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Thursday, December 13, 2018
WND's Brown: Doesn't Matter That Trump Is A Horrible Person, As Long As He Delivers The Right-Wing Goods
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown isn't expressing faux compassion for transgenders, he's an apologist for President Trump, insisting that evangelicals should ignore Trump's deeply troubling personal life and be happy that he signed on to promote a right-wing evangelical agenda. He's provided "talking points for pro-Trump evangelicals" and even written a book on the subject.

Brown took this argument to its crass, cynical extreme in his Dec. 6 column, writing in response to the fact that Trump, unlike all the other presidents who attended the funeral of former President George H.W. Bush, refused to recite the Apostles' Creed. Brown, needless to say, gave Trump a pass for the religious faux pas -- summed up in the headline "Ask me if I care" -- because the only thing that matters is that he pushes a right-wing agenda:

During the presidential campaign, did I take Trump’s references to the Scriptures seriously? No.

Was it meaningful to me when he held up his family Bible at his rallies? Absolutely not.

Did it surprise me when he really couldn’t quote a single, favorite verse? Not in the least.

And that’s why it didn’t surprise me when he remained silent during the recitation of the Apostles’ Creed.

As to why he was silent, God knows.

Perhaps he didn’t want to put on a religious show.

Perhaps he was committed to being totally quiet and out of the way during the Bush funeral.

Perhaps he was unfamiliar with the words.

Perhaps he’s not a true Christian and so had no interest in making the statement of faith.

To repeat: God knows why he didn’t recite the creed.

But, to repeat: His silence is of no material concern to me, since I would rather have a president who kept his promises to evangelicals and didn’t worship publicly than a public worshiper who broke his promises to us.

Brown then invokes WND's favorite divine-Donald narrative, that Trump is just like biblilcal hero Cyrus:

But even if it was the worst case scenario, namely, that he was silent because he is not a true believer in Jesus, that would only confirm the “Cyrus” prophecies about him. (Namely, that God raised him up for His own good purposes, despite the fact that Trump himself did not know God, just as he raised up Cyrus, who was an idol-worshiping pagan king. See Isaiah 45:1-4, and note carefully the last words of verse 4.)

To be clear, I have said for more than three years that we make a mistake when, as evangelicals, we present the president as “Saint Donald” or when we whitewash his worst words. We can support him and pray for him without being puppets and lackeys. We can stand with him while expressing our disagreement and differences.

But as long as he continues to nominate pro-life justices and push back against LGBT extremism and fight for our religious liberties and combat radical Islam and stand with Israel (among other things), he has my ongoing support.

And that holds true whether he himself is a genuine Christian or not.

Somehow, we suspect that even if Trump suddenly stops delivering the right-wing goods, Brown will still find a reason to support him.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:58 PM EST
CNS Spins on Flynn to Protect Trump

When Robert Mueller released his sentencing recommendations regarding the guilty plea on making false statements entered by onetime Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, reacted the way you'd expect.

A Dec. 5 article by Susan Jones is a surprisingly straightforward account of Flynn's offense and Mueller's recommendations -- until the last paragraph, in which she claimed: "Flynn's defenders note that he was the victim of illegal surveillance and unmasking by members of the Obama administration, but so far, no one in that orbit has been held accountable."

Jones provided no evidence that any surveillance and unmasking of Flynn under the Obama administration was "illegal." Indeed, experts have argued that surveillance of Flynn was quite legal, given that he was chatting with Russian officials as an agent for Trump and it was the Russians, not Flynn, who were the target of the eavesdropping.

Jones also penned an article making a well-worn CNS argument, quoting Republican Rep. Mark Meadows attacking Mueller insisting that Flynn's case had nothing to do with collusion with Russia.

Finally, Jones wrote an article claiming that the no-prison-term recommendation Mueller made for Flynn was what President Trump wanted all along, featuring another right-wing congressman (appearing on Fox News, natch):

There's a "great irony" in Special Counsel Robert Mueller asking a federal court not to put Gen. Michael Flynn in prison, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday night.

“The great irony, Sean, is that Robert Mueller has achieved the same outcome that Donald Trump was (after). I mean, Robert Mueller has essentially said to court, lay off of Mike Flynn -- he's a good guy. If Trump said the same thing to (former FBI Director James) Comey, they apparently want to throw him in jail for it. And it shows the double standard.”


Flash back to early 2017, when – according to notes written by then-FBI Director Comey – Trump took Comey aside the day after Flynn was fired. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Comey quoted Trump as saying.  “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

In his court filing on Tuesday, Mueller seemed to agree that Flynn was a good guy. He mentioned some of Flynn’s “mitigating” characteristics, including his “exemplary” military and public service. “He served in the military for over 33 years, including five years of combat duty, led the Defense Intelligence Agency and retired as a 3-star Lieutenant General.”

Of course, the threat of prison time is the leverage Mueller had over Flynn to get him to cooperate with investigators. Jones doesn't mention that, of course; instead, she quotes Gaetz ranting at length that "Flynn should never have pleaded guilty" and how Hillary Clinton is the real criminal.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:40 AM EST
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Chuck Norris Touts His 'Bromance' With Hungary's Right-Wing Authoritarian Leader
Topic: WorldNetDaily is not the only ConWeb outlet to fall madly in love with Viktor Orban, Hungary's right-wing authoritarian leader. Chuck Norris touted his "bromance" with Orban in his Dec. 2 WorldNetDaily column. He kicked things off with press clippings and self-aggrandizement:

You might have heard in the news that my wife, Gena, and I spent time this past week with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the country’s great capital city of Budapest.

The Washington Post reported, “Hungary’s strongman leader has a new American friend.”

Breitbart News reported, “Brussels Beware: ‘Street Fighter’ Orbán Teams Up with Action Man Chuck Norris in Hungary.”

Russia’s RT network reported, “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was spotted hanging out with none other than Hollywood actor and walking epitome of badassery, Chuck Norris. They cruised around Budapest as Orbán showed off the nation’s anti-terrorism unit.”

Sputnik news reported, “‘Badass’ Chuck Norris Spotted Bromancing with Hungarian PM Orbán.”

CNN similarly reported, “Move over Vladimir Putin and Steven Seagal, there’s a new strongman bromance brewing.”

I don’t know about a bromance, but he is certainly our newfound friend. Or as Gena echoed when we said goodbye to the prime minister: “ Friends forever“!

It was so great to spend the day with Orbán as he personally drove us around the capital city of Budapest. It was our first time in the country, and, boy, was it beautiful. And the people were remarkable! We saw many sites, including the bridge over the Danube that was almost named after me.

Interesting that two of the outlets Norris invokes -- RT and Sputnik -- are Russian propaganda operations.

Norris also does som serious sucking up to Orban:

Prime Minister Orbán is a staunch conservative all the way, from protecting his borders to espousing Christian values and even establishing a “Stop [George] Soros” law. He was just reelected for the third time in a landslide victory. He’s very popular among the common people, though progressives vehemently dislike him.

At one point PM Orbán said to me, “90 percent of the comments on me is negative … the liberals hate me.”

I replied, “You’re like [U.S. President Donald] Trump.”

He retorted, “A little bit more than that!”

He also explained to me that: “I am a street fighter basically, I’m not coming from the elite.” He’s also a brilliant street fighter, having been educated at Oxford University[.]


The Prime Minister posted a video of different aspects of our day together on his Facebook page. You can watch it here.

Norris is not going to mention that Orban's attacks on Soros are based on fringe conspiracy theories.

Norris closed his column with a message to his wife, who accompanied him on this junket: "Happy Anniversary, my love and best friend! As great as it was to be in Hungary, my bromance with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán can’t hold a match to my romance with you!"

Oh, we don't know about that -- his bromance with Orban is strong enough that he's more than willing to act as as his shill.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:28 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 9:33 PM EST
MRC More Angry At Criticism Of Redskins Name Than The Fact The Redskins Hired A Suspected Abuser
Topic: Media Research Center

Proving that conservative correctness rules over all at the Media Research Center, mysterious sports blogger Jay Maxson writes in a Nov. 30 post:

Signing linebacker Reuben Foster, released earlier this week by the San Francisco 49ers for alleged domestic violence, opened up the Washington Redskins to collateral media attacks on their team nickname. ESPN Around the Horn commentator Kevin Blackistone, USA Today For the Win writer Steven Ruiz and others couldn't resist the temptation to take swipes at the Redskins' nickname while blasting the team for signing Foster.

Maxson went on to whine that "Ruiz emptied a bagful of grievances he has with the Washington team, much of it devoted to the issue of the Redskins' name, which many liberals want changed" and that Ruiz "blasted team founder George Preston Marshall, 'a man whose Wikipedia page features a 'Racism' section, ...' and who was the last NFL owner to sign black players." Maxson said nothing further about Foster.

That's right -- Maxson is more offended at writers criticizing the Redskins team name than he is about the fact that the Redskins signed a player credibly accused of domestic violence against his girlfriend. Shows you were the MRC's priorities are.

A few days earlier, Maxson had ranted about the idea that Colin Kaepernick -- about whom Maxson has regular attacks of derangement -- might be hired by the Redskins as a replacement quarterback. Maxson sneered that Kaepernick is a "notorious anthem kneeler" and a "SJW favorite," dismissing those advocating for Kaepernick as making "pithy powder puff arguments" and adding that "to objective people, these are flimsy, pathetically weak points. Beating a dead horse, the Kaepernick apologists are embarrassing themselves by begging and pleading for his return."

Maxson can't even be bothered to write more about Foster than he has about a former NFL player whose political views he disagrees with.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:44 PM EST
NEW ARTICLE: WorldNetDaily's Favorite Criminal Ex-Congressman
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WND loves Steve Stockman so much, it's promoting a conspiracy theory that the former congressman was sent to prison on financial fraud charges because he's a victim of the "Deep State." Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:12 AM EST
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
CNS Editor Still Using Same Budget Argument Its MRC Parent Has Attacked

We've noted how was President Trump's proposed border wall by claiming that it would cost only a miniscule percentage -- despite the fact that CNS' Media Research Center attacked that very same argument when supporters of public broadcasting and arts and humanities funding made it.

Well, CNS was at it again in a Nov. 30 article by editor in chief Terry Jeffrey:

President Donald Trump’s $5 billion request for funds to use building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border equals 0.11 percent of the estimated $4.5 trillion the federal government is expected to spend this fiscal year.

According to the Monthly Treasury Statement for October, the Office of Management and Budget has estimated that the federal government will spend a total of $4,509,641,000,000 in fiscal 2019, which started on Oct. 1.

President Trump is now asking Congress to approve $5 billion in the fiscal 2019 Department of Homeland Security appropriation to fund border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border.

That $5,000,000,000 would equal 0.11 percent of the anticipated total federal spending of $4,509,641,000,000.

To put the president’s border wall request in perspective, the federal government spent $5.587 billion in the month of October alone for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, AKA food stamps. Thus, funding food stamps for just the first month of fiscal 2019 cost more than Trump’s entire fiscal 2019 request for border wall funding.

Jeffrey even included a ludicrous bar chart showing an extremely long bar for federal spending next to a virtually nonexistent one for the border wall request.

By contrast, a March 2017 column by his boss, MRC chief Brent Bozell, and Tim Graham touted how defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides money to public ratio and TV operations across the country, would "save of ton of taxpayer money," parenthetically adding that  "$450 million is a lot of money."

Bozell and Graham will never write a column complaining that $5 billion "is a lot of money." and they will never make Jeffrey write an article to that effect.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:29 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 1:12 AM EST
WND's Farah: Climate Change Is Man-Made ... Because God Is Punishing Man
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has a, shall we say, unique interpretation of the causes of climate change in his Nov. 25 column:

Black Friday turned into an indictment of carbon dioxide and a warning of dire consequences for the U.S. economy in a report from the Global Change Research Program, which affirmed government conclusions that there is “no convincing alternative explanation” for climate change than human activities, especially greenhouse gases.

“The global average temperature is much higher and is rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced, and this warming trend can only be explained by human activities,” said David Easterling, director of the technical support unit at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.

It was reported all over the media, if possibly overshadowed by the record-breaking post-Thanksgiving sales numbers. America’s cultural institutions are all in for catastrophic climate change. Those who are skeptical are often referred to in academia and within the Democratic Party as “deniers” – suggesting man-made global warming is now a secular article of faith.

On the other hand, surveys show most evangelical Christians dismiss the issue in one of three ways: A liberal hoax, a hypothesis based on flawed science, or an affront to the concept of human existence based on God’s intelligent design.

But is it possible both sides are wrong?

Are Christians not giving their God enough credit?

Does God actually guard jealously His sovereign ability to bless or curse His creation on the basis of humanity’s spiritual health and obedience?

This is why I unequivocally believe in man-caused climate change – because God tells us He uses it to keep us coming back to His ways.

So forceful is God on this point that He characterizes his watchful eye on the climate as “My doctrine,” in Deuteronomy 32:2.

With all you’ve seen, heard and read about climate change in the last 30 years, how about just considering the possibility that God’s still “got the whole world in His hand?” And how about considering still that some of the plagues we’ve all witnessed in recent years – from catastrophic storms, devastating earthquakes and raging wildfires – represent what God clearly explains in His Word as an effort to ensure you do not “perish quickly from off the good land which the Lord giveth you?” (Deuteronomy 11:17)

Who needs science? Not Farah, apparently. And it's funny how he laments that people who reject climate science are called "deniers" -- just before he outlines how "most evangelical Christians dismiss the issue" by, you know, denying it.

After a biblical deep dive, Farah got a little clearer toward the end of his column:

God not only controls the weather as a principal means of reigning in our behavior for our own good, He holds the entire universe together – all of Creation. He does so because He loves us and wants us to have the chance to be His children for eternity – but only if we love and obey Him and His Son Jesus the Messiah, the one and only Redeemer and Mediator between God and man.

Is our planet actually dying, as some scientists suggest? About that, they are correct. That’s the nature of our fallen planet. Yet God is going to bring it back to perfection.

One thing is for certain: God’s going to shut heaven again. When you see it happen, don’t blame carbon dioxide. Blame man’s disobedience of God’s ways, and get down on your knees in humility and pray for forgiveness.

We're not aware that Farah has ever dropped to his knees and prayed for forgiveness from God for disobeying His ways by using WND as a vehicle for peddling lies about Barack Obama and Seth Rich, among others.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:14 PM EST
MRC Leaders Whine About Obamas Making Money
Topic: Media Research Center

WorldNetDailiy's Joseph Farah isn't the only ConWeb figure feeling more than a little envious and jealous about Michelle Obama's new book being so successful. The Media Research Center's Tim Graham and Brent Bozell bitterly complain in their Nov. 24 column:

Michelle Obama has a new memoir out called Becoming. Add two words: “Very Wealthy.” The Obamas struck a reported $65 million book deal for his-and-hers memoirs, and put that next to their $50 million production deal with Netflix. They are set to cash in to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. One outlet has called them a "Billion Dollar Brand." None of their media sycophants media find this the tiniest bit controversial. They are the royal family. They cannot possibly be compensated enough.

(Trump's wealth? Wealth generated by a lifetime of work in the private sector? Unacceptable.)

We don't recall these two complaining about Ronald Reagan cashing in after his presidency by getting paid $2 million for a speech and other activities in Japan.

Graham and Bozell then descend into their usual whataboutism by grousing that Republican first ladies didn't get this kind of positive media coverage. Of course, Michelle Obama didn't put up blood-red Christmas trees in the White House.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:22 AM EST
Monday, December 10, 2018
Les Kinsolving, R.I.P.
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Former WorldNetDaily Les Kinsolving died last week at the age of 90. WND gave him a nice obituary, of course, which manages to gloss over the fact that Kinsolving was a onetime Episcopal priest who was defrocked for questioning the concept of hell. WND editor also served up a gushing remembrance, declaring him a "White House press legend," adding: "I believed Les was a national treasure – sort of an informed, respectful and entertaining version of Jim Acosta, if you can imagine something like that."

Wwe remember Kinsolving as someone so wacky in the White House press room that we gave his work a "Daily Les" tag. We called him the right-wing Helen Thomas -- not that he or WND would ever admit he was biased, of course -- and we caught him pushing a revisionist history of Trent Lott's infamous remarks about Strom Thurmond.

Basically, Kinsolving was definitely entertaining, arguably respectful, but had lots of trouble with the "informed" part -- he was too biased to be genuinely informed or useful. Which, of course, made him the perfect WND White House correspondent.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:56 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 6:01 PM EST
CNS Unemployment Coverage Distortion Watch

There are enough positive numbers in the latest jobless figures, so the pro-trump rah-rah continues at Susan Jones dutifully proclaims in her main article:

The November employment report, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the economy added 150,000 jobs, well below the (revised) 237,000 added last month.

But the unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent for the third month in a row; and the number of employed Americans once again reached an all-time high of 156,795,000, the 13th record since Donald Trump became president.

Jones waited until the sixth paragraph to note that "On the negative side, the labor force participation rate remained stubbornly high," blaming it on "the growing number of Baby Boom retirees." You might recall that CNS obsessed over the high labor force participation rate under President Obama even as the unemployment rate plummeted, while rarely bothering to explain that retiring Baby Boomers are driving up that number.

As usual, Jones' article was joined by sidebars from editor in chief Terry Jeffrey on growing manufacturing jobs and declining government jobs -- implicitly crediting Trump for both trends -- and  a post from Craig Bannister about Hispanic unemployment, which CNS' Media Research Center owner is synergistically exploiting for its own purposes.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:00 AM EST
WND's Medical Misinformer Still Fearmongering About Disease-Ridden Immigrants
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Medical misinformer Jane Orient is back again in a Dec. 3 WorldNetDaily column to fearmonger about filthy, disease-ridden brown people at the border:

Thousands of migrants are crammed together in Tijuana, many outdoors, and about a third of them are already sick. Without sanitation, outdoors in the rain, many more will become ill. Several cases of tuberculosis, chicken pox, and HIV have already been reported.

The unseen travelers also include measles, Chagas disease, hepatitis and many other dangerous microbes. You can see the lice that serve as vectors of diseases such as typhus if you look closely. Workers in migrant reception centers have spent hours combing nits out of little girls’ hair – but they could be fired for talking about it.

We woudl remind Orient that she has no credibility on this issue. As we documented the last time she did this (last month, actually), Orient -- in her role as head of the fringe-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and managing editor of the AAPS' Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons -- published a 2005 article featured similar ranting against filthy foreigners and a massively false claim that cases of leprosy in the U.S. have exploded because of immigration. As far as we know, Orient has yet to issue a correction despite the claim being debunked years ago.

But Orient was not done fearmongering:

Then there’s that mysterious polio-like illness – AFM, for acute flaccid myelitis – that has struck hundreds of American children. Some would be in “iron lungs” if we didn’t use a different kind of breathing machine today. AFM was first noted in 2014, just coincidentally in time and space with the dispersal of thousands of Central American children into U.S. schools. More prominent at that time was an outbreak of a deadly respiratory illness that sent hundreds of American children to intensive care units. Both types of symptoms can probably be caused by enterovirus D68, which happens to be endemic in Central America. Any connection? The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) says it doesn’t know.

Orient is engaging in malicious speculation. No direct link between enterovirus D68 and AFM has been found -- or to anything else and AFM. And Orient won't tell you that enterovirus D68 has been present in the U.S. for many years before 2014, since that would shoot down her anti-filthy-immigrant narrative.

But who needs facts when Orient isn't done fearmongering? And she still wasn't:

Public health can’t deal with a horde violently storming the border. What the mainstream press doesn’t show is that 80 percent of the crowd are men, mostly of military age. The threats they pose to the health of our citizens (and that of other migrants) include violence, sexually transmitted diseases from rape (a large percentage of the women have been molested) and illicit drugs that pour through while Border Patrol agents may be changing diapers.

Too bad for Orient that she can't be trusted on this issue.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:34 AM EST
Sunday, December 9, 2018
MRC Still Harder On CBS Chief's Sexual Harassment Than Fox News Chief's
Topic: Media Research Center

New allegations of sexual harassment have surfaced against for CBS chief Les Moonves, and the Media Research Center is back to tsk-tsk about CBS' coverage of it.

A Nov. 29 post by Scott Whitlock complained that "Despite a combined two and a half hours of available air time, CBS on Wednesday night and Thursday morning allowed just 94 seconds to the latest shocking sexual assault allegations against the network’s former chairman and CEO, Les Moonves," adding that "Often, This Morning hosts seem irritated about having to cover the alleged actions of their colleagues." Then, a Dec. 7 post by Whitlock huffed that CBS offered "spin" in its reporting on the alleged offenses by Moonves and other CBS hosts and executives.

Funny, we don't remember the MRC adding up the coverage on Fox News about the hosts and executives there accused of, and ousted for, sexual harassment of women -- including that of founder and longtime chief Roger Ailes.

We'll just remind Whitlock that, as we've documented, he and his employer have shown an almost complete lack of concern about sexual harassment at Fox News -- to the point that his boss, Brent Bozell, lionized Ailes upon his death by claiming that "The good Roger did for America is immeasurable" while completely ignoring the harassment claims and the fact that Ailes' victims would likely have a different assessment of his legacy.

The MRC's continued obsession with sexual harassment at other media outlets only makes its Fox News-shaped blind spot even more glaring.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:48 PM EST
CNS' Favorite Right-Wing Insult Comic

A couple months back, we highlighted how had suddenly become enamored of right-wing lawyer Joseph diGenova's insults of people involved in the Breett Kavanaugh controversy. Since then, CNS -- specifically, managing editor Michael W. Chapman -- has continued to make a regular place on the website he runs for diGenova's pro-Trump, insult-comic stylings, this time focused on the Trump-Russia investigation with a particular obsession with the official running it, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein:

The guillotine! Hardy har har! Chapman apparently thinks that's so hiliarous that he ignores the implicit death threat.

Oddly, as if to legitimize diGenova's vulgar threat in that last item, Chapman threw in a cut-and-paste paragraph detailing his background as having "served as Special Counsel to the House of Representatives to probe the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; led the prosecution of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard; and served as Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the Senate Rules Committee and Counsel to the Senate Judiciary, Governmental Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees." But shouldn't such a pedigree mean he should know better than to issue such puerile threats?

No matter. Chapman is clearly happy to have found his favorite right-wing insult comic.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:10 PM EST
Saturday, December 8, 2018
MRC's White House Christmas Decoration Fail
Topic: Media Research Center

Gabriel Hays spent a Nov. 27 Media Research Center post complaining that people were criticizing Melania Trump's Christmas decorations -- specifically, the blood-red Christmas trees. He then tried for a coup de grace at the haters:

People can have their tastes all they want, and they are perfectly fine to argue about what’s elegant or not. But let’s not pretend that if this exact same style was present in the White House during Christmas 2015, that these lefty celebs wouldn’t have been saying that Michelle Obama had done an incredible job with the presentation.

And let's not pretend that Michelle Obama done that same exact style in 2015, Hays and the MRC would be attacking her the way he now complains people are attacking Melania.

But as it so happens, the Washington Post has pictures of the 2015 White House Christmas decorations:

All very tasteful, and not a blood-red tree to be seen anywhere. Even Obama's most vicious haters -- as well as the haters at the MRC -- couldn't find anything to complain about, then or now.

The MRC needs to give up on such reflexive defense of Trump -- especially when its attempt to make an Obama Equivocation lacks logic.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:46 PM EST
WND's Kupelian: Democrats Are Either Idiots Or Insane
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian uses his Nov. 19 column -- taken from the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine -- to rant about  "the progressive left’s growing descent into madness," asking among other things: "What are normal Americans to make of the never-ending attempts to overturn the constitutional election of President Donald Trump by any means possible – legal or illegal, moral or immoral?"

Ironic coming from a man who helps runs a "news" organization that spent eight years trying to overturn the constitutional election of President Barack Obama by any means possible – legal or illegal, moral or immoral.

Kupelian then graciously concedes that not every Democrat is not evil and insane, just stupid and naive:

Before exploring this question, let’s first pause and allow for the fact that there are many decent people on the left. There are people of conscience and principle, a prominent one being former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who today openly criticizes – and is persecuted in return by – his fellow leftists. Moreover, there are rational – or at least understandable, however flawed – arguments that can be made in favor of some leftwing policy positions such as socialized medicine (concern that poor children get needed medical care), gun control (desire to avoid tragedy arising from criminal or mentally ill people with firearms) or raising the minimum wage (concern that everyone has a living wage). Those making such arguments may be naïve, mistaken about their facts, ignorant of the laws of economics, think too emotionally, or be oblivious to the unintended consequences of their feel-good policies – but that doesn’t mean they’re insane.

A fine bit of condescension there, Dave. He then returned to the "hatred of Trump" theme, with a bonus plug for a book he wrote:

This is indeed a major factor, since intense hatred can, all by itself, literally make a person crazy. As I write in “How Evil Works”:“Hate is like spiritual plutonium, possessing bizarre, explosive and transformative qualities of which we are largely unaware. It is the means by which evil itself blooms on this earth, especially when rage is focused and magnified by a malignant worldview.” If you get mad enough – you go mad.

That would be a good point had it not come from a guy whose hatred for Obama is so intense he accused Obama of perpetrating a "date rape of America."

So, yeah, Kupelian is totally projecting here. As if to prove that he himself is the one who's gone mad, he writes under the "hatred of America" section of his bill of goods against liberals:

The same leftists who so easily brand Trump and Republicans as racist and immoral tend also to feel essentially the same way about their own nation – seeing America as a fundamentally racist, immoral country. That is why, to cite just one example, over 100 Civil War-era statues, monuments and symbols have been torn down across the U.S. since 2015.

Actually, that Newsweek article states that over 100 Confederate monuments have been removed. Kupelian seems to have forgotten that the Confederacy fought against America in the Civil War in order to preserve the racist, immoral practice of slavery. Wouldn't the removal of Confederate monuments thus be supportive of America?

Alas, Kupelian has been so driven mad by his own hatred that he can't see the illogic of his argument.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:34 AM EST

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