WND Finds A New Person Who Will Smear Obama As A Nazi Topic: WorldNetDaily
One of WorldNetDaily's favorite pastimes of the Obama presidency is to liken him to Hitler and various other Nazis. It even had a former Hitler Youth, Hilmar von Campe, repeatedly push the slanderous attack, demonstrating he hadn't completely renounced Nazi propaganda techniques.
But von Campe died a couple years back, leaving WND bereft of a handy source of Godwinism. But it has found another supplier, as described in an April 28 WND article by Laura Adelmann:
Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, with its messianic characterizations – the photographs in which a halo was cast around his head, the worship-like adulation from crowds – gave Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman nightmares.
About Adolf Hitler.
The petite 86-year-old over the weekend told a riveted audience at Olive Tree Ministry’s “Understanding the Times” conference it’s because she sees clear parallels between Nazi Germany and present-day America.
A young girl in Germany when Hitler came to power, Dittman said her experiences amplified the alarm she felt.
Dittman said her nightmares were triggered by the left’s gushing adoration of Obama as a perceived savior.
Establishment media were equally enamored with Obama and failed to vet him to the American public, as most famously exemplified by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who described experiencing a “thrill up (his) leg” when he heard the then-candidate speak.
The media’s infatuation helped cultivate the atmosphere that ushered Obama into the most powerful office on earth.
Establishment media reporters didn’t question his qualifications or competencies; conservative news outlets that investigated his birth certificate were openly mocked.
Media also never asked him hard questions about his disturbing history of close associations with communists and terrorists that included Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, she said.
Liberals’ blind idolization of Obama mirrored Germany’s hypnotic fascination with Hitler, Dittman said of the racist tyrant whose vitriolic rhetoric dehumanized the Jewish people as a prelude to his attempts at total annihilation.
Obama’s empty rhetoric that energized his followers chilled Dittman, who compared it to lies peddled in Germany painting promises of a bright future.
Why is WND promoting this woman's claims, despite the obvious? Why, to make money, of course:
Her miraculous story of God’s overwhelming providence that preserved her life despite brutal Nazi persecution is told in the soon-to-be released and uplifting WND documentary film “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.”
A 20-minute preview of the film, which was produced by WND founder, Editor and CEO Joseph Farah and directed by WND Films Vice President George Escobar, premiered at the conference where Dittman revealed her concerns for America.
See? WND has learned how to profit off libelous smears.
Newsmax Promotes Gay Republican's Claim of Attacks From Left Topic: Newsmax
California congressional candidate Carl DeMaio has been making the rounds of the conservative media -- helped greatly by Fox News -- complaining that he's being attacked by Democrats. Newsmax joins the parade with an April 30 article by Bill Hoffmann:
Carl DeMaio, an openly gay candidate for California's 52nd Congressional District, says liberals have been trashing him simply because he's a Republican.
"I don't wear my orientation on my sleeve, it's who I am. But it doesn't define the thorough breadth of what I am in terms of a leader for San Diego," DeMaio told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
But, DeMaio added, a number of left-leaning groups who claim to want to support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender candidates have worked against him strictly because of his GOP affiliation.
Um, isn't that what's supposed to happen -- that DeMaio's political identity is placed before his sexual orientation? He can't exactly claim discrimination because the complete opposite is happening.
DeMaio is also quoted as saying, "These progressive activists are willing to put aside what they claim to want to achieve for LGBT Americans in the name of partisan politics." But isn't what most LGBT Americans want is for their sexual orientation not to be an issue? Isn't that precisely how liberals are treating DeMaio?
Indeed, DeMaio has backed off social issues, in part to attract more conservative supporters. And Hoffmann fails to mention that the conservative National Organization for Marriage has gone after DeMaio for "holding the hand of his gay lover."
So, to sum up: Liberals oppose DeMaio because of his policies; social conservatives oppose DeMaio because he's gay. That's pretty much the way it's expected to be, isn't it?
Colin Flaherty Takes His Race-Baiting to Breitbart Topic: WorldNetDaily
Colin Flaherty hasn't fearmongered about "black mob violence" at WorldNetDaily for more than a month now. It turns out he has decided to take his race-baitingtalents elsewhere.
In an April 30 article at Breitbart, Flaherty tells us about how a "shaky cell phone video shows a group of black teenage boys punching, knocking down, and kicking a white teenage boy, leaving him dazed and confused on the school bus floor." Flaherty's surely impeccable source for this? "The student's uncle found out about the incident and spread the word on Facebook."
Flaherty finally had the impact he couldn't get from WND -- his article got linked by the Drudge Report, it has thousands of comments from like-minded race-baiters, and he claims his WND-published book is "back at #1" at Amazon (which is true if you only count very niche subcategories).
Flaherty's race-baiting finally hit the jackpot, and he couldn't be happier about it. Which tells you all you need to know about Flaherty's motivations.
MRC's Bozell and Graham Mock Idea of Gay Etiquette Topic: Media Research Center
Brent Bozell and Tim Graham start their April 30 column by writing:
The times they are a-changing in ways even Bob Dylan didn't foresee.
I have an early childhood memory riding my bike and coming across a discarded booklet on proper social etiquette. It had the perfunctory rules. Gentlemen always open doors for ladies. Stand when a lady comes in the room. And so on. But the one I remember vividly is this: A lady always extends her hand first in greeting. Why? Fifty years ago I could understand the concept, but even then, I thought it was a bit much. Today that rule's been abandoned.
Whose "early childhood memory" is this? Perhaps it's Graham's since he's been shown to be the actual writer and Bozell just the figurehead. But this is the kind of problem you have when you have a singular memory described in a column written by two people.
Conflicts in literary perspective aside, Bozell and Graham's goal is to further the MRC's anti-gay agenda by mocking the idea of the Washington Post hiring a columnist to address issues of gay etiquette:
"Steven Petrow will be joining our advice ranks," declares the Post, "with a special emphasis on LGBT and straight etiquette issues." Petrow, states his bio, is "the go-to source for modern manners ... known as Mr. Manners." Why was he chosen for the job? He will tell you it's largely because he's the former president of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.
His column is called "Civilities" (get it, homophobes?), and Mr. Manners will tackle many thorny etiquette issues as well. In his introductory piece, he outlines some of the issues he's dealt with in the past.
He muses about the gay cop who wrote in to say he was subjected to homophobic jokes, feeling it was his colleagues' way of convincing him to resign. Or the gay widower upset that his in-laws omitted him from his husband's obituary. Or the most vexing question of them all: How to introduce a married same-sex couple? (Answer: They "should be referred to as you would any legal spouse, and that's 'husband' and 'wife.'")
Questions, questions. "Do parents pay for their gay son or lesbian daughter's wedding?" "Is a dad expected to walk his son down the aisle?" "What pronoun (and restroom) is appropriate for a person who is transgender?" "How do you respond to 'assimilated' gays who find 'flamboyant' ones embarrassing?"
How do you respond to an entire industry you find embarrassing?
Well, you've just seen you Bozell and Graham respond to something it finds embarrassing -- with sneering and derision for their fellow Americans.
NewsBusters' Blumer Unhappy That White House Was Allowed To Respond To An Attack Topic: NewsBusters
One of the standard Media Research Center liberal-media tropes is claiming that the media covers only one side of an issue. For some MRC employees, covering one side of a story is OK as long as it's the side of the story they want covered.
Among those MRC employees is Tom Blumer. He starts going wrong in an April 30 NewsBusters post by insisting that Sharyl Attkisson is a "credible" and "authoritative" source on the Benghazi so-called scandal. Indeed, the big Attkisson "scoop" that Blumer regurgitates -- that a newly released memo proves "reveal direct White House involvement in steering the public narrative about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, toward that of a spontaneous protest that never happened" -- is pretty meaningless. As Media Matters and David Weigel note, the memo merely shows that the White House agreed with the CIA's early assessment that an inflammatory video touched off the Benghazi attack, is consistent with other intelligence briefings at the time, and that the memo was about the anti-American protests occurring in the region at the time, not just Benghazi.
Blumer then write: "Naturally, Poltico didn't run a story on this until this morning so it could present the White House's defense. It's here, if you can stand it." Apparently, it's a bad thing for a reporter to give Democratic White House to be given an opportunity to respond to something in the news.
We suspect Blumer would be praising Politico if the White House it delayed its article for was headed by a Republican.
WND Perpetuates Lie That Donald Sterling Is A Democrat Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily was quick to hop on the guilt-by-association bandwagon by trying to tie racist basketball team owner Donald Sterling to Democrats through a few long-ago donations. They're still at it.
Appearing on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' show, WND editor Joseph Farah said that Sterling is a a “lifelong Democrat” and a “big time Democrat.” Meanwhile, an April 29 WND article delcared that Sterling "has a lifetime record of donating only to Democrats, such as former California Gov. Gray David [sic] and former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, a former NBA star."
Neither Farah nor his website mention, however, that Sterling is a registered Republican, which would seem to discredit this particular line of attack. But if WND told the truth, it wouldn't have anything to write about, would it?
AIM Praises Right-Wing Media Who Promote Its Agenda Topic: Accuracy in Media
Roger Aronoff writes in an April 28 Accuracy in Media column:
On April 22, the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi (CCB) released a report on the findings of its months-long search for the truth behind the Benghazi attacks of September 11, 2012. It has made its report public on its website.
New revelations in the case of Benghazi, Libya have made their rounds in the conservative media, but the mainstream media have failed to pay attention to this new information. The New York Times and Washington Post were invited to our media roundtable press briefing, but they declined to send reporters. CNN sent a camera and a producer, but failed to cover our revelations. You can now watch the press conference online. Part one is opening comments by the panelists; part two is Q&A.
But Townhall, Diana West, World Magazine, the Daily Mail, PJ Media, Front Page Magazine, Newsmax, WND, Renew America, LiveTradingNews, the Drudge Report, and, yes, even Russia Today are asking questions about Benghazi that the mainstream media apparently find less compelling.
Those outlets have one thing in common: With the exception of Russia Today, all of the outlets Aronoff praised for its coverage of AIM's little kangaroo court are all right-leaning and could be counted on to regurgitate AIM's right-wing, anti-Obama agenda.
Aronoff acknowledges this in the final paragraph of his article, declaring that "We are pleased to see the excellent coverage this story has gotten, albeit mainly in the conservative media. A World Magazine piece, a Town Hall article, and Diana West column, among several others, serve as excellent resources for our story."
Because those "excellent resources" could be counted on to provide uncritical coverage, Aronoff knows they won't bring up uncomfortable things, like the fact that the Citizens Commission on Benghazi is stacked with Obama-haters, birthers and conspiracy theorists who can't possibly be expected to bring any sense of fairness or objectivity to the issue.
WND Omits Facts And Context On Kerry's 'Apartheid' Remark Topic: WorldNetDaily
Art Moore writes in an April 28 WorldNetDaily article:
When President Jimmy Carter, 24 years after leaving office, accused Israel of carrying out “apartheid” policies in the West Bank even worse than the pre-1994 South African government, he was fiercely criticized by figures from both left and right.
Indeed, U.S. officials, including President Obama, have avoided making the provocative comparison to the institutional racism of the old South African regime until Secretary of State John Kerry warned Friday that Israel could become an “apartheid state” if it fails to negotiate a two-state solution with the Palestinians.
While Kerry didn’t say Israel currently employs apartheid policies, his utterance of the term evokes the position of Palestinian leaders and allies in academia and the United Nations who have used it to brand Israel as a racist government whose policies are motivated not by self-defense against an existential threat, but by bigotry and even genocidal aims.
Moore's likening of Kerry's statement (which he has since walked back) to the "position of Palestinian leaders and allies" omits important facts about such a comparison.
First, senior Israeli officials over the years -- including former Prime Ministers Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak and Defense Minister Tzipi Livni -- have made similar warnings about the future of the country.
Second, Israel had a longtime strategic alliance with the apartheid regime in South Africa, to the point where Israel provided expertise and technology that helped develop South Africa's nuclear weapons.
Finally, Moore has a co-worker who apparently supports an apartheid state in Israel: Aaron Klein, who has admitted that "I personally do agree with some of the sentiments of Rabbi Meir Kahane." One of the "sentiments" of Kahane, expressed through his Kach movement in Israel (and carried on through its successor, Kahane Chai), is the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel.
Politico's David Nather must have thought he was so clever. Here's how he opened a recent column: "It can happen to anyone, right? You rally behind a guy ... and suddenly he’s spewing racist bile and boy, does it splash on your face." Yes, I left out a few words, and I'll get to that. But before providing them, the quote just rendered would apply to how those at Los Angeles branch of the NAACP must feel about their now-withdrawn but not forgotten plan to confer a lifetime achievement award on Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling, who has been caught on tape allegedly telling a woman that she shouldn't "associate with black people" or have blacks accompany her to Clippers games.
Let's revise Nather's blather a bit for another comic circumstance: "It can happen to anyone, right? You rally behind a guy because he comes over to your side on climate change, and suddenly he’s arrested in 'a 20-count federal indictment that includes charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and tax fraud.' Boy, does it splash on your face." Now I'm talking about the fools at Organizing For Action, who celebrated the "breakthrough" of having GOP Congressman Michael Grimm come over to their side mere days before his indictment, which occurred today.
These two far more damning examples demonstrate what a fool Nather was Thursday evening as he tried to tar Republicans who were expressing single-issue sympathy for Cliven Bundy in his ongoing battle with Uncle Sam's Bureau of Land Management with Bundy's later race-based remarks[.]
With its award, the LA NAACP was embracing Donald Sterling in his entirety. OFA cast Congressman Grimm as a supposedly shining example of political courage. With rare exceptions, those who have opined on the Cliven Bundy situation have expressed no such unvarnished support, but have limited their advocacy to objecting to the Bureau of Land Management's heavy-handed tactics and to the idea that Bundy and his family might deserve to continue to conduct their business as they have.
In other words, the Sterling and Grimm situations are steeped in embarrassing hypocrisy. The Bundy situation isn't.
I hope that crow you're eating tastes good, David Nather. I hear that lathering it with barbecue sauce covers up a little of the bitterness.
Of course, as we noted, Blumer himself was engaging in some serious guilt-by-association just a day earlier when he was highlighting the Democratic donations of apparently racist Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.
It can happen to anyone, right? You castigate a racist because he donated money to Democrats 20 years ago, and suddenly he turns out to be a registered Republican. Boy, does it splash on your face.
Better keep that bottle of BBQ sauce out for your own helping of crow, Mr. Blumer. We recommend the pride of Kansas City, Arthur Bryant's.
WND's Massie Calls Obama A 'Mac-Daddy Sissy' Topic: WorldNetDaily
Mychal Massie begins his April 28 WorldNetDaily column by dismissing the racist comments of Cliven Bundy:
The past two weeks have been a race-monger’s dream. Cliven Bundy responded to an interview question that has allowed the press to portray both him and those of us who support him as racist.
But the truth is, even if Cliven Bundy were the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, racism wouldn’t be the issue. The issue is a rogue federal government. The issue is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which was handed scathing reprimands by Chief Judge Robert C. Jones of the Nevada Circuit Court in September 2012 and May 2013 in his finding for the Hage family, whom the BLM targeted as they did the Bundy family.
Amazingly, that's not the most offensive thing in his column. That comes in yet another example of his pathological hatred of President Obama:
Now come the alleged comments of Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, that were secretly recorded while he was having a dispute with his girlfriend. The recording then mysteriously found its way to TMZ for TMZ to present as an exclusive. During the dispute, Sterling opined to his girlfriend (who is black and Mexican) that he was upset by her public association with certain blacks – among whom was Magic Johnson. If we are to believe the tape has not been doctored, Sterling indicated he did not want his girlfriend to bring these blacks to basketball games.
And as quick as you can say “Mac-Daddy sissy,” Obama, with the blood of the Benghazi Four (Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty) on his hands; the IRS scandal; Fast and Furious (and the blood of Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata also on his hands); unemployment at unparalleled highs; America becoming a food-stamp nation; Japanese reports that Michelle plans to divorce him (supposedly over his countless affairs); and “If you like your insurance you can keep it,” he finds time to feign insult over Sterling’s comments.
Obama called Sterling’s alleged comments, “incredibly offensive racist statements.” He continued: “We constantly have to be on guard on racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing our diversity as a strength. … The United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race and slavery and segregation, that’s still there, the vestiges of discrimination. … We’ve made enormous strides, but you’re going to continue to see this percolate up every so often … and I think that we just have to be clear and steady in denouncing it, teaching our children differently, but also remaining hopeful that part of why statements like this stand out so much is because there has been this shift in how we view ourselves.”
Obama’s comments were morally opprobrious and boorish but obviously not out of character for him. Obama has done less to further the racial unity of America and more to exasperate and, indeed, to exacerbate racial and religious tensions in America and around the world than any American leader before him.
Massie has apparently decided to channel another pathological Obama-hater, James David Manning, who delights in slurring Obama as a "long-legged mack daddy."
Massie then indulges in another depraved lie of the kind he cannot stop telling about Obama:
A true leader would have taken the opportunity to tell the world that even if the alleged recording of Sterling were accurate, Sterling doesn’t represent America. He is one person, and in America, unlike the rest of the world, he is entitled to his opinions even if they are offensive.
As the mess of ellipses in Massie's earlier quote of Obama indicates, he edited out a lot of Obama's statement. In fact, Obama did pretty much say what Massie demanded him to:
I don’t think I have to interpret those statements for you; they kind of speak for themselves. When people — when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.
But the facts have never mattered to Massie when he has a heady froth of Obama-hate going, as further illustrated by his assertion that "Sterling has done more for blacks than Obama."
MRC Thinks Right-Wing Propaganda Filmmaker Is Just Like Spike Lee Topic: Media Research Center
As part of its suspiciously enthusiastic promotion of Phelim McAlleer's crowdfunding campaign to make a movie about "serial killer" Kermit Gosnell, the Media Research Center's Katie Yoder has cranked out yet another article about it, this time trying to manufacture a claim of bias:
Spike Lee and Phelim McAleer are both film-makers who’ve both achieved something unique: each has successfully raised $1.4 million to finance his movie through crowdfunding – a campaign seeking donations from the public. But Spike Lee is famous and established, with a net worth of $40 million. Phelim McAleer isn’t. So it’s a bit odd that the networks took note when Lee (a famous, if not household name) did it, but not when McAleer overcame greater odds to reach that number. Well, it would be odd, except that McAleer is trying to fund a movie about abortionist Kermit Gosnell – America’s “most prolific serial killer,” and the media’s most ignored story.
ABC, CBS and NBC gave Spike Lee’s psychological blood thriller on Kickstarter six mentions in 2013. The project earned a total of $1,418,910 with 6,421 funders. The nets adore the idea of raising money from the public for projects, and referenced crowdfunding (including mentions of Kickstarter and Indiegogo) 55 times in the past two years.
But the Gosnell movie failed to make their cut – or rather, meet their agenda.
Yoder seems not to have considered the possibility that Lee is a respected filmmaker while McAleer is a factually challenged right-wing propagandist whose filmmaking, to our knowledge, has demonstrated none of the artistry exhibited by Lee.
WND Columnist: Cliven Bundy Spoke the 'Truth' Topic: WorldNetDaily
Then there’s Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who was the target of government overkill, in more ways than one, to get him off his land.
In an interview with the New York Times, he was selectively quoted in a way that portrayed him as – guess – racist!
Because he recollected what government housing for blacks was years ago and what has happened to them since, and related that to slavery.
He said that under government largesse, blacks have become slaves to the system for food, clothing, housing, health care, education and even jobs.
Funny, I said that on my KSFO talk show years ago – just looking at the dependence of so many blacks on Uncle’s largesse is comparable to being a slave to the government. You do what you’re told, or you get nothing.
He spoke of the breakdown of black families, the number of single parent families, the high incidence of black abortions, the number of blacks in prison, unemployment and dropout levels.
All illustrate a breakdown of black culture because of government dependence.
No, it’s not “slavery,” but it really is, just with a different face.
The reaction to just this part of Mr. Bundy’s statement was almost unanimous: “He’s a hateful bigot.”
Former supporter Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., called his remarks offensive and said he wholeheartedly disagreed.
Sean Hannity and other media conservatives also backed off their support on the land dispute.
Sad, isn’t it, when truth is considered “offensive”?
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., piled on, after having called Bundy and his supporters “domestic terrorists.” Reid said that Bundy’s comments “revealed himself to be a hateful bigot.”
Unfortunately, the next step is that Bundy’s complaints against the government because of the land issue now should have no relevance.
NewsBusters, WND Desperately Play Guilt-By-Association With Racist NBA Owner Topic: NewsBusters
It's almost as if the right-wing media is following the same set of talking points.
Both NewsBusters' Tom Blumer and WorldNetDaily's Joe Kovacs have basically written the same article highlighting the fact that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling -- currently in hot water for allegedly making racist statements -- once donated to Democrats.
Both have to concede, however, that Sterling's donations to Democratic candidates came more than 20 years ago. Not that it stops their desperate guilt-by-association, of course.
Blumer at least appears to be aware he's peddling a desperate line of partisan bull:
What kind of crazy, reactionary mindset would cause an owner who works in an industry dominated by black players to have such opinions and feelings? The evidence is admittedly thin and a bit dated, but to the extent it exists, that answer is, apparently, "one who supports and donates to liberal Democrats[.]"
As noted, this is not definitive evidence of Sterling's current political leanings. But if the Clippers' owner had a 20 year-old record of donating to Republican candidates, it would not only be included in mainstream media stories about the controversy; it would also be considered prima facie evidence of racism.
Kovacs presumably knows he's peddling partisan bull, but he's too much of a WND loyalist to admit it. He quickly mentions that "Sterling donated $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s," then moved on.
But Kovacs' and Blumer's guilt by association is all for naught: Turns out Sterling is a registered Republican. Will they ever get around to noting this inconvenient fact?
WND Columnist Still Shilling for WND Books Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily columnist Jim Fletcher justloves to shill for the books WorldNetDaily publishes, though he regularly fails to disclose that those books are published by the same folks who publish his column. Fletcher is in shill mode again in a pair of WND articles touting Republican activist Richard Viguerie. The first offers this loving introduction:
Many qualities are needed for success in politics, and “success” isn’t always universally agreed upon.
Yet it is the savvy realist who often emerges as an indispensable guru – especially for the minority party in the U.S. Congress.
Richard Viguerie is such a go-to analyst. He’s been at it a long time, and the conservative icon – a pioneer in direct-mail – is a voice sought out by those who want to see the GOP adopt a winning strategy. It’s a role that Viguerie quietly relishes.
Another Fletcher article fawningly repeats Viguerie's statements at a Heritage Foundation speech two weeks earlier.
While Fletcher makes sure to plug Viguerie's book "Takeover" in both articles, he somehow forgets to mention that the book is published by WND.
Meanwhile, an April 27 article by Fletcher features a softball interview with former congressman James Rogan, noting that he is "the author of 'Rough Edges' and 'Catching our Flag.'" Guess who published bothbooks?
Andrea Billups uses an April 24 Newsmax article to provide an uncritical portrait of filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch and his latest project purportedly "capturing how U.S. authorities mistreat dissenters." Billups paints Lynch as a concerned citizen who "fears his country is in trouble and that is what motivates him to continue his investigative work."
There's no mention, however, of the extreme anti-immigrant views that drive much of Lynch's work. Media Matters notes:
Lynch's anti-immigrant films They Come to America I & II were, according to the Center for New Community, "so poorly made and offensive that not a single production company or film distributor in the U.S. or Canada would release it." The films were heavily promoted by the Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an organization the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group. Lynch has also repeatedly smeared immigrants as criminals, saying some immigrants are coming to America "to cut your throat."
During one Fox News interview, Lynch implied that non-English speaking participants in the rally were undocumented: "I asked them straight out--are you undocumented? They didn't even understand what I was saying, so there's your answer I guess." Lynch did acknowledge that he did not "get to ask all 10,000 of them" that question.
In another Fox News interview, Lynch ranted that if immigration reform passes, "it's the end of America as you know it and I know it."
But instead of telling the truth about Lynch, Billups peddles fluffy statements like "Lynch wants to continue to tackle hard stories like the immigration problem and Obamacare that he asserts have taxed the country."