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Thursday, April 23, 2015
CNS Is Mad More People Aren't Covered Under Obamacare, For Some Reason

The right-wingers at have consistently grumbled about Obamacare, so it's odd to see them complain that it's not successful enough at covering people. Brittany Hughes writes in an April 13 CNS article:

Nearly 12 percent of American adults still do not have health insurance, according to a Gallup poll published Monday.

This is despite the fact that the individual mandate in President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), AKA Obamacare, took effect at the beginning of 2014.

According to Gallup 11.9% of American adults were uninsured in the first quarter of 2015. That was down one percentage point from the previous quarter and 5.2 points since the end of 2013, just before the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate went into effect.

The Gallup survey shows the ACA falling far short of the president’s statement that the law would be "about making sure that all of us, and all our fellow citizens, can count on the security of health care."

But Hughes doesn't mention one key reason why coverage isn't higher: the refusal of Republican governors to expand their Medicaid rolls.

As Bloomberg details, one key component of the Affordable Care Act is federal funding for states to expand Medicaid -- if they decide to take advantage of it. But 20 states haven't, the vast majority of them run by Republican governors like Florida and Texas. Those two states together have 1.6 million people who could qualify for Medicaid under the wider eligibility criteria, according to estimates from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Hughes might want to consider pointing the finger of blame where it actually belongs instead of engaging in kneejerk Obama-bashing.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:40 PM EDT
We Get Phil Elmore's Attention
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Looks like we've gotten someone's attention.

Phil Elmore's April 22 WorldNetDaily column was set off by our examination last week of Elmore's WND work. That's not to say it's a response, because Elmore doesn't really respond to anything in the article -- he doesn't link to the ConWebWatch article he's highlighting, nor to any other work of ours he highlights, which is a sign of the dishonesty to come.

(Funny thing is, WND has a history of this. In 2008, when we submitted a response to WND editor Joseph Farah's criticism of us, WND stripped out all the links to ConWebWatch articles that had been embedded in the original.)

Mainly, he plays the attack-the-messenger card, calling me a "troll" solely because I had the temerity to criticize his writing, offering no evidence of how that consists of "trolling" behavior. Elmore also falsely claims that I think "any opinion with which [I] disagree is automatically a 'lie.' and that I'm constantly "screaming that everyone [I don't] like is lying." In fact, I highlight actual lies as lies; Elmore offers no evidence I've ever portrayed a conservative opinion as a de facto falsehood.

Then, for some reason, Elmore goes back to a 2009 blog post I wrote for a lengthy attack regarding the use of sexual metaphors:

In a blog post entitled, “Erik Rush Discovers Gay Sex,” Krepel quotes WND columnist Erik Rush, who wrote, “Apparently, shouting at the president is objectionable, but his collectively sodomizing the American people in perpetuity is acceptable as long as it is done with a sense of decorum.” Krepel then cites a column in which Rush says, “Indeed – like the proverbial cellblock rapist, our president is ‘ramming’ as much of his Marxist agenda down our collective throats as quickly as he can.”

This, according to Krepel, is very, very mean (and homophobic). According to Krepel, this means Erik Rush is obsessed with gay sex acts. It could not possibly be, to Krepel, that the idea of your government “screwing you” is a common turn of phrase in popular culture; it could not ever be the case that Erik Rush thinks we are being force-fed Marxism by the president and that Rush is using colorful language to make that point. No, in Terry Krepel’s outraged eyes, it must be that Erik Rush has only just “discovered” gay sex.

Yet Krepel himself is obsessed with gay oral sex by his own logic. In objecting to a positive commentary on radio personality Michael Savage, Krepel refers on his blog to “fluffing,” an industry term used on pornography film shoots. Krepel also repeatedly refers to “literary fellatio” in this regard. Exactly how is this different than using the metaphorical language Erik Rush did in the column Krepel found so horribly, horribly objectionable? The answer is … that it isn’t. It isn’t different at all. Mr. Krepel is simply a hypocrite. In the world of Terry Krepel, you see, all pornographic metaphors are equal, but some pornographic metaphors are more equal than others.

Elmore seems to have missed the fact that I was pointing out that Erik Rush's use of violent sexual metaphors was of a piece with Rush Limbaugh's weird fixation on anal sex. By contrasts, my references to "fluffing" and "literary fellatio" -- to which Elmore has to go back to another 2009 ConWebWatch article -- were an apt metaphor for the situation I was describing. In it, I describe how former WND columnist Ellis Washington was using his then-position as the "authorized biographer for the conservative intellectual Dr. Michael Savage" to take his Savage sycophancy to a laughable extent, likening the extreme-right radio host to Jesus Christ and Prometheus.

And therein lies the difference that Elmore fails to see: Erik Rush's sexual metaphors portray forcible acts and imply the perpetrators, like President Obama, are violent thugs; mine point out how Washington is so determined to give pleasure to his subject that it might as well be sexual.

Having exhausted his questioning of things I wrote six years ago, Elmore returns to current matters, finally offering a direct response (sort of) to something I wrote: a post in a Twitter conversation I had with Elmore in which I note that because WND is so discredited, he is discredited by extension because of his association with it. He responds not by acknowledging WND's credibility problems but, rather, by repeating WND's own PR:

Fully 18 years after its founding, certain facts remain facts no matter how many times liberal trolls like Ross and Krepel dismiss them. This site was the first Internet-only news organization. It was also the first Internet-only news site to secure credentials to cover both the White House and Capitol Hill. Among Internet content providers, it was the first to see one of its books made into a feature film, the first to launch a movie production house and the first to start a book-publishing enterprise. As for the opinions liberals hate so much, founder Joseph Farah gives the libs plenty to gnash their teeth over, grinding out an unprecedented six opinion columns per week. WND has repeatedly broken major stories that achieved mainstream attention only later. Regardless of your opinion of its articles concerning theology, alternative-science and arguable conspiracy theories, this is a news organization that has left an indelible mark on the American news landscape.

Like much of the ConWebWatch work he's belatedly criticizing, WND's "firsts" are years in the past, and as any good investor knows, past performance doesn't indicate future results. Heck, we'll even agree with Elmore that WND made some stabs at actual journalism way back when. But it's been a long time since WND was driven by anything resembling journalistic principles, so desperate has it become to destroy Obama by any means necessary.

Elmore makes sure not to mention any of that more recent and relevant WND reportage, such as its failed jihad against President Obama and the whole birther debacle. WND's "indelible mark on the American news landscape" has become that of a bad joke.

If Elmore is proud to be associated with WND, far be it from us to further try to dissuade him.  But he shouldn't complain when he sees how that plays outside the WND bubble.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Newsmax's Hirsen Laments Bad Reviews For New 'Paul Blart' Film
Topic: Newsmax

James Hirsen uses his April 20 Newsmax column to ask where the love is for the new Kevin James film "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2," declaring that the film's opening-weekend success "is particularly impressive when examined in light of the excessively brutal reviews that the mainstream film critic community has heaped upon it."

Well, not really. A film sequel generally has a good chance to do well in its opening weekend no matter its quality or reviews from critics. Hirsen works in Hollywood, so he ought to know that.

Hirsen went on to complain that no movie-review websites "paid attention to a positive review that appeared on Ted Baer's [sic] Movie Guide site, in which the film is characterized as 'the funniest family movie in many years.'" Hirsen doesn't explain why anyone should pay attention to right-winger Baehr, who thinks the "Harry Potter" books and films "teach rebellion against authority" because "Witchcraft means rebellion against God's authority in the Bible."

Hirsen pumps up James' supposed family-friendly bona fides, pointing out that he "is married, has four children, and is a committed Catholic believer," as well as "part of an expanding group of professionals in Hollywood who are committed to the goal of creating family friendly fare for the general viewing audience."

Hirsen also ought to know that box-office take is not directly proportional to a film's  quality, yet he concludes his column by suggesting it is: "A quick look at the box-office results makes it clear that James has come through for his fans in a big way, and hopefully this portends that more wholesome Hollywood product is in store for the public."

Given that Hirsen promoted Mel Gibson and his film "The Passion of the Christ" -- and defended Gibson after unsavory rants went public -- for years without discolsing the close personal relationship with the actor makes us wonder if there's something between him and James he's not mentioning.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:42 PM EDT
WND Hides The Truth About Why Houston Petitions Were Disqualified
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The rule of law was upheld in a Houston petition case -- but you wouldn't know that by reading WorldNetDaily.

Last week, a judge ruled that a right-wing petition initiative to overturn Houston's anti-discrimination ordinance did not contain enough valid signatures after the petitions were found to include numerous errors by petition circulators and forgeries that disqualified signatures. The judge noted that the disqualifying errors included pages where the circulator's affidavit was not notarized or where the circulator notarized his or own affidavit, signatures added after the circulator signed the verification, and signatures that appear more than once.

It fell to Bob Unruh to write about the ruling for WND. Given that Unruh has peddled falsehoods about the Houston case in the past, it wasn't going to go well for anyone interested in a fair and balanced story.

And it didn't. Three of the first four paragraphs of Unruh's April 17 article are devoted to a side issue that had nothing to do with the final ruling: an attempt by city officials to subpoena communications by some pastors in the case that was ultimately dropped.

It's not until the fifth paragraph that Unruh gets around to admitting that the judge ruled there were not enough valid signatures -- then immediately spent several paragraphs repeating talking points from petition supporters about how the signatures in question were valid.

At no point does Unruh bother to quote from the judge's ruling or explain why those signatures and petitions were disqualifed. He did, however, find space to allow petition supporters (including homophobic former WND columnist Dave Welch) to claim the judge “was supported in his election by the LGBT community.”

Unruh's article ends with the address and phone number of Houston Mayor Annise Parker, whom Unruh makes sure to let us know is "openly lesbian."

While Unruh's article is a journalistic dumpster fire, his boss, Joseph Farah, manages to take it even further in his April 19 column:

Not every state or community permits up-and-down votes of the people on issues of controversy. But the city of Houston, Texas, has such a provision that allows voters to act when they aren’t satisfied with the work of their city council.

Such was the case recently when Mayor Annise Parker, a “progressive” lesbian activist, persuaded the city council to enact a law that extended the most vigorous civil rights protections to “transgendereds” as a protected class, including ensuring that they got to choose the public restrooms of their choice.

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore

Shortly afterward, pastors throughout Houston organized to undo the action with a city-wide vote. They gathered all the signatures that were needed, but they were disqualified by the city attorney, an apparatchik of the mayor. The Houston pastors appealed the decision to Judge Robert Schaffer last Friday. Once again, one “progressive” judge took the matter out of the hands of the people and placed it in the hands of the city’s ruling elite.

The coalition of pastors has promised an appeal. But you get the idea.

Like Unruh, Farah can't be bothered to explain why exactly those signatures and petition pages were disqualified. Instead, he rants that the judge's ruling "killed 'voter rights' in Houston."

That, of course, is a lie (but as we know, Farah loves lying). If the petition circulators had followed the relevant laws, this would not be a problem. 

In other words, Farah is advocating that the law be ignored so his anti-gay agenda can advance. He's mad that the rule of law was enforced, and the fact that he won't tell the truth about what happened tells us that he's more than aware of that -- and he's willing to pervert journalistic principles, with his pliant underling Unruh, to make sure his readers don't get the truth.

While Farah rants that "progressives" don't want justice and equality enforced, it's more than clear he's actually talking about himself.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:22 PM EDT
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
CNS'Just Can't Stop Obsessing Over LGBT-Related Federal Spending

It appears that deputy managing editor Melanie Hunter has farmed out her obsession with portraying any and all federal spending on LGBT-related issues as wasteful to an underling, Rudy Takala. Thus, we have Takala's April 20 article:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is devoting $156,929 to study the best ways to convince gay Latino men to wear condoms and get tested for HIV.

“Latinos are diagnosed with HIV at a rate that is three times that of non-Latino whites and they tend to be diagnosed later,” according to NIH’s description of the six-month project that “will focus on promoting sexual health and be positioned as an outreach intervention that promotes HIV testing in an accepting environment.”

And as usual with such articles, the comment thread at the end is starting to fill up with anti-gay and homophobic commenters. Encouraging such comments seems to be the main point of such articles at CNS, since very few, if any, of the most offensive comments ever get deleted.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:29 PM EDT
NEW ARTICLE: Fraud On The Bookshelf
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's online store sells books that have been roundly discredited -- and David Barton's tome on Thomas Jefferson isn't the only one. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 12:39 PM EDT
Monday, April 20, 2015
Newsmax Promoting Rubio, Giving Him Campaign Advice
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax is not only boosting Marco Rubio's presidential campaign, CEO Christopher Ruddy is trying to tell him how to run it.

On the promotion side, Newsmax is currently offering a copy of Rubio's "engaging autobiography," in which he "shares his gripping life story," for a loss-leader price of $2.95, plus the usual trial subscription to Newsmax magazine that one must opt out of in order to avoid being charged $39.95 for entire year. The promo adds: "Marco Rubio's story is America's story. His story gives hope. His story is one every American who cares about this country should read."

Meanwhile, Ruddy wants Rubio to adjust his campaign messenging. In an April 17 column, Ruddy complained about Rubio's rhetoric calling himself the future while implying that Jeb Bush is the past:

While I agree Marco Rubio is the future of the GOP and a breath of fresh air on the national scene today, he is not answering the real cry of conservative and independent voters.

Today, Americans — especially Republicans — are not interested in a generational change of leadership in Washington.


Americans are desperate, not for change as Rubio suggests, but for solutions.

This time they want to elect a problem-solver — someone who is experienced and has a track record of getting the job done. And Americans would prefer to have someone from outside Washington to clean house.

On the Republican side, we have several strong candidates who fulfill that requirement. They are experienced; they are outsiders; they are problem-solvers; and they get things done.

The first person who fits the bill is Jeb Bush.


I think Marco Rubio made a strategic error by focusing on the "future" and emphasizing his candidacy as a generational change. He should have focused more on his solutions for what he ails the nation, his own new frontier.

Still, he is a much more complex candidate than that alone, and will, no doubt, contribute to the upcoming debate. At the age of 43, he is also positioning himself well for the future. But for the moment, the country needs a Mr. Fix It, with a proven record of doing just that.

Newsmax was proud enough of Ruddy's advice that it published an article the next day citing how conservative talking head Lawrence Kudlow agrees with Ruddy.

Even if Ruddy is claiming to support Jeb Bush for 2016 -- Ruddy, like Rubio and Bush, is based in Florida -- he has been a cheerleader for Rubio in the past. Ruddy wrote glowingly about Rubio's outreach to Hispanics in 2012, and Newsmax donated $1,500 to Rubio's 2010 Senate campaign.

Ruddy is a player in Florida politics -- he's tried to play kingmaker for various Republican candidates there,  and at one point was a possible candidate for the Senate seat currently held by Democrat Bill Nelson. He would almost certainly like to have a hand in picking the next Republican presidential candidate, especially since two major contenders are from Florida.That may be what's driving Newsmax's editorial and business decisions these days.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:20 PM EDT
CNS (And Brent Bozell) Latches Onto Another Fringe Religious Figure
Topic: sure loves its fringe, extremist religious figures all of a sudden, doesn't it?

Driven by CNS managing editor Michael Chapman, the "news" site already uncritically promotes the extreme anti-Muslim, anti-gay and anti-Obama views of Franklin Graham and Rafael Cruz (better known as Ted Cruz's dad).

The latest fringe figure to get approval (and a platform) from Chapman is John Zuhlsdorf, a Catholic priest considered a "traditionalist" and who is the president of the Tridentine Mass Society, a group of Catholics who cling to the Latin version of the Catholic church service that was conducted before the Second Vatican Council declared that church services should be conducted in the language spoken by local church congregants.

Zuhlsdorf is such an extremist that he expressed his opposition to Pope Francis washing the feet of females as part of a Catholic ritual, insisting that only man may have their feet washed. He also engages in the tacky practice of providing "blessed holy cards" to people who donate money to him.

But Chapman is apparently down with that, because he likes Zuhlsdorf's anti-gay attitude. On April 10, Chapman touted Zuhlsdorf's "simple solution" to the issue of "gay activists" who are "attacking Christian bakeries and wedding planners and filing lawsuits to put them out of business because of their religious beliefs": to "show up at the gay wedding wearing a Cross necklace, a Bible-pin on your lapel, and a Bible verse embroidered on your uniform that expresses your morality, such as Mark 10:6-7, 'But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.'"

The same day,  CNS gave Zuhlsdorf a column to rant about "how homosexualists target Christian businesses for destruction" and advises Christian who cater gay weddings to be "wearing crucifixes and have the Holy Family embroidered on their uniforms. ... When the truck pulls up, speakers will be playing Immaculate Mary.  Show them the truck and play the music."

Chapman's Media Research Center bosses, Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, apparently liked Zuhlsdorf's mean-spirited solution so much they touted it in their April 17 column, adding that "if gay couples want to force their lifestyle on others, it naturally follows that religious believers should push their beliefs more elaborately as well.

The  MRC's continued move toward the right-wing fringe usually inhabitted by the likes of WorldNetDaily apparently has Bozell's approval.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:17 PM EDT
WND's Farah Continues to Pretend He Cares About Miriam Carey
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah concern-trolls in his April 17 WorldNetDaily column:

With all the outrage about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the protests over the shooting death of Walter Scott while he was fleeing from a police officer in South Carolina and the “hands up, don’t shoot” sloganeering, one name is seldom uttered – Miriam Carey.

I don’t understand it.

If there was ever a more egregious, unrighteous, unjustifiable police shooting death, I’d like to hear about it.


Personally, I couldn’t care less what skin color Miriam Carey had. I would be equally upset and committed to seeking justice and truth in this case if she had been white or Hispanic or Asian or a typical American mix like me. But why isn’t the Miriam Carey scandal on the lips of every one of those who proclaim “black lives matter”? Do they mean “some black lives matter”? I don’t recognize or comprehend the standard they are applying to truth and justice.

Why is the outrage so selective?

Where are the protests of Miriam Carey’s death?

I want to participate in those protests. Instead, I find myself leading the protest.

Her totally unnecessary death at the hands of police makes me so outraged, I would be at the front lines of such a demonstration. Instead, there are no demonstrations. Her life is forgotten. Her execution-style death is forgotten.

It doesn’t make any sense.

Is it ignorance?

Is it willful blindness?

Why the selective outrage?

Is it the lack of any moral standards?

Or is it all of the above?

Don't be fooled: Farah does not care about Miriam Carey. Her death is important to him only as a tool to further his right-wing, anti-Obama agenda. As we've noted before, if the occupant of the White House was, say, a white Republican instead of a black Democrat, Farah would be passing this story on to Colin Flaherty, who would portray it as yet another example of purported "black mob violence" in America.

In filing a lawsuit (with the right-wing Judicial Watch, which must chagrin WND buddy and now-departed JW founder Larry Klayman) seeking to force the government to release information about Carey's death, Farah is not seeking justice -- he's seeking to score political points against President Obama. It's a stab at relevance and credibility given the utter failure of WND's increasingly desperate attempts to personally destroy Obama.

Carey's family and legal team seems to appreciate WND's support, but they shouldn't believe for a second Farah and WND have their best interests in mind. To Farah, Carey is a cudgel to attack Obama and nothing more, and nothing he says about his interest in "truth and justice" should be taken at face value.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:11 PM EDT
Sunday, April 19, 2015
NewsBusters Doesn't Understand Why Daily Mail's Journalism Is Questioned
Topic: NewsBusters

In an April 17 NewsBusters post, Mark Finkelstein grouses that "volatile former Vermont governor" Howard Dean questioned the accuracy of a Hillary clinton story on the website of the Daily Mail, countering that "if the story were inaccurate, don't you think Hillary's minions would be screaming bloody murder and trotting the attendees to refute the claims?  Crickets, anyone?"

Fibnkelstein doesn't mention the fact that the Daily Mail has a lengthy track record of publishing false and inaccurate stories. One writer notes that in its home country of Britain, the Daily Mail has seen 687 complaints filed against it to the country's Press Complaints Commission -- far more than any other British newspaper -- that led either to a PCC adjudication or to a negotiated resolution. The writer adds: "The paper gets away with publishing libels and falsehoods and with invasions of privacy because the penalties are insignificant."

Additionally, a former writer has discussed the Mail's shoddy journalistic standards, explaining how "the Mail's editorial model depends on little more than dishonesty, theft of copyrighted material, and sensationalism so absurd that it crosses into fabrication."

Finkelstein also fails to mention that the Daily Mail's U.S. political editor is David Martosko, the former editor of the conservative Daily Caller who's best known for standing by a false claim about Sen. Robert Menendez and prostitutes.

Making up stuff is clearly within the realm of the Daily Mail, and there is good reason not to trust what appears there. Instead of telling his readers that, however, he huffs, "If attacking the media messenger is the best the Hillary camp can do, it is in serious trouble." But isn't attacking the messenger the entire reason NewsBusters and its parent, the Media Research Center, exist?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:10 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 19, 2015 9:17 PM EDT
WND Columnist Promotes Fraudulent Anti-Kinsey 'Researcher'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Matt Barber rants in his April 17 WorldNetDaily column:

The very notion of “gay marriage” is an artificial construct. It’s the aberrant byproduct of the sexual revolution, which, itself, was largely instigated by bug doctor turned “sexologist,” Alfred Kinsey.

Though married to a woman who took part in his many filmed “scientific” orgies, Kinsey was a promiscuous homosexual and sadomasochist. He managed to completely upend and twist the world’s perception of human sexuality in the 1950s and ’60s with his world famous “Kinsey Reports.”

While his “research” has been universally discredited and exposed as fraudulent, ideologically motivated and even criminal, it remains, nonetheless, the primary source behind today’s “sexual orientation science.”

For this reason, and many others, the novel notion of “gay marriage” sits atop a house of cards.

On April 28, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether to attempt, once and for all, the deconstruction and redefinition of the institution of marriage. The court will then hand down a decision by the end of June. In anticipation of this landmark case, civil rights law firm Liberty Counsel has submitted to the Supreme Court a friend of the court brief that reveals the criminally fraudulent foundation upon which the “marriage equality” Tower of Babel has been raised.

Among other things, the brief features the findings of Dr. Judith Reisman, the foremost expert on Kinsey’s pseudo-scientific cultural activism. Reisman has served as scientific consultant to four U.S. Department of Justice administrations, the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). She is a visiting professor of law at Liberty University School of Law and works hand-in-hand with Liberty Counsel.

See all of Dr. Reisman’s books on sexual fraud at the WND Superstore.

As the brief reveals, most people are completely unaware that during his tenure at Indiana University, Kinsey facilitated, with stopwatches and ledgers, the systematic sexual abuse of hundreds, if not thousands, of children and infants – all in the name of science.

Kinsey asserted that children are “sexual from birth.” He further concluded, based upon experiments he directed and documented in his infamous Table 34, that adult-child sex is harmless, even beneficial, and described child “orgasm” as “culminating in extreme trembling, collapse, loss of color, and sometimes fainting. …” Many children suffered “excruciating pain,” he observed, “and [would] scream if movement [was] continued.” Some “[would] fight away from the [adult] partner and may make violent attempts to avoid climax, although they derive[d] definite pleasure from the situation.”

It’s little wonder that Dr. Reisman identifies Kinsey as a “sexual psychopath.”

Actually, it's Reisman who's the fraudulent researcher, and her obsession with Kinsey could certainly be described as approaching the psychopathic.

As we documented back in 2006, Reisman's doctorate is in communications, not in any scientific discipline. Her anti-Kinsey screeds are filled with "innuendo, distortion, and selective representation of decontextualized 'facts,'" according to one scholarly reviewer of her work.

Contrary to Reisman's and Barber's assertions, Kinsey never performed sexual experiments on children or infants. As the Kinsey Institute points out, the "Table 34" to which they refer is based largely on adult recollections and parents observing their children; it also includes data from a small number of adult men who had engaged in sexual contacts with children.

Reisman is an ideologically driven fraud to counts on right-wing press to further her anti-Kinsey obsession. She gets away with it because the dead can't be libeled and because of complicit right-wing outlets like WND who refuse to fact-check her.

The fact that Liberty Counsel based an amicus brief on Reisman's highly questionable, if not fraudulent, so-called research tells us -- and has brought on Reisman as a a visiting professor of law at Liberty University despite her not having anything resembling a law degree -- that Liberty Counsel doesn't care much for truth if it contradicts its right-wing agenda.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:21 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 19, 2015 7:22 PM EDT
Saturday, April 18, 2015
MRC Does Damage Control For Anti-Net Neutrality Group
Topic: Media Research Center

A right-wing activist group got caught doing something it shouldn't have, and it has fallen on the Media Research Center to do damage control.

Politico reported that "A number of messages to lawmakers purporting to be from average constituents who oppose the Obama administration’s net neutrality rules don’t appear to have come from people within their districts, according to the company that manages the technology for some House members." That group is American Commitment, led by Phil Kerpen, a former top aide at the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity. American Commitment boasted that it helped direct more than 1.6 million messages to members of Congress opposing net neutrality, but the company that manages the technology behind some lawmakers "contact me" pages it had “some concerns regarding the messages,” including the fact that “a vast majority of the emails do not appear to have a valid in-district address.”

Politico quoted Kerpen saying that that American Commitment hadn’t impersonated members’ constituents, but that other groups had borrowed the pre-written text available on his website. But that wasn't good enough for the MRC's Joseph Rossell, who claimed that Politico "smear[ed]" American Commitment because "it failed to point the finger anywhere else." And Rossell is ON IT:

Additional inquiry could have established that American Commitment was not responsible. In a letter obtained by MRC Business, a vendor retained by American Commitment admitted that it (the vendor) was responsible for the erroneous messages in question.

The letter to American Commitment read in part, “Regrettably, without your knowledge or consent, the language from your letters was incorrectly associated” with a separate campaign for a different, though unspecified, organization’s letters about the same issue. The vendor had verified the data used for American Commitment’s campaign, but technical errors connected incorrect information with constituents in the second campaign.

The vendor made it clear the mistakes were not intentional. The messages that the second campaign submitted “incorrectly or with incorrect or incomplete data was by no means intended to mislead any office or any person.” The vendor also said “the mistakes were technical in nature” and that they had “taken steps to prevent future errors in submission.”

Kerpen told MRC Business that he explained this to Politico after its article was published. He also told them that the messages could not have been from his group simply based on their delivery dates. He said Lockheed Martin’s analysis confirmed that members of Congress received the erroneous messages after the American Commitment campaign was over.

If the vendor is at fault, why won't Kerpen or Rossell name it? Did Rossell ask Kerpen if that mystery vendor will be punished somehow?

One gets the feeling Rossell would not be as concerned about the purported "smearing" of American Commitment by Politico if it supported net neutrality.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:57 PM EDT
Hillary Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bottom line: The long arm of the law is finally closing in on the Clintons! Forget Gowdy and Congress! Forget the mainstream media reporting the whole truth! We the People are taking matters into our own legal hands! It’s past time that Hillary, the “Wicked Witch of the Left,” be put behind bars, where she can do no further harm to our nation.

-- Larry Klayman, April 10 WorldNetDaily column

Yes, indeed, Hillary has always given lip service to the idea of “fighting for women,” but that’s only in the generic, class-warfare rhetorical sense of the phrase. When it comes to concern for individual women and their victimization, she’s a monster, a predator, a serial victimizer herself.

-- Joseph Farah, April 13 WND column

Hillary Clinton has announced that she is running for president of the United States. What her likely nomination says about the Democratic Party and tens of millions of Americans is depressing.

Other than Barack Obama – whose resume consisted of being a charismatic black – it is hard to come up with a less accomplished individual who has run for president in our lifetime. And, unfortunately, that is saying something. Moreover, at least Barack Obama had the excuse of having been in public life for only a few years, as a state senator and then a two-year U.S. senator. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has been in public life most of her adult years, as a very politically active first lady, a U.S. senator and secretary of state.

Yet she has accomplished nothing.

Here is a trick question to pose to her supporters: What she has accomplished?

-- Dennis Prager, April 13 WND column

There is no doubt that the die-hard lovers of Hillary will stand by her and apologize for her. They will try to convince Democratic and Independent voters that her time has come and she deserves this. After all, look what she has done for the American people and for her country. Blah, blah, blah. If anyone had the guts, they would ask, “Oh really? And just what has she done? Name one achievement she has accomplished as senator or secretary of state.” Not something she has done to further her political agenda, but something that made this country or the world a significantly better place. Gotcha.

-- Morgan Brittany, April 14 WND column

Royal watching is a kind of endless soap opera on steroids. So it is with the Clintons. There seems to be a fascination with this family like no other. Therefore, I propose that we just crown Hillary queen and be done with it. Though she has held many titles, her record of accomplishment is virtually nil, with the exception of successfully skirting the law and handling the many family scandals.

According to a Politico analysis of budget documents, by Election Day 2016, taxpayers will have shelled out $16 million for the care and feeding of the Clintons, more than for any other former president.

So let’s just grant Hillary another $20 to $30 million a year to be queen. Set her up in a palace and charge admission to tour it. Put her image on coffee mugs and baby rattles.

That will spare her the need to solicit donations from foreign governments and will spare us additional congressional investigations. She will officially be above the law. Then we can elect someone with the ability to run the government like a business and let her revel in the pomp and circumstance.

All hail Queen Hillary!

-- Jane Chastain, April 15 WND column

We have a former first lady and former secretary of state who has just declared her intention to run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016. The idea of Hillary Rodham Clinton even considering a run for president given her unparalleled treachery, hypocrisy and self-serving deceit is almost too obscene to consider. Yet, consider it we must, since it is indeed a reality.

By her action and inaction, Clinton may as well have taken out a contract on the people we lost in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012 – and that is only the worst in her decades-long history of treasonous dealings. It may surprise some to hear, but I believe she may be far more evil an individual than Obama.

-- Erik Rush, April 15 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:38 PM EDT
Friday, April 17, 2015
CNS Getting Story Cues From WND?

The creeping WorldNetDaily-ization of the Media Research Center is continuing.

Here's an unbylined April 15 WND article:

The leading Roman Catholic exorcist is calling out the Islamic State, naming it as Satan manifested on Earth.

Father Gabriele Amorth, 90, founder of the International Association of Exorcists, has taken to Facebook to confront the Muslim group terrorizing Syria and Iraq and rapidly spreading its influence throughout the Muslim world, reported the Catholic News Agency.

“ISIS is Satan,” the priest posted on the social-media site.

“Things first happen in the spiritual realms, then they are made concrete on this Earth.

The shocking truth about ISIS – Eye-opening new e-book on maniacal ‘Islamic State’ FREE to WND readers!

“There are only two spiritual realms: The Holy Spirit and the demonic spirit,” Father Amorth said, adding the demonic enters in “because evil is disguised in various ways: political, religious, cultural, and it has one source of inspiration: the devil.

“As a Christian I fight the beast spiritually,” he said.

CNS' Lauretta Brown apparently saw that story and decided to do her own version the next day:

Father Gabriele Amorth, a high-profile exorcist for the diocese of Rome, Italy, said in a Facebook post last week that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) “is Satan.” He also lamented the West’s lack of response to the threat of ISIS.

"ISIS is Satan. Things first happen in the spiritual realms, then they are made concrete on this earth,” Amorth wrote on April 8, according to a translation provided by Catholic News Agency (CNA).

“There are only two spiritual realms: The Holy Spirit and the demonic spirit,” he continued.

Amorth said the demonic spirit enters “because evil is disguised in various ways: political, religious, cultural, and it has one source of inspiration: the devil. As a Christian I fight the beast spiritually.”

Why is CNS getting its story ideas from WND?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:55 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:40 PM EDT
Of Larry Klayman And 'Demeaning' Remarks
Topic: Newsmax

Poor Larry Klayman's feelings have been hurt. From an April 15 Newsmax article:

Mika Brzezinski's remark that Marco Rubio is a "little boy" next to Hillary Clinton in a presidential matchup is "outrageous" and "inappropriate," says Larry Klayman, founder of the government watchdog Freedom Watch.

"It's very demeaning, obviously," Klayman said Wednesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"Everything's turned upside down in our political world these days. You can't speak out for fear of being called a racist or a sexist, but when the left does it it's acceptable …"

Klayman sure has a strange idea of what is "demeaning" and "inappropriate." After all, this is a guy who asserted (in a court filing, no less) that a judge who ruled during a divorce hearing that Klayman engaged in "grossly inappropriate" behavior with his children issued that ruling because she was Jewish and "resented" that Klayman "believes in Jesus Christ and considers himself a Jewish Christian." Klayman also claimed that another judge who ruled against him was "a woman scorned."

Plus, of course, there's Klayman's lengthy history of demeaning and borderline libelous remarks about President Obama.

Needless to say, Malzberg was silent about Klayman's own history of demeaning remarks. If Klayman is the limit of the caliber of the guest Newsmax TV is able to attract, it has a long climb to be considered a legitimate "news" outlet.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:50 AM EDT

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