minneapolis, not with justice, but with addiction and recidivism. In a sympathetic article on Floyd, the Washington Post conceded that he "was stopped by police or charged at least 19 times in his adult life."
Cashill wenty on to be annoyed that President Biden likened Floyd's death to the assassination of Martin Luther King:
"It was a murder in the full light of day," said President Biden of Floyd's death in a formal comment every word of which was a lie, "and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism … that is a stain [sic] our nation's soul."
Sorry about the demotion, Dr. King, if only we had some video.
Cashill does love to take the side of white men who kill black men.
MRC Got Mad Media Covered Liz Cheney Controversy, Insisted It Wasn't News Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center hates it when the media focuses on issues that makes Republicans and conservatives look bad. Thus, it lashed out at coverage of Liz Cheney's status as a top Republican leader, desperate to change the subject.
In a May 6 post, perpetually angry MRC writer Nicholas Fondacaro ranted that "Republican flack-turned-Democrat" Kurt Bardella was a "loon" in part for bringing up the Cheney battle, "saying that Republicans are the ones who are “detrimental and dangerous” to the country for removing Cheney for, according to Bardella, the lone sin of “telling the truth about January 6th” and the 2020 election." He added: "Numerous people have debunked this claim, but facts aren’t exactly Bardella’s strong suit." The "numerous people" Fondacaro linked to were Federalist writer Mollie Hemingway making unsubstantiated claims about Cheney and a Politico article citing anonymous Republicans criticizing Cheney (huh, we thought the MRC hated anonymous sources).
Mark Finkelstein complained that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough lended his support to Cheney: "But with her harsh criticism of President Trump, and vote to impeach him, Cheney has made herself the darling of the liberal media. Witness the Washington Post offering her an op-ed spot yesterday to continue to blast Trump. So is Liz really indifferent to liberal love, or has she gone out of her way to cultivate it?"
On the latest NewsBusters Podcast, we tackle the ginned-up controversy over Rep. Liz Cheney, and how her crusading against Donald Trump looks like it will lead to a vote removing her from the House GOP leadership. Oh, how the media love this sticky wicket!
On Friday night's Don Lemon show, Brian Stelter touted how CNN and MSNBC have loaded more than 300 mentions apiece of Liz Cheney, while Fox News had less than 50. So which approach is better "news"?
The screen read “Fox propaganda in overtime turning Liz Cheney into a pariah.” Is Brian really so out of touch with conservatives that he doesn’t realize CNN and MSNBC and the rest are also turning Liz into a pariah? The more they celebrate Cheney as a Heroic Dissenter, the more the regular Republicans react against her.
In the podcast proper, Graham complained: "The question is this: Which one of these is more newsworthy? Which one's more the news channel? Does doing the story more make you a better news channel, or doing the story less make you a better news channel?... That shouldn't be how we define news." Graham seems to have forgotten how much the MRC praises Fox News for covering certain stories (that advance right-wing narratives) more than CNN or MSNBC. He then paranoaically whined: "It should be obvious that ther media and the Democrats -- the media-Democrat complex -- aren't really interested in figuring out "let's help the Republicans win.' The Cheney fight is their hope to split the party into warring factions and then dominate at the polls."
THe next day, Graham complained that a commentator noted that Cheney was being kicked out of GOP leadership "for no offense other than saying that Joe Biden won the election," retorting: "That's the official Democrat line on Cheney, and forget the reporters who've heard how Cheney's political operation "has been described as difficult, brittle, unresponsive and tone deaf," and that she's actually endangering the re-election of anti-Trump Republicans." LIke Fondacaro, Graham cited as evidence the anonymous source-ladenPolitico article.
(Graham also called the person who said that, "hardcore partisan Democrat lawyer" Mark Ellias, a "shyster" -- a slur for an unscrupulous or dishonest lawyer.GHraham offered no evidence that Elias committed any crimes or acts that would get him disbarred other than complaining that he was "the bagman who paid Fusion GPS for the phony-baloney Steele Dossier full of collusion delusion.")
On May 12, Scott Whitlock tried to embrace a CBS reporter's claim that he thought he could exploit:
CBS This Morning’s Major Garrett on Wednesday shocked his fellow journalists as he rejected the evolving liberal media narrative that Liz Cheney is the most important story on the planet. Garrett mocked this idea as the equivalent of caring about the third string quarterback on a JV high school football team. Now, he also used hyperbolic language, insisting that Cheney is “being stoned or burned at the stake.” But at least the CBS journalist underlined the obvious point: This story is a media creation.
Cheney will soon start a media tour blitz. But Garrett’s point is correct.
Of course, by that very loose definition, every news story is a "media creation."
Another post that same day, by Kristine Marsh, hammered further on the idea that Cheney is a non-story as decreed by conservatives:
View’ co-host Meghan McCain ruffled feathers on Wednesday’s show by bringing up a topic unrelated to GOP bashing. Her co-hosts were talking endlessly about Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney being ousted from her leadership role. It has been an obsessive topic from the liberal media the past two weeks to distract from troubles the Biden administration is facing, such as the historically bad border crisisthat continues to get worse.
Nearly seventeen minutes into the show and after one commercial break, the liberal co-hosts were still discussing Cheney, now salivating over the idea that Republicans like herself should break off to form a third party. But Meghan McCain shot down this notion, suggesting they discuss the gas shortage that is wrecking the East Coast, because that is something average Americans actually care about[.]
CNN-hating writer Curtis Houck lashed out again in a May 13 post:
When it comes to fulfilling basic journalistic duties, CNN long ago ditched them in favor of what Becket Adams called “the business of hyping meaningless, clickbait feuds” and the news version of “professional wrestling.”
On Wednesday, they further showed their unseriousness by spending nearly three times (2.72) times more time over a 12-hour period on Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) losing a role in House GOP leadership than the multiple economic crises facing the country, ranging from the Colonial pipeline hack to gasoline shortages to inflation to stagnant job growth.
Instead of displaying nuance or delivering a comprehensive look at the day’s news, CNN showed on Wednesday it has zero desire to do that as they’d rather play the role of liberal agitators condemning Americans who don’t support their political party.
Fox News devotes no small amount of coverage to clickbait feuds and pro wrestling-type coverage, but Houck (nor any other MRC employee) will never, ever call it out.
Ironically, a post by Kyle Drennen the same day complained that an NBC interview of Cheney didn't do enough pro-wrestling attacks on President Biden: " Despite Thursday’s Today show featuring an over 10-minute long interview with a sitting Republican member of Congress, only a paltry 29 seconds of the coverage focused on Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s criticism of current President Joe Biden. Instead, nearly all of the exchange was centered on co-host Savannah Guthrie urging the newly-ousted House GOP leader to attack her fellow Republicans and former President Trump." Drenne made sure to insert the MRC's anti-media narrative: "The leftist media have been eagerly using Republican Party disagreements to distract from a border crisis, bad jobs report, and gas lines across the country. Reporters like Guthrie are doing everything they can to give President Biden a pass and portray the GOP in chaos."
The front page of the May 13 Washington Times was sobering: “President Biden’s second 100 days are off to a woeful start, including a gas shortage for much of the East Coast, a surge of inflation, a slowdown in hiring despite a record number of job openings, renewed fighting in the Middle East and an unresolved border crisis.”
But the rest of the news media? They’re obsessing over how terrible (and terribly split) the Republicans are. One party is engaged in a “civil war,” and the other is forever portrayed as a placid pool of calm.
This is how you know the “news” today is whatever narrative the Biden-coddling “mainstream” media decide to adopt. They’re never going to sound like Ted Cruz, who says “Biden policies are failing across the board: economically, domestically and abroad.” They’re going to sound like humanoid robots programmed by Jen Psaki.
Graham failed to mention that the Washington Times is a right-wing, andti-Biden paper that is still run by Unification Church cultists, so maybe its news judgment shouldn't be presented as accurate and objective. And he and the rest of the MRC don't seem to understand that just because the right-wing powers-that-be have deemed an unflattering story not to be news doesn't mean that it actually isn't.
WND Calls On Its Favorite Messianic Rabbi To Put Biblical Endorsement On Capitol Riot Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has longpromoted (and tried to make money off of) messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn for his right-wing-friendly "prophecies," even calling on him to root for Donald Trump's re-election. With that record, Cahn was going to try to find a way to endorse the Jan. 6 pro-Trump Capitol riot, and WND is more than happy to spread his message.
A May 4 WND article by Art Moore tried to claim that Cahn wasn't endorsing the riot, though he effectively was by shoehorning it into biblical prophecy:
In his "prophetic message" released Monday, he begins by making it clear he is neither endorsing the Capitol riot nor attributing blame. His aim is to show the remarkable "prophetic template" behind the event, related to the Temple of Baal in the Bible, and what it signifies for the new administration and America's future.
He sees a continuation of the mystery in his book "The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times."
Cahn explains he's not saying that the Scriptures predict the leaders of our day but that there is a pattern, or template. that has repeated itself in history.
"God can use those templates to speak and give revelation," he said.
The template is of a nation that once knew God but is rapidly falling away from him "and heading ultimately for judgment."
He lays out the many remarkable similiarities between recent presidents – Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Donald Trump – and particular ancient kings, arguing they are prototypes.
All of those parallels, and much more, are recounted in Cahn's book, "The Paradigm." But what is new are the events that transpired this year in "the temple of the American republic," the U.S. Capitol.
He notes that in its halls is a quote from the time of its construction, "We have built no national temples but the Capitol."
"What happens inside a nation's temple when it turns against God?" Cahn asks in the video.
On Jan. 4, he recalls, the opening prayer in Congress was offered to a "pagan god," Brahma, the four-faced god of Hinduism.
That week, he notes, the Democratic Party began presenting arguably the most radical agenda in American history.
"An agenda, that as with the Temple of Baal, contained sexual immorality being enshrined, the oppression of God's people, the encroaching of religious liberty in the form of the Equality Act and other legislation, and the killing of the unborn as it had never been championed before," he says.
On Jan. 6, the Democratic Party sealed its power in Congress, when the two Senate races in Georgia were called. And later that day, the election of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was certified.
That's when the next mystery of the paradigm, occurred, he says.
Cahn, who sees Trump as a prototype of King Jehu, cites 2 Kings 10, in which Jehu calls for a solemn assembly, calling people from all over the nation to gather in the capital city.
On Jan. 6, he says, the template manifests in two gatherings.
"One is that gathering called for by the president," Cahn says. "The other is going to take place inside America's temple, in the gathering convened, by law, of leaders."
Speaking of the Temple of Baal: You may recall that WND heavilypromoted Cahn's ravings that a historical reconstruction of a Byzantine temple destroyed by ISIS was somehow evil because it was built for the pagan god Baal (never mind that it later served as a Christian church) and, thus, was effectively cheering the terrorist organization for destroying it.
CNS Not Sure How To Handle Jenner's Political Campaign Topic:
When Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner, the transphobic didn't take it well. That continued: Bill Donohue declared in a Septmeber 2019 column: "Bruce Jenner may call himself Caitlyn Jenner, have his genitals changed, and dress like a woman, but he cannot change his chromosomal makeup: he still carries a Y chromosome (as well as an X). In other words, he is a man." And a March 2020 article by managing editor Michael W. Chapman included a picture of "Bruce Jenner, now imitating a transgender woman, Caitlyn Jenner."
Now, Jenner has not only declared she's running for California governor in the upcoming recall election but also running as a Republican and expressing conservative views in the process, and CNS doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
Craig Bannister was only mildly snarky in an April 23 article on her candidacy -- clunkily headlined "Republican Transgender Olympic Gold Medalist Caitlyn Jenner Announces Run to Unseat Calif. Gov. Newsom" -- stating that "Caitlyn Jenner, who won a gold medal in the 1976 Olympics as a biological male named Bruce, has filed paperwork to run as a Republican to replace Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom." Bannister got a little huffier in an April 29 article: "As a biological male, Jenner won the 1976 Olympic gold medal in the decathlon for the U.S., but now “identifies” as a female and has entered the race as a Republican vying for California’s governorship."
In a May 3 article, Chapman was almost giddy that Jenner was spouting right-wing (and CNS) narratives on transgender athletes, yet still amde sure to take a shot at Jenner's own identity:
Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender "female" who used to be Bruce Jenner -- an Olympic Gold Medal decathlon winner and one of the most famous athletes in the world -- said that he opposes "biological boys" who are transgender females competing in girls' sports in school because "it just isn't fair."
On Saturday, a TMZ reporter caught up with Caitlyn Jenner in a parking lot and asked, "Hi Caitlyn, there's legislation in various states to ban biological boys, who are trans, from playing in girls' sports in school. What's your opinion on that?"
Jenner said, "This is a question of fairness. That's why I oppose biological boys, who are trans, competing in girls' sports in school."
"It just isn't fair," said Jenner. "And we have to protect girls' sports in our schools."
On May 6, Susan Jones surprisingly properly gendered Jenner in quoting her talking about "her struggle with gender dysphoria, her decision to live as a female, and her conversations with her pastor and God that changed how she’s living her life." Another article that day by Chapman repeated his sneering at Jenner's sexual identity while embracing her political stances:
The transgender "woman" Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner, is running for governor of California as a Republican in a runoff election later this year. In a Wednesday interview with conservative Sean Hannity, Jenner said he supports limited government, low taxes, the border wall, the police, and ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
"I am all for the wall," said Jenner. "I would secure the wall. We can't have a state -- we can't have a country without a secure wall."
And in a May 26 article, Jones didn't even make Jenner's transgender status an issue, not mentioning it until the eighth paragraph; instead, Jones highlighted how Jenner said "you can't have a healthy America with a sick California."
CNS, it seems, may not have quite figured out how to handle a transgender woman who is also a solid conservative.
MRC's Lame Gotcha: WaPo Runs Horoscopes! Topic: Media Research Center
It took both Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Gabriela Pariseau to crank out this April 22 Media Research Center attempt at a gotcha:
The Washington Post isn’t pro-science after all. The paper devoted the equivalent of at least 45 full newspaper pages in the past year to … astrology.
The newspaper staff apparently took the ‘60s hit to heart: “Sign, sign, Everywhere a sign.” The Post’s (Sagitarius) pages were a Cancer, and a Gemini and a Virgo and more.
The paper’s daily horoscopes from February 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021, wasted roughly 382 news columns, or about the page count of an entire daily newspaper with “life advice” based on a reader’s birthdate.
Astrology is the furthest thing from scientific fact, but that didn’t stop The Post (Sagitarius) from describing Republicans as “anti-science,” “science denialists” and having “contempt for science” more than 70 times in those months.
Horoscopes and astrology are an especially wacko brand of pseudoscience that ascribe spiritual powers to stars and planets. Astrologists claim that fiery gasses and space rocks control every human success, feeling, and romantic relationship.
Astrology is so scientific that scientists have repeatedly rejected its findings as junk. Britannica even admits astrology is “widely considered today to be diametrically opposed to the findings and theories of modern Western science.”
WaPo staffers and far lefties love to claim they “follow the science.” But ironically, as it turns out, they follow their horoscope instead.
Most (level headed) readers probably don’t put all their faith in The Washington Post’s daily horoscope reading, but that does not absolve the newspaper of its blatant hypocrisy. The Post indulges readers’ curiosity for pseudoscientific astro-crap while refusing to even acknowledge honest scientific questions from conservatives.
Instead, The Post (Sagitarius) had the audacity to call conservatives the anti-sciencers while devoting a WHOLE newspaper’s worth of space to astrological garbage.
Note that Mandelburg and Pariseau can't be bothered to correctly spell "Sagittarius," which tells you the level of seriousness and rigor that was put into this piece. Another sign: At no point do they prove that any employee of the Post follows the horoscopes the newspaper publishes, despite claiming that they "follow their horoscope." The duo also offer no evidence that horoscopes are for "far lefties," as they suggest. Many newspapers run horoscopes because they're popular, with readers regardless of their political persuasion.
Indeed, one of the biggest right-wing newspapers in the U.S., the New York Post, also runs horoscopes. But Mandelburg and Pariseau will never write an MRC gotcha piece saying the New York Post's promotion of, say, the Hunter Biden laptop story is discredited because the paper also publishes horoscopes.
This is just another reminder that the MRC's mission is partisan attacks, not "media research."
With Big Tech now going "full totalitarian" – wildly banning and suppressing conservative, Christian, pro-life and pro-Constitution news – WND is under greater attack than ever by the "lords of the internet," who want to destroy America’s oldest independent online journalism organization, which began its 25th year of continuous, 24/7 operation on May 5, 2021.
But we have a great solution.
First, just in case you’re not aware, right now Google is suppressing, de-monetizing and branding our biggest stories as “dangerous, derogatory or shocking content.” YouTube recently de-monetized WND entirely after we posted a video defending “MyPillow guy” and Trump supporter Mike Lindell. Facebook has kept WND in “Facebook Jail” since last September, massively suppressing WND’s traffic on their platform – by about 90%. Three major online ad companies all succumbed to leftwing “cancel culture” pressure and canceled all their WND advertising. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the lunatic leftwing hate group Big Tech companies rely on to identify hate groups, characterizes WND as a hate group – because we’re Christian and conservative.
You get the picture.
Indeed we do. We also get that WND is not telling the full story, which is:
WND's traffic is being suppressed because it likes to peddle misinformation and lies.
The likely real reason YouTube demonitized that video defending Lindell is because it included a clip from the podcast of Steve Bannon, who has been banned by YouTube for making false claims about election fraud.
We don't recall there ever being a "leftwing" campaign against ad companies to get them to stop using WND -- but we do recall that Google AdSense threatened to pull its ads from WND at a time when it was heavily into race-baiting.
The SPLC does not identify WND as a "hate group" either on its page about WND or on its most recent list of general hate groups (which, of course, does not mean WND is not filled with hateful content).
The pitch here is to get readers to subscribe to its ad-free program, in part because "WND is staffed by veteran professional journalists who, unlike most of today’s media, are unapologetically Christian, pro-American and pro-Constitution." Which is another way of saying that WND is unapologetically biased -- and which makes any WND criticism of other news outlets being "one-sided, dishonest and ever more unhinged" utterly hypocritical.
Just because WND has finally gotten serious about saving itself through seeking subscriptions and offloading its reporting to a nonprofit doesn't mean its content has improved or gotten any less dishonest and falsehood-filled.
CNS Returns To Promoting Extremist GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Topic:
We've documented how loved to promote Marjorie Taylor Greene before and after her election as a House member from Georgia without telling readers about her extreme far-right views -- admitting them only when they got too much attention to ignore. After that, CNS decided Greene was too toxic to promote and laid off her for a while. Now, it appears CNS has decided that enough time has passed, so it's touting Greene again -- and to whitewashing the controversies surrounding her.
Susan Jones began a May 6 CNS article by claiming: "Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the outspoken, conservative Trump supporter from Georgia, is a pariah among lawmakers for those and other reasons." Greene's anti-Semitism, homophobia and QAnon endorsement is actually much more offensive than her support of Trump, but Jones wants to keep that fact buried under "other reasons."
Much of the rest of Jones' article is copy-and-paste from a Fox News interview in which she "returned the favor" to her critics in Congress, complaing that Congress "is a system that is severely failing the American people and the American people have no idea how bad it is" and agreeing with host Tucker Carlson that most of her congressional colleagues are "losers." Jones also summarized that "Greene said Congress should be 'accountable' to all Americans, regardless of their party."
Of course, Jones has no interest in hold Greene accountable for her actions, even as her extreme actions -- the most recent of which include stalking Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and ludicrously comparing mask mandates to the Holocaust -- have drawn even more bipartisan criticism. She won't tell you about any of that, either.