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Tuesday, November 5, 2013
WND's Massie Revives 'Negress' Smear
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Earlier this year, WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie felt the need to channel his inner Bull Connor and denigrate commentator Jehmu Greene with the "Negress" smear, doing so in three of four consecutive columns. "Negress" is an archaic term dating from the era of segregation, and Massie is clearly using it with the intent to denigrate.

Massie had let it go for a while, but Massie's inner Orval Faubus came bubbling up again in his Oct. 28 column as part of a rant against Fox News' Megyn Kelly:

I have a question for Megyn Kelly, a Fox News program host. Ms. Kelly, why did you rush to call Joe the Plumber a racist on your prime-time show when it is a fact that you gave a complete pass to the avowed racist Negress and ACORN member Jehmu Greene when she openly insulted Tucker Carlson for being a white male who disagreed with her? Or perhaps, Ms. Kelly, you presumed the smarmy Negress Jehmu Greene was actually embracing Mr. Carlson with words of love and kindness when she verbally attacked and insulted him live on camera on your show for what amounted to his being white. And before you disagree, let me remind you that it was your favorite Negress who hurled an insulting volley of racial epithets based solely on Carlson being white.


If, Ms. Kelly, you purpose to expose racism, why don’t you have Mr. Jamiel Shaw, a law-abiding, hard-working father whose wife serves in the U.S. Army, on your show? They can tell you about their son Jamiel Jr. who was murdered in cold blood at their doorsteps by an illegal-alien Mexican. Murdering innocent blacks is how Mexicans in Los Angeles earn their bona fides to become gang members.

Or, Ms. Kelly, would that be too much like really doing your job? Then again, you can have me on your show to debate your favorite Negress, radical racist Jehmu Greene. Oh, and for the record, I am black, and I stand by my comments. I don’t want you to blame another white person for what this American of color said.

What set Massie off is Kelly apparently attributing a column Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher reposted on his website, titled "America Needs A White Republican President," to him -- understandable, since Wurzelbacher failed to clearly identify the column as originally written by a black conservative.

Kelly's sin of misattribution is nothing compared to Massie's deliberate use of a racially derogatory term. But Massie apparently has too much hatred in his heart to know or care otherwise.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:45 PM EST
MRC, AIM Tout Benghazi 'Witness,' Ignore His Lies
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In an Oct. 28 Media Research Center item, Matthew Balan touts how a segment by Lara Logan on "60 Minutes" about the Benghazi attack featured "an actual eyewitness of the attack":

Logan led with her "misinformation" line, and introduced Morgan Jones, a former member of the British military, who uses that pseudonym for personal safety reasons. Jones was in charge of the unarmed security force inside the walls of the main U.S. compound in Benghazi. He revealed that he snuck inside the hospital where Ambassador Stevens had been taken, and quickly learned about diplomat's death. Jones also outlined his concerns about the armed militia guarding the facility.

Similarly, in an Oct. 31 Accuracy in Media column, Roger Aronoff highlights the Morgan Jones interview:

The segment, which can be viewed online, interviews one “Morgan Jones,” a self-identified Blue Mountain security chief who was at an apartment 15 minutes away when the attack started at the Benghazi Special Mission Compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Jones raced to the compound, scaled the 12-foot wall, and attempted to enter the compound to assist those inside, but they had already been rescued by a CIA rapid-response team that included the now-deceased Tyrone Woods.

“[The attackers] said, ‘We’re here to kill Americans, not Libyans,’” recounts Jones in an emotional moment. “So they’d give them a good beating, pistol whip them, beat them with their rifle, and let them go.” 

But so far, neither Balan nor Aronoff have told their readers that the account "Morgan Jones" told on "60 Minutes" differs sharply from what he told his then-employer, that he couldn't get anywhere near the Benghazi compound during the attack. The Washington Post reports:

But in a written account that Jones, whose real name was confirmed as Dylan Davies by several officials who worked with him in Benghazi, provided to his employer three days after the attack, he told a different story of his experiences that night.

In Davies’s 2 1/2-page incident report to Blue Mountain, the Britain-based contractor hired by the State Department to handle perimeter security at the compound, he wrote that he spent most of that night at his Benghazi beach-side villa. Although he attempted to get to the compound, he wrote in the report, “we could not get anywhere near . . . as roadblocks had been set up.”

Aronoff, to his credit, did note something Balan didn't: that  Fox News reported that Jones demanded money to tell his story, and that Jones' book is published by Simon & Schuster, which is a division of CBS, which should raise questions about an undisclosed quid pro quo.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:39 PM EST
WND Pushes Last-Minute Attacks In VA Governor Race, Makes Stealth Endorsement
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is making a last-minute push in the Virginia governor's race, unloading a barrage of stories attacking Democrat Terry McAuliffe while ignoring the scandals of his Republican opponent, Ken Cuccinelli.

Garth Kant has penned a trio of anti-McAuliffe stories in the past day and a half:

One article complains that McAuliffe "has been at the center of major scandals during every step of his career, though he’s never been charged," but doesn't conclude that that's because he hasn't done anything illegal.

Another article recycles the "never been charged" lede of Kant's earlier article and cites a clearly biased source to detail McAuliffe's "latest pair of scandals." As with the earlier article, Kant talks to nobody who offers any rebuttal of the "scandal" claims.

A third article by Kant repeats an undocumented claim by a Republican lawmaker in Virginia who claims he received a "robo-call" by the Democratic Party of Virginia stating that Cuccinelli supports Obamacare.

None of Kant's articles, however, mention the scandal that has embroiled Cuccinelli: Along with current Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, Cuccinelli has received thousands of dollars in donations and personal gifts from a major Republican donor, Johnie Williams. Like McAuliffe, Cuccinelli has apparently done nothing illegal, but Kant apparently doesn't believe his readers need to know the full truth about Cuccinelli.

Perhaps that's an editorial decision that comes straight from the top. On Nov. 4, WND sent out an email containing Kant's first attack on McAuliffe, topped by an endorsement of Cuccinelli from WND editor Joseph Farah:

The hour is late to save our state from the kind of corruption that has infected Washington. Please read the WND story published today that provides a detailed overview of how Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, currently leading in the race for the governorship over Attorney Ken Cuccinelli in tomorrow’s election, has been involved in scandals since he first entered politics and business.

Tomorrow’s election is vital to the future of the state and the nation. I urge you to vote for Ken Cuccinelli.

Joseph Farah
Editor and Chief Executive Officer

The email does not explain whether this was a paid endorsement or a in-kind contribution to Cuccinelli's campaign. WND rarely does endorsements, and even more rarely sends one out via email that it didn't also publish on the WND website.

The strange nature of this stealth, last-minute endorsement, on top of Kant's barrage of last-minute dirt, brings up the question of whether there is some form of coordination between Cuccinelli's campaign and WND. Perhaps Farah can explain.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:40 AM EST
Monday, November 4, 2013
CNS' Jeffrey Unhappy That ENDA 'Bans Discrimination Against Cross-Dressers'

As far as editor in chief Terry Jeffrey is concerned, the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act is all about cross-dressers. He devotes a Nov. 4 article freaking out about it:

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which will come up for a cloture vote in the Senate today, mandates that employers in the United States permit men to dress as women at work and women to dress as men as long as they otherwise adhere to “reasonable dress or grooming standards.”


Section 8 of the proposed law specifically states that employers must permit workers who either have undergone “gender transition” or are “undergoing” a “gender transition” to dress and groom themselves according to the gender to which they have transitioned or are transitioning.

Jeffrey goes on to complain that "The proposed law does not define what 'gender transition' means."

If all that Jeffrey can muster against ENDA is tired transgender scare tactics, it's a sign of how bankrupt his employer's anti-gay agenda is.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:45 PM EST
WND's Washington: If Imaginary Books Are Counted, Liberals Have Burned More Than The Nazis
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We guess that we can thank WorldNetDaily's Ellis Washington for finally giving up the pretense that he's not likening President Obama and other non-conservatives to Nazis while doing exactly that. That doesn't mean, of course, that such comparisons are factual or even intellectually honest.

Washington serves up another doozy of Godwinism in his Nov. 1 WND column:

The caption in the image above was perhaps written around 1943 and says that, “Ten years ago the Nazis burned these books … but in America we can still read them.” Although this statement tried to distinguish America from Nazi Germany, it is only partially true today. Why? Because while in a de jure (legal) sense America today doesn’t burn books, in a de facto (unofficial) sense through our book publishing industry, our literary agent industry, our media, our education system, our politics, our legal system and throughout culture and society, their exists an existential book burning, happening on a much greater scale by the Democrat Socialist Party, a scale the Nationalist Socialist Party could only dream of 80 years ago under Hitler and the Nazis. In modern times today, leftists creates this book burning atmosphere by deconstructing, perverting and destroying conservative ideas, particularly those out of the Judeo-Christian tradition of intellectual thought … without lighting one match or igniting one torch. Hitler would be pleased!

Only in such an anti-God, anti-intellectual society as America has devolved into during the Age of Progressivism (1860–present) and in the Age of Obama (2009–present) are Heine’s prophetic words tantamount to those of Moses, Isaiah and St. Paul when he wrote, “Where books (ideas) are burned, they will, in the end burn people, too.”

Yes, Washington really is claiming that progressives burn more books than the Nazis if imaginary ones are counted in the total. And, apparently, criticizing a conservative idea is exactly the same thing as setting it on fire.

Somehow, we doubt that Washington feels the same way about conservative criticism of progressive ideas; otherwise, that would make him a walking pile of oily rags and a box of matches.

We can also presume that Washington including "our book publishing industry, our literary agent industry" in his book-burning rant is probably about Washington's inability to get his works published. This overlooks the fact that the not-left-leaning website that publishes his column operates a book division. What does it say that even WND apparently considers Washington unworthy of having his work published in book form? Probably that WND actually has some standards after all.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:15 PM EST
Noel Sheppard Can't Separate Actor From His Role
Topic: NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard, it seems, is unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. How else to explain his insistence on referring to an actor using the role he played 40 years ago?

A Nov. 1 NewsBusters post by Sheppard carries the headline "Rob Reiner aka Meathead: Hillary Would Be ‘Most Qualified Person Ever to Run for President’." In it,Sheppard whines that Reiner, "aka Meathead in the famed sitcom All in the Family," called Hillary Clinton "the single most qualified person ever to run for President of the United States" if she chooses to do so. Sheppard then rants:

Because Hillary was senator for eight years and Secretary of State for four, she’s the most qualified person EVER to run for president of our country?

More qualified than George Washington who led our troops to victory against the British?

More qualified than Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

More qualified than John Adams who was a pivotal figure in achieving our independence?

More qualified than Abraham Lincoln? And Franklin Delano Roosevelt? And Ronald Reagan?

Would any of these Hillary supporters be so gushing if she were a man with the exact same qualifications?

Of course not.

Much as these people championed Barack Obama despite his lack of qualifications, Hillary is the left’s current ideal not because of what she’s done, but for what she represents.

No wonder Archie Bunker referred to this idiot as Meathead.

But Sheppard wasn't done confusing the actor with his long-ago role. In a Nov. 2 post, in which he places "Rob Reiner aka Meathead" again in the headline, Sheppard gripes that Reiner, "made famous by his role as Meathead in the legendary sitcom All in the Family," said something else he didn't like.

Sheppard doesn't mention that Reiner's "All in the Family" character had a real name, or that Reiner has produced and directed several hit movies. As far as Sheppard is concerned, the only thing of any note Reiner has ever done is play a character named Meathead.

Of course, Sheppard is a guy who's continually surprised by the non-surprising and just can't stop using anti-Semitic images in his blog posts, so perhaps it's not surprising that his grasp on reality is a bit tenuous.

And that makes Sheppard a bigger meathead than he accuses Reiner of being.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:32 PM EST
Did LAX Shooter Pick Up His Anti-TSA Hatred From WND?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Authorities are reporting that Paul Ciancia, who killed a Transportation Security Administration agent and shot several other people at Los Angeles International Airport last week, left behind a note in which he "indicated his anger and his malice toward the TSA officers" and stated his intent to kill TSA agents and "instill fear in your traitorous minds."

One has to wonder if Ciancia read WorldNetDaily, because that's the kind of hatred toward the TSA it has been fomenting for years.

In 2010, for example, WND started a campaign to "put a stop to airport humiliation through invasive 'pat-downs' and 'virtual strip searches,'" which WND editor Joseph Farah claimed would "return sanity and decency to our airports":

As the letter being sent to officials in Washington states, under the new screening protocols, passengers are subjected to a virtual “strip search” by being required to undergo a humiliating full-body scan, resulting in the display of a graphic image of their naked body to be scrutinized by a TSA agent.

If they choose to “opt out” of the full-body scan, they are forced instead to undergo the same kind of aggressive pat-down that criminals and drug-dealers get, including direct manual contact with their breasts and genitalia. Children are not exempt.

While such degrading and invasive searches certainly violate passengers’ Fourth Amendment guarantee to be “secure in their persons … against unreasonable searches and seizures,” the generation of naked images of minor passengers arguably amounts to the creation of illegal child pornography.

Here are more examples of WND's anti-TSA rhetoric:

  • Everywhere you look, there it is again – staring you in the face. The four-way traffic cameras at virtually every intersection. Police secretly attaching GPS tracking devices to citizens’ automobiles. Invasive TSA pat-downs and nude X-ray scannings – after first being required to raise your hands as though you were being arrested. [Promotion for Whistleblower magazine, 3/1/12]
  • “For those of you who fly and opt for the ‘pat down,’ you need to demand the TSA thugs change their gloves. I’ve been watching on the news how they operate. People are being searched [with] dirty gloves … gloves that have been in crotches, armpits, touching people who may be ill, people who pick their noses. Do you want those gloves touching you? These thugs are protecting themselves from you. You need to be protected from them." [Martha Donahue, quoted by WND's Bob Unruh, 11/22/10]
  • The punishment for not obeying the federal government is the humiliating experience of having to undergo a sexual assault as TSA thugs grope traveler’s genitalia. There have been repeated instances of little children being sexually molested by TSA agents, the elderly being traumatized and the chronically ill being humiliated. [Joe Sansone, 11/25/10]
  • Take note: This is the same criminal administration that is at war with governors of states who are attempting to prevent illegals from entering this country, while allowing the TSA to violate American citizens. This government has labeled every single American citizen as a suspect in terrorism. Again, the TSA has no lawful authority to put their hands on you. Why? Because it stands contrary to the United States Constitution. [Bradlee Dean, 2/3/12]
  • If recent news reports are any indication, many Americans can’t even trust that TSA’s screeners won’t steal their laptops, money or jewelry. [Chelsea Schilling, 3/3/13]
  • TSA has its rules and Williams has his, and one of mine is to avoid tyrants and idiots. [Walter Williams, 6/18/08]
  • Americans have suffered enough humiliation at the hands of TSA. It is time to repeal the laws that make us subject to these unconstitutional searches just for the privilege of flying on an airplane. [Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, 1/23/12]
  • Building up the TSA and IRS into armies of fear and intimidation and the abolition of privacy are important elements of Obama’s wide war on the republic and America’s citizens. In Obama’s actions, policies and fiats, we see his rejection of constitutional limitations of federal power and a repudiation of the Bill of Rights and Posse Comitatus. [Letter to the editor, 9/5/12]
  • Travelers looking for an explanation for the idiocy of the TSA full-body scans and intimate pat downs are missing the boat if they think TSA employees are a group of voyeurs or just plain stupid. There is a method to the madness. The TSA madness is a logical expression of political correctness carried into the realm of national security. These new TSA practices do not make travelers safer, but they do something more important to the federal bureaucracy. They satisfy the politically correct mandate, “Thou shalt not profile.” [Tom Tancredo, 11/27/10]
  • Does TSA administrator John “Long Dong Silver” Pistole get searched at an airport? How about Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano? FBI Director Robert Mueller? Michelle Obama and the kids? No, of course not. TSA agents are busy X-raying James Caan’s shoes and feeling up nuns. [Ann Coulter, 11/24/10]

After Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller was murder, WND endeavored to draw readers' attention away from its history of anti-Tiller rhetoric. With WND's anti-TSA rhetoric seemingly having similar real-world consequences, look for WND to play the same diversion tactic.

[Image: AP/ABC News]

Posted by Terry K. at 8:19 AM EST
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Newsmax's Kerik Image Rehab Continues, Minus The Whitewashing
Topic: Newsmax

When Bernard Kerik was released from prison in May, Newsmax -- which spent a lot of time on Kerik's image rehabilitation before the former New York City police chief pleaded guilty to charges that sent him to prison for more than three years -- was all ready to reboot the image rehab project.

However, Kerik is using his time on the other side of the criminal justice system to push for sentencing and prison reform. That's adjusting Newsmax's rehab project a little.

A Nov. 1 Newsmax article by Jim Meyers touts Kerik's appearance on the "Today" show as part of Kerik's new crusade:

As New York City police commissioner, Bernard Kerik was ultimately responsible for the incarceration of many criminals.

Now that he has seen the prison system from the inside, having served three years behind bars, he has a new appraisal of the U.S. penal system: "insane."

In his first interview since his release from prison, where he served time for tax evasion and lying to federal authorities, Kerik told NBC’s Matt Lauer on the Today show Friday: "No one in the history of our country has ever been in the system with my background.

"You have to be on the other side of the bars. You have to see what it's like to be a victim of the system. There's no way to do that from the other side.

"If the American people and members of Congress saw what I saw, there would be anger, there would be outrage, and there would be change, because nobody would stand for it."

Since Kerik's prison stint is a key part of his new crusade, Newsmax has little choice but to go along with it, minus the whitewashing it has done in the past:

Commissioner Kerik rose to national prominence following the 9/11 attacks in New York, and in 2004, President George W. Bush nominated him to head the Department of Homeland Security.

Kerik soon withdrew his name from consideration, citing the past employment of an illegal immigrant as a nanny. He later admitted accepting $165,000 worth of free renovations to his apartment from a construction company. In 2009, he pleaded guilty to eight counts, including tax evasion and lying to the White House, and was sentenced to four years in jail.

Kerik was released after three years at a federal prison in Cumberland, Md., and served the remainder of his term under home confinement, which ended last month.

If nothing else, Newsmax has certainly been loyal to Kerik. That loyalty continues with whatever narrative Kerik chooses to push.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:30 PM EST
WND's Denigrating, Factually Inaccurate Attack on ENDA
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh's Nov. 2 WorldNetDaily article on the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act is headlined "It's ba-a-ack! Job protections based on sexual preference." But that's not it's promoted on WND's front page --that one reads "It's back! Job protections based on sexual perversion."

WND denigrates further with the photo accompaning Unruh's article -- an image of a man applying eyeliner:

In addition, Unruh's article is highly biased, largely quoting critics of ENDA, and contains numerous inaccuracies and distortions. Unruh writes:

The federal hate crimes law ultimately was dubbed the “Pedophile Protection Act” by opponents who cited the efforts of Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, to add an amendment stating the “term sexual orientation as used in this act or any amendments to this act does not include pedophilia.”

Majority Democrats refused to accept the amendment.

During the discussion of the hate-crimes plan, Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, a former judge, explained how the rejection by the House of King’s amendment would be read should a pedophile claim protection under the law.

Unruh failed to explain that, as we've previously explained, the "sexual orientation" is already defined by federal statute as applying only to "consensual homosexuality or heterosexuality," thereby excluding pedophiles. Thus, excluding pedophilia in ENDA would be unnecessary and redundant.

Unruh also writes:

WND CEO and Editor Joseph Farah recently pointed out the consequences of hate-crime laws, citing a proposal in San Antonio.

There, the city council considered adopting a “nondiscrimination” provision that would bar any “bias” of any kind.

Farah said that “on the face of it,” the law would bar “anyone from office who has ‘demonstrated a bias’ against someone based on categories that include ‘sexual orientation.’”

In fact, references to prior acts of discrimination were removed from the San Antonio ordinance before passage.

Unruh also writes that ENDA "generated controversy because of concerns it could be used to prosecute Christian pastors and others who preach the biblical condemnation of homosexuality." In fact, ENDA includes broad exemptions for religious organizations and differentiates between personal religious beliefs and anti-gay harrassment.

Unruh has written a biased polemic disguised as a "news" article. It's a long way down from his work at the Associated Press -- but crap like this is what WND is paying him to do.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:08 AM EDT
Saturday, November 2, 2013
NewsBusters Still Pretending Redskins Name Change Is A 'Liberal' Cause
Topic: NewsBusters

Paul Bremmer devotes an Oct. 28 NewsBusters post to bashing New York Times sports columnist Bill Rhoden for saying that a name change for the Washington Redskins "has to start with us in the media," declaring this to be "liberal activist journalism":

Wow. Rhoden actually wants legislation to compel the Redskins, a privately-owned venture, to change their name. That would be government coercion on the level of ObamaCare. But as it stands right now, it’s up to owner Daniel Snyder to change the name, and he has said he doesn’t want to change it.

To those who follow the liberal media, it’s not news that they are fans of political correctness. But it’s a little jarring to hear a journalist talk as if it is the media’s job to force political correctness onto one particular organization, possibly under penalty of law. What happened to just reporting on the facts?


This was not the first time Rhoden mixed sports with liberal activism. Last December, he expressed his wish that the NFL would ban its players from owning guns. In April 2011, he called for the NBA to suspend Kobe Bryant for Game 1 of a playoff series after Bryant mouthed the “gay F-bomb” at a referee.

Following what is apparently Media Research Center policy, Bremmer failed to mention  that one prominent advocate of changing the Redskins name is not a liberal at all -- he's conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer, whom the MRC honored with its “William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence” in September.

If we were as careless with the English language as the MRC, we could say that it was censoring this relevant fact.

Why is the MRC so afraid to tell  its readers about Krauthammer's advocacy for changing the Redskins name? Perhaps because it would then have to admit it's not a "liberal" issue.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:22 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We all know about the way these people squander our tax dollars on White House galas and African safaris, but until the recent shutdown, I wasn’t aware of the size of the personal staffs with which they surround themselves. Barack has a staff of 1,701 – 90 of whom merely look after his living quarters. For purposes of comparison, Queen Elizabeth’s Buckingham Palace is 12 times larger than the White House, but she somehow manages to make do with a crew of 800.

Mrs. Obama has 16 personal assistants at her beck and call. That’s more people than George Washington had in his entire administration.

The question that comes to mind is: Where do I sign up for the revolution?

-- Burt Prelutsky, Oct. 15 WorldNetDaily column

Are any more accusations against President Obama allowed, or have we reached and breached the quota? We’re told, even by former close friends of the administration, “This is the most secretive … the most arrogant … the most self-serving … the most lying” … etc. “… administration in history … in memory … I’ve ever known.”

If it’s not too late, I’d like to add that this administration is the most ham-handed administration in history.

-- Barry Farber, Oct. 15 WND column

Segue to 2013. The founders could never have imagined the “long train of abuses and usurpations” that have been inflicted on American citizens in just the past five years alone. Of course, the power holders in Washington would have us believe that the victims of their abuses and usurpations are part of a small, fringe conspiracy group stoking the fires of discontent. But nothing could be further from the truth.

It is the government’s own policies that guarantee a never-ending stream of ”crises.” And as we approach November 2014 – and, more important, the spring/summer of 2016 – any one of these phony government crises could be used as an excuse for Barack Obama to become the third U.S. president to invoke a sedition act. Which, in turn, could conveniently be used as an excuse to ”postpone” elections in 2014 – or, more likely, 2016 – for ”security reasons.”

-- Robert Ringer, Oct. 16 WND column

Hardly anybody who has gone through the public education system since 1960 is part of a well-educated generation. As proof, you only need to take a look at Obama. He is a prime example of the shoddy product we’ve been turning out – a know-nothing with a colossal amount of ego.


Finally, Obama, who can’t keep his nose out of any controversy, so long as he thinks it will play well with his infantile base, let it be known that he thinks the Washington football franchise should no longer call itself the Redskins because, I suppose, there are three or four Indians who claim to be personally offended.

If I owned the Redskins, I would tell the schmuck in the Oval Office that I’ll change the team’s name when he changes his because I am personally offended that the president of the United States is named Barack Hussein Obama.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Oct. 22 WND column

Most of the true conservatives I know are supporters of the U.S. Constitution. Most of them agree that long before he duplicitously swore to uphold, protect and defend that Constitution, Barack Obama repeatedly disparaged and rejected it. Among these conservatives are many who would welcome Obama’s resignation or removal from office. Their hearts respond favorably to politicians who have in recent weeks alluded to the fact that Obama’s abuses of power constitute impeachable offenses, for which he and his collaborators should be removed from office. 

-- Alan Keyes, Oct. 24 WND column

If you think that America will escape its slide from the current Black Camelot dictatorship, down through despotism and into totalitarianism without a free and vigilant press on at least one side of the political aisle, you are fatally mistaken. You and your entire NSA buddy list are headed for the same accommodation the Soviet KGB provided those they marked as enemies of the state: Prison, torture, confession and death. Evil destroys. That is what it does.

-- Craige McMillan, Oct. 25 WND column

I have been broadcasting for 31 years and writing for longer than that. I do not recall ever saying on radio or in print that a president is doing lasting damage to our country. I did not like the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (the last Democrat I voted for) or Bill Clinton. Nor did I care for the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush. In modern political parlance “compassionate” is a euphemism for ever-expanding government.

But I have never written or broadcast that our country was being seriously damaged by a president. So it is with great sadness that I write that President Barack Obama has done and continues to do major damage to America. The only question is whether this can ever be undone.

-- Dennis Prager, Oct. 28 WND column

I’ve been persuaded that Barack Obama’s domestic policy agenda is designed to do one thing – foster chaos and crisis.

Knowing his relationship with ACORN and the agenda of the Cloward-Piven strategy behind it, nothing else makes sense. It even explains why his promotion of a national health-care strategy was designed to fail.

Most Americans still can’t conceive of the notion that a president of the United States would actually want to promote policies that could never work in the conventional understanding of the word “work.”

But if your ultimate goal is greater and greater state control of the population and the economy, which Obama’s ultimate goal surely is, then it all begins to make sense.

-- Joseph Farah, Oct. 28 WND column

“[T]technology that seemed cutting-edge in 2008 now seems painfully anachronistic,” writes Peterson. “Obama was reportedly ‘befuddled’ during an attempt to call a volunteer from an iPhone during the 2012 campaign.” This is the same sibilant, stuttering fool whose supposedly brilliant oratory skills collapsed the moment he stepped out of range of a teleprompter. This is the same classless, arrogant jerk who gave world leaders DVDs that were formatted for the wrong region and an iPod loaded with his own speeches. This is the same haughty, clueless dolt who promised to have 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015. This is the same petulant, defensive idiot who believed erecting a monstrously overpriced website to sell government-ordered insurance would somehow magically result in “affordable health care.”

-- Phil Elmore, Oct. 30 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:16 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, November 2, 2013 9:17 AM EDT
Friday, November 1, 2013
CNS Botches CPI Computation To Make Obama Look Bad

Ali Meyer sure came up with an arrestingly parsed number in an Oct. 30 article:

Since Ben Bernanke has been in control of the Federal Reserve, inflation has increased 43%  more under President Barack Obama than George W. Bush, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Meyer details how she came up with that number:

When Bernanke first took control of the Federal Reserve in 2006 while Bush was in office, the annual average CPI for all urban consumers was 201.6. When Bush left office in 2009, the annual average CPI rose to 214.537, a 6.4% increase.

Since that time, while Obama has been in office, inflation has increased by 9.14%. The most recent CPI data, released on Oct. 30, 2013 finds that the October average for CPI is 234.149.

The percentage increase from 6.4% to 9.14% is 42.81% or, rounded, 43%.

But Meyer appears to have credited Bush with the average CPI for all of 2009, despite the fact that he left office on January 20 of that year. According to the CPI data Meyer cites, the average CPI for 2008, the last full year of Bush's presidency, was 215.303, making that gap somewhat smaller and making the comparison somewhat more honest.

To make the numbers even more honest, Meyer should have started her Bush timeline in 2005, when the annual CPI was 195.3. Under that computation -- from 2005 to 2008 -- inflation increased 10.2% under Bush, bigger than the number Meyer attributes to Obama.

Further, Meyer's use of annual averages obscures the fact that according to the CPI data, CPI numbers under Bush actually peaked in July 2008 at 219.964. By December 2008, as the recession set in, that had dropped to 210.228. The monthly CPI numbers didn't approach that 2008 again until December 2010. So Meyer is rather perversely crediting Bush with recession-caused deflation -- which seems like an ugly way to praise Bush for lower inflation.

But, hey, it doesn't matter if Meyer's numbers are accurate or relevant. They make Obama look bad, and that's all that matters at CNS.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:12 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, November 1, 2013 8:15 PM EDT
Gay Derangement Syndrome, Erik Rush Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Then we have the mantra of eternal persecution. Regardless of the subgroup (liberals have spawned many in their quest to culturally balkanize us), leftists have developed a positive genius for claiming that their political opponents are somehow persecuting them in standing by their convictions, or for merely having an opinion.

Take the gay lobby, for example. In this case, “persecution” of homosexuals has come to mean refusal to capitulate to any and every demand they make. Acceptance of their lifestyle, which they claimed to desire, apparently was not enough. Now, anyone who does not raise their hand and swear a solemn oath as to the equivalency of same-sex unions to opposite-sex unions, the “normalcy” of homosexuality and the right of militant homosexuals to have just as much input into the development of grade-school curricula as anyone else falls prey to the ire of the gay lobby.

How, I wonder, did homosexuals become such a powerfully vocal, potent and disproportionately affluent minority while they were being so terribly persecuted?

The answer is that they weren’t, and they aren’t. Their current quest for the right to “marry” is about controlling thought and persecuting those with whom they do not agree. Once again, it’s projection. Ironically, this agenda isn’t being driven by the gay guy you work with; it’s being driven by the same leftist machine that exploits blacks and other groups with the orthodoxy of victimization.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 30 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 5:40 PM EDT
MRC's Bozell Makes Himself Ken Cuccinelli's Campaign Flack
Topic: Media Research Center

Brent Bozell uses his Oct. 30 column to serve as the campaign spokesman for Republican Virginia governor candidate Ken Cuccinelli (even though such explicit partisan advocacy probably runs afoul of the Media Research Center's nonprofit status). And like any good campaign hack, Bozell twists facts and peddles distortions to the benefit of Cuccinelli and the detriment of his Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe.

Bozell huffs that "McAuliffe is running a transparently, viciously anti-Catholic campaign all over television, trashing Cuccinelli as a woman-hating extremist for backing proposals that line up with Catholic church teachings on abortion, contraception, and divorce. Any reporter with fifteen minutes to kill can discover that." But shouldn't Cuccinelli be aspiring to be the governor of all Virginians instead of just the Catholic ones. And what moral authority does Cuccinelli have to impose his religious agenda on those who don't share his religion? 

Bozell continues:

In the D.C. area, TV viewers are inundated with McAuliffe ads where the Democrat claims “Ken Cuccinelli tried to ban common forms of birth control.” Women echo: “Even the pill! Even the pill!” Then four people echo, one after the other, he’s “way too extreme for Virginia.” McAuliffe supporters in the “NextGen PAC” even accused Cuccinelli of “wanting to eliminate all forms of birth control.”

Cuccinelli has never supported a bill or taken a campaign stand for banning contraceptive pills, and McAuliffe knows it. In 2007, then-state Sen. Cuccinelli supported a “personhood” bill that simply stated “Life begins at the moment of fertilization.” Abortion advocates have twisted that simple sentence into some kind of church invasion of the state.

Note the word-twisting going on there -- Bozell is denying an accusation nobody has made. Nobody said that Cuccinelli "supported a bill or taken a campaign stand for banning contraceptive pills." But Bozell is hiding the fact that the "personhood" bill Cuccinelli supported could have had the same effect. PolitiFact broke down Bozell's evasive claim when Cuccinelli himself made it:

While he’s never cast a vote on legislation that explicitly restricted birth control options, Cuccinelli for a decade has been one of the strongest anti-abortion voices in Virginia. He’s supported personhood bills that recognized life as beginning at the moment of conception or fertilization and bestowed human embryos with legal rights. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says such legislation could outlaw birth control pills and other forms of contraception that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a uterus.

Cuccinelli’s wording also allows him to gloss over a vote he cast in 2003 against legislation that would have specified contraception does not constitute an abortion.

Bozell also wrote:

In another ad, McAuliffe trashed another of Cuccinelli’s Senate proposals: “2008: Ken Cuccinelli writes a bill to give Virginia among the most extreme divorce laws in America. If Cuccinelli had it his way, a mom trying to get out of a bad marriage, over her husband’s objections, could only get divorced if she could prove adultery or physical abuse or her spouse had abandoned her or was sentenced to jail. ” In another ad, a woman claims “He tried to change Virginia’s divorce laws to prevent women from getting out of a bad marriage.”

This is why people despise political ads. McAuliffe’s painting Cuccinelli as if he had proclaimed his biggest goal in life was to prevent women from divorcing abusive husbands. Cuccinelli offered a bill against no-fault divorce, but it was gender-neutral and designed to make it tougher for parents to get divorced quickly. Childless spouses were unaffected.

"Studies show that the dissolution of marriage has long term negative impacts on children and those marriages that last for five years are much more likely to go the distance,” he wrote. “For this reason, the state has an interest in marital preservation.” Here again, the media and the feminists justify these wild exaggerations by noting Cuccinelli is friendly with “father’s rights” activists. Men have rights when it comes to their children? Horrors!

Bozell leaves out some important facts -- namely, that as the Washington Post pointed out, "under Virginia’s current law, there’s no such thing as a quickie divorce." The Post continues:

McAuliffe’s ad, designed to take advantage of a gender gap in the race, emphasized the impact of this shift from the perspective of the woman. For instance, here’s what the state of Virginia says about proving adultery: “Proving adultery is very fact-specific. The evidence must be strict, satisfactory and conclusive that the other spouse did in fact engage in sexual relations with another person.” So if a no-fault divorce is not available, that’s the burden that a woman wanting a divorce would need to climb if Cuccinelli’s proposal had become law.

Bozell also portrays the "father's rights" movement that supported Cuccinelli's proposed elimination of no-fault divorce as some benign group. According to the Post, Cuccinelli's proposal won support from one specific father's rights activist, Stephen Baskerville.

If that name sounds familiar, it should. In September, we noted that WorldNetDaily was promoting a speech by Baskerville at the homeschooler-friendly Patrick Henry College, where he criticized  “the system of unilateral and involuntary divorce, government’s purpose-built mechanism for dismembering families, seizing control over the private lives of innocent people and their children, summarily confiscating property,and criminalizing the embodiments of the hated ‘patriarchy’: fathers.”

One blogger reported that Baskerville used his speech to engage in denialism of basic concepts like rape, child abuse and domestic violence, and was "eavy on 'bitches be lying' and light on scripture."

The "father's rights" movement is a part of the men's rights movement, and it is mostly driven by "divorced men angry that their ex got custody of the kids, and now they have to fork over money to support them."

It seems that Bozell is so concerned about flacking for Cuccinelli that he has no idea what he's arguing in favor of. Or maybe he does, and he actually supports the retrograde "father's rights" stuff.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:36 AM EDT
Molotov Mitchell Joins WND's Fainting Trutherism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Molotov Mitchell is a birther, so why wouldn't he believe that a woman who fainted during an Obama speech was staged?

Indeed, ol' Molotov was ranting that very thing in his Oct. 29 WorldNetDaily video:

The fainting woman has become part of Barack Obama's schtick, if you will, a subtle homage to Elvis Presley perhaps, because nothing says you're loved by the people like women fainting at the sound of your voice.

I searched on YouTube and found five other incidents where Barack Obama had had a fainting person interrupt one of his speeches. But that doesn't mean that it's necessarily phony. What is strange is how he knew to turn around just as she was fainting.

Look at this video. How does he know that she's fainting? Is his messiah sense tingling? I mean, look, the guy on the right doesn't even see her falling, yet Barack Obama, a little focused on this important speech, he somehow knows that she's fainting without even facing her. And he doesn't just notice that she's falling, he turns around just in time to catch her. Again, the guy next to her can't even do it.

And notice how he speaks to her, saying "I got you" by turning his face toward the microphone so everybody else can hear what he's saying. Why doesn't he say "I got you" to her? And then notice after the whole thing's over how he goes back up and waits in silence for his people in the crowd to go ahead and initiate the applause. Totally phony!

WND has already been promoting this little conspiracy theory, so we shouldn't be surpised that Mitchell would join the fun.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EDT

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