Topic: WorldNetDaily
Has there ever been a more ill-conceived book-publicity strategy then WorldNetDaily's attempt to re-litigate Akin's controversial "legitimate rape" gaffe with such transparent dishonesty? Read more >>
Thursday, July 24, 2014
NEW ARTICLE -- Misfiring Back: WND And Todd Akin's Book Botch
Topic: WorldNetDaily Has there ever been a more ill-conceived book-publicity strategy then WorldNetDaily's attempt to re-litigate Akin's controversial "legitimate rape" gaffe with such transparent dishonesty? Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:27 AM EDT
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Aaron Klein Anonymous Source Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily A July 22 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein declares that "Officials in Jerusalem are quietly wondering whether the Federal Aviation Administration’s prohibition on U.S. flights to Tel Aviv is partially a tactic to pressure Israel into a cease-fire." His source: "several Jerusalem diplomats who spoke on condition of anonymity." That, of course, is meaningless since Klein has given his readers no reason for anyone to trust the anonymous sources Klein loves to hide behind. Incidentially, Klein doesn't reveal his anonymous sources until the 15th paragraph of his article; before that point, he quotes actual, named, "aviation experts" who point out that "the FAA and airliners are likely taking necessary precautions after a Malaysia Airlines jet was shot down by a missile over Ukraine while at cruising altitude, killing all 298 people on board." In other words, by admitting the FAA is acting prudently, Klein undermines the entire premise of his article as an attack on the Obama administration. Oops.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:03 PM EDT
CNS Claims Global Warming Has Ended Because Of Cool Weather In U.S.
Topic: Can you spot the major science failure in the headline of Penny Starr's July 21 article, "Global Warming? U.S. Temps Up 0.1 Degrees above 20th Century Average, 2014 Coolest Since 1993"? That's right -- suggesting that global warming has been disproved because of a few cool months in the U.S. is utterly dishonest.Starr herself confuses with her article:
Starr doesn't tell you, however, that globally, last month was the hottest June in 134 years of record-keeping. That would seem to be an important fact to note in an article about climate -- especially since it's in the same NOAA data from which she pulls her U.S. weather data -- but Starr doesn't think so. What Starr has done is written an article that is technically accurate but so absurdly narrow in focus as to be useless for anything other than political propaganda. Just the way CNS likes it, we presume.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:50 PM EDT
WND Serves As Propagandist For Anti-Immigration Protests
Topic: WorldNetDaily Leo Hohmann writes in a July 18 WorldNetDaily article:
Well, that's an unusually precise accounting of protests. How did Hohmann obtain this number? Did he count them himself? He doesn't say. Indeed, there's no evidence Hohmann did much to "report" his story beyond going to one protest in Oklahoma City and talking to anti-immigration activists. Hohmann certainly won't report the truth about the protests, as Right Wing Watch found:
That's a far cry from the "thousands" Hohmann claims attended but can't be bothered to substantiate. It appears Hohmann is just regurgitating what the protest organizers told him. That's not journalism the way actual journalists practice it, but it's close enough for WND.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:48 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
WND Promotes More Armchair Diagnoses of Obama's Mental State
Topic: WorldNetDaily Last month, Dr. Gina Loudon made an armchair diagnosis of President Obama as going insane, later defending her politically motivated ranting masquerading as pseudo-medicine. Loudon defends it once again in her July 20 WorldNetDaily column by declaring that we can trust her because she's a doctor, dammit ... or something:
Obviously, Loudon couldn't possibly be the one who's demonstrating mental issues. She's a doctor, dammit! Loudon's not the only armchair psychologist at WND. Andrew G. Hodges -- a self-proclaimed forensic profiler who got a lot of WND press a couple years back when he purported to read Obama's mind through a pseudo-scientific method purports to uncover "secret" confessions in the president's words -- is back, and he insists that Obama is "slipping mentally":
You know WND is desperate to smear Obama when they have to resort to political hacks and charlatans to filter their smears through.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:06 PM EDT
Terry Jeffrey's Immigration Metaphor Misfire
Topic: Terry Jeffrey writes in his July 16 column:
No, Mr. Jeffrey, your analogy isn't perfect -- heck, it's not even remotely analogous. The act of crossing the border isn't deadly, and America is not an "attractive nuisance" like an unfenced pool where something could go wrong simply by being in the presence of it. Jeffrey goes on to cite the example of a teenager from Guatemala whose body was found in Texas. But the United States didn't kill him; the trip from Guatemala likely played a factor. If Jeffrey wants a more perfect analogy, he should have that unfenced pool surrounded by miles of barbed wire, thorns and a few land mines thrown in for good measure. If Jeffrey thinks America is an unfenced pool in need of a double-layer fence with armed border guards, he clearly doesn't understand anything about immigration. But given his previous attempt at analogy, we already knew that.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:49 PM EDT
WND's Peterson Ignores White, Right-Wing Cop Killers
Topic: WorldNetDaily Jesse Lee Peterson complains in a July 20 WorldNetDaily column:
But wait -- wasn't the highest profile cop-killing prior to the Garner incident a case of Jerad Miller, a right-winger with an unhealthy anti-police attitude that WND encourages? Miller did like a couple of WND fellow travelers, after all. It's utterly hypocritical for WND to publish a column decrying an "anti-police attitude" it has done much to promote.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:45 PM EDT
Monday, July 21, 2014
WND Tries To Profit Off Israel-Hamas Violence
Topic: WorldNetDaily Leave it to WorldNetDaily to be so amoral and money-grubbing that it would exploit the current violent skirmishes between Israel and Hamas as a money-making opportunity. WND really did headline a July 20 article "Hamas rockets boon to Israel tour": The article goes on to present the violence as a reason to sign up for a tour to Israel hosted by WND editor Joseph Farah and WND author Jonathan Cahn:
The deadline for signing up for the tour featuring “The Harbinger” author Jonathan Cahn and WND founder Joseph Farah is approaching quickly. The deadline for registration is July 31. Perhaps Farah will repent for his shameless profiteering on the blood of the dead on his upcoming 9/11 Day of Prayer and Repentance. But don't count on it.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:42 PM EDT
AIM, Newsmax Also Promoting Discredited Charlatan Joel Gilbert's New Film
Topic: Accuracy in Media WorldNetDaily isn't the only ConWeb outlet that's strangely eager to promote discredited charlatan Joel Gilbert's new anti-Obama film, "There's No Place Like Utopia." Cliff Kincaid slobbers over Gilbert's film in a July 17 Accuracy in Media column:
Just as Gilbert bought Jerome Corsi's loyalty by putting him in his film, he did something similar to buy Kincaid's promotional skills: Much of his column is devoted to lovingly detailing how the late anti-communist obsessive (and Kincaid buddy) Larry Grathwohl is "one of the stars" of the film. Gilbert appears not to have done anything to cozy up to Newsmax. Nevertheless, a July 15 Newsmax article by Andrea Billups serves as a fine press release for Gilbert. It's based in part on a WND article by Corsi; Billups doesn't disclose that the author of the article she's cribbing from is also in the film she's promoting. Needless to say, neither Newsmax nor AIM make mention of the fact that Gilbert's previous anti-Obama film has been utterly discredited. Indeed, no alternative view of Gilbert is presented at all.
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:38 PM EDT
WND Promotes Alex Jones-Linked 'Expert' Paul Craig Roberts
Topic: WorldNetDaily In a July 18 WorldNetDaily column relaying "Gold News," Mark Leibovit's lead item is an interview with "expert" Paul Craig Roberts about how "the entire United States gold hoard, including gold supposedly held at the Fed for other countries, is now gone." At least in the excerpt Leibovit reproduces, Roberts offers no evidence to back up his claim. Perhaps that's because he hasn't had to in the company he normally pals around with. Roberts is a favorite of conspiracy-obsessed radio host Alex Jones, where there is an extensive archive of his interviews and columns. Roberts also has a lengthy archive at the white-nationalist website You'd think being linked to both Alex Jones and VDARE would be an automatic disqualifying factor for any supposed "expert." But this is WND we're talking about here.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:39 AM EDT
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Newsmax Lets D'Souza Declare Ukraine Jet Crash Is Obama's Fault
Topic: Newsmax While Newsmax has endeavored to moderate its conservativism to gain greater appeal (it's trying to launch a TV network, after all), it's still providing a forum to extremists and their bizarre views. Case in point, from a July 18 Newsmax article:
Having D'Souza spout such nonsense without allowing an opposing view -- no evidence is offered that one was provided -- just makes Newsmax look like the outlet for those who think Fox News is too liberal.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:03 PM EDT
Gay Derangement Syndrome, WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Bradlee Dean, July 3 WorldNetDaily column
-- Scott Lively, July 6 WND column
-- Matt Barber, July 11 WND column
-- Matt Barber, July 18 WND column
-- Joseph Farah, July 18 WND column
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:48 PM EDT
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Joel Gilbert Buys Positive WND Coverage Of His New Film By Putting Corsi In It
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joel Gilbert may be an utterly discredited filmmaker, but he knows one of the oldest tricks around that: Put a reporter in your next film, and make sure they are lacking in scruples and ethics so they will mindlessly generate positive press coverage. Gilbert found his stooge -- er, reporter in WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi, who's one of the featured performers in his latest factually challenged anti-Obama smear piece, "There's No Place Like Utopia." A screenshot from Gilbert's website is to the right. (For good measure, he stuck WND conspiracy-monger Jack Cashill in it too.) Corsi, meanwhile, is upholding his end of the bargain by fawning over the film. We've already noted back in May how Corsi gushed over the film despite not only Gilbert's record of lies but Corsi himself getting suckered by a fraudulent claim about Barack Obama's wedding ring that his fellow birthers felt compelled to debunk. Gilbert clearly knows Corsi has his back -- there was no mention of Gilbert's history of mendacity, let alone a correction of the fraudulent ring claim Corsi gullibly swallowed. Corsi devoted another fawning WND article to the film on July 14. While Corsi admits he's in the film, he's also delivering the rah-rah coverage Gilbert knew he could count on. Corsi talked only to Gilbert and the film's distributor, again making sure he adequately repaid Gilbert for the screen time by pretending his substantial history of fraud doesn't exist. WND is complicit in the cheerleading -- what self-respecting news organization would let a so-called reporter present as a "news" article gushing PR pieces on a film he appears in? Of course, it's not as if anyone expects ethical, accurate journalism from anyone at WND, especially Corsi. This is just another reason why nobody believes WND.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:59 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, July 19, 2014 1:13 AM EDT
Friday, July 18, 2014
Finally! MRC Discloses Its Link To Catholic League
Topic: NewsBusters Matthew Balan devortes in a July 17 NewsBusters post to the latest rant from the Catholic League's Bill Donohue, this time complaining about David Letterman "making light about Pope Francis's recent remarks about priestly celibacy." For the first time that we've noticed, Balan makes an important disclosure: "it should be pointed out that MRC President Brent Bozell serves on the board of advisors for the Catholic League." We've documented how the MRC has regularly failed to disclose Bozell's links to the Catholic League in uncritically echoing whatever new outrage Donohue felt compelled to issue a press release about. Balan is correct that Bozell's link to the Catholic "should be pointed out," which raises the question about why the MRC hasn't felt compelled to point out this blatant conflict of interest until now.
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:14 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Censors How Todd Akin Was Challenged During Fox Interview
Topic: WorldNetDaily Bob Unruh is a good corporate lackey, doing his part for WorldNetDaily's ill-fated decision to relitigate Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" remarks as a promotion for his WND-published book. His July 15 WND article on Akin's interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly is a thinly disguised PR piece:
And that's all Unruh has to say about Akin's discussion with Kelly about his previous remarks -- which conveniently leaves out all the parts where Kelly challenged Akin's narrative. More honest reporting of the Akin-Kelly interview took place at TPM:
Unruh's article does include the video of the Akin-Kelly interview, so it's clear he had access to the full interview. He simply chose to not accurately report what was said.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:05 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, July 18, 2014 11:13 AM EDT
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