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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
NEW ARTICLE: Colin Flaherty's Rainbow-Colored 'Black Mobs'
Topic: WorldNetDaily
You don't have to be black -- or even human -- to be fearmongered about in the WorldNetDaily writer's race-baiting. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:04 AM EDT
Monday, October 14, 2013
NewsBusters Invents A Right For Pro-Lifers
Topic: NewsBusters

Complaining about an MSNBC segment in which panelists agreed that "Pro-life sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics is 'bullying' and should not not accorded First Amendment's 'free speech' guarantees," Ken Shepherd uses an Oct. 10 NewsBusters post to declare a new right: "But completely left by the wayside is the right of women seeking an abortion to consider their options and listen to what pro-lifers have to say."

We weren't aware that there was some special right involved to "counsel" women -- if shouting at them on the sidewalk outside a clinic constitutes such a thing -- outside abortion clinics.  It seems like the assumption being made here by Shepherd and other anti-abortion activists is that women get abortions on the spur of the moment and put absolutely no thought whatsoever into the decision and no consideration whatsoever into all sides of the issue.

Shepherd even approvingly quotes an amicus brief by a Democratic group noting that "All studies show that the decision to have an abortion is not one that is taken lightly or made without thoughtful consideration." Still, Shepherd seems to think differently, that shouting at women outside abortion clinics does anything beyond making a difficult decision that much more so.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:26 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Unlike many of my friends, I don’t believe Obama is stupid. Nor do I believe he is incompetent. I believe he has another motive to disarm Americans – one that has nothing to do with safety. It’s about control of the population from the top-down. This is going to sound brutishly harsh and judgmental, but, I believe, he is consciously using the escalation of violence his anti-gun policies knowingly and predictably cause to render the population helpless before a government with a monopoly on force.

Again, let’s look at who the shooter was in the Navy Yard attack.

He has repeatedly broken gun laws. He was never prosecuted.

He was stark, raving bonkers, and the Navy Yard was even warned about him by Rhode Island police. Nobody paid attention.

He used a shotgun, the kind of self-defense weapons recommended by none other than Vice President Joe Biden. He still managed to kill 12 people and injure many more.

Isn’t it obvious all of the prescriptions of the Obama administration and the gun-grabbing crowd are doing exactly what they are intended to do?

-- Joseph Farah, Sept. 23 WorldNetDaily column

Administrations usually have shining stars, outstanding personalities, like rich folks’ Christmas trees have expensive ornaments. Where are the intellectual stars like John Kenneth Galbraith, Henry Kissinger, James Baker? In fact, where is David Axelrod? Can you name one figure in this administration whose presence in our national line-up gives you comfort? Every time the TV moderator introduces the “administration spokesman” in a debate on Obamacare or Syria or the economy or Benghazi I see unknowns who seem to have memorized their talking points from three-by-five cards. Shining stars? This administration doesn’t even have glowing embers.

-- Barry Farber, Sept. 24 WorldNetDaily column

The American people have been betrayed in two areas that may be seemingly unrelated, but play to the same sentiments I’ve described. They concern our president, Barack Obama, and the creed known as Islam. The character of both have been distorted to compromise Americans’ better judgment, goodwill and compassion. This is not to say that I believe the president is a Muslim; in truth, I believe that Obama is either an atheist or an individual of agnostic leanings.

What I am saying – and why I have chosen to discuss these together – is that the confluence of threats posed by Barack Obama and Islam are the most serious existing threats to the survival of this nation. In very short order, either could exact an extremely grave toll on America, chiefly because Americans’ better judgment, goodwill and compassion have been compromised. Our human proclivity for denial in this area – in admitting to having been taken – presents at least as great a danger as those posed by Obama and Islam themselves.

-- Erik Rush, Sept. 25 WND column

It wouldn’t amaze me one bit if Mr. Obama is using the Syria international debacle as an artful hand-eye trick to keep Americans from not focusing on the domestic train wreck he and his backwards “progressives” have engineered.

-- Ted Nugent, Sept. 25 WND column

I hear you, Mr. President, and I know exactly what it is that I am hearing. I hear the deceit and lies of the Chicago ACORN community disorganizing scam artist from hell, feeding the low-information voters more pap and anti-American propaganda in your feeble and disingenuous attempt to bribe more votes for the declaration of dependency society. Fundamental transformation indeed.

You are so cocksure of the ignorance of your constituency that you dare to brag that the federal government is America’s largest employer. That is nothing to be proud of and in fact contrary to the Founding Fathers’ vision of this experiment in self-government where we the people were supposed to be the ones in charge, not a runaway power-abusing, bloated, fraudulent monster like the slobbering, gluttonous Fedzilla beast of the New Deal and not so Great Society scams.

-- Ted Nugent, Oct. 2 WND column

Just as Hitler posted troops at Normandy to keep the allied forces out, President Obama is now turning away those who wish to pay their respects at the Normandy American Cemetery. More than 9,000 patriots who gave their lives were laid to rest at the D-Day Memorial, and respecting their service and sacrifice is not allowed during the shutdown, thanks to the Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

-- Gina Loudon, Oct. 6 WND column

You heard it here first. The United States is going default on its obligations. The consequent worldwide financial collapse will make 2008 – and even 1929 – look like picnics. And, gentle readers, it is your fault. You, the people of the United States, chose as your “president” a man who openly has a bogus birth certificate on the White House website, who openly detests your Constitution, who had no previous experience before going into politics except as a communist agitator (coyly rebranded “community organizer”) and who – on any view – was and is entirely inadequate to serve in your nation’s highest office.

-- Christopher Monckton, Oct. 8 WND column

When the people are ignored and coerced into submission, and our military heroes are held out to dry and sacrificed to a Muslim enemy by a “Muslim president” and his Republican enablers, it is only a matter of time before the people and the military rise up to remove the shackles that have been placed on them by the government. That time is now. We the people have had enough!

Please join us in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19. Stay tuned for more details about this nonviolent revolution designed to peacefully remove this political establishment cancer, before it kills our beloved country.

-- Larry Klayman, Oct. 11 WND column

A magician has “patter” – his running commentary while he is doing his tricks.

That’s Obama, running around the country with his teleprompter, talking to partisan groups, telling them what they want to hear, all the while avoiding any meeting with the opposition to try to resolve the political differences.

He threatens, accuses and insults and then declines to talk, but the government closure shows his deviousness.

“Shut down the government,” yes, but do it selectively so that the greatest number of people will be hurt, all the while, leaving the magician in chief to ignore it all, pretending he’s not responsible – it’s those vindictive, selfish Republicans.

To call Barack Obama a “Svengali” is not too far fetched: a person who wants to dominate, manipulate and control in order to get people to do what he wants.

-- Barbara Simpson, Oct. 14 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:54 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 14, 2013 10:16 PM EDT
James Walsh's Latest Anti-Immigration Rant
Topic: Newsmax

Immigrant-hater James Walsh really piles up the hate and lies in his Oct. 7 Newsmax column. He starts this way:

The White House is readying for an immigration blitz, according to a Politico item on September 28. A White House Hispanic adviser opined that October will see a “Day of Dignity and Respect” to reinforce the message that U.S. citizens owe those residing in the country illegally not only “subservience but abject penance.”

We found no evidence that any White House official said this. It appears that Walsh simply made up this quote.

Walsh then makes an odd racial attack on President Obama:

Barack Obama was re-elected president when a majority of liberal whites, blacks, Hispanics, entitlement recipients, and unionists voted for him — and when some 7 million to 9 million white voters failed to vote.

That seems to speak for itself. That's followed by:

Surveys reflect that 70 percent of Americans are against “easy” or “unearned” citizenship. The Obama administration, however, has no intention of allowing this silent majority to derail his immigration legislation, especially in the midst of an unpopular government shutdown.

Walsh offers no evidence that the "path to citizenship" envisioned under immigration reform is "easy" or "unearned." He then says:

With the Senate’s Democrat majority in his pocket, Obama is “El Supremo,” according to his Latino supporters. In line with his imperial stand on the federal budget’s fiscal crisis, the president may refuse to negotiate any portion of his forthcoming immigration “reform.”

Way to invoke Hispanic stereotypes there, Mr. Walsh. He concludes with a final flurry of unsubstantiated Obama-bashing and race-baiting:

For political reasons, law enforcement agencies give a pass to Mexican Drug Cartel (MDC) gangs running wild through U.S. cities. Chicago is the murder capital of the nation; Washington, D.C., is second; and gang members injured in shoot-outs receive free medical care.
The result is immigration chaos; yet Obama and many Democrats see unrestricted immigration as essential for global social justice. When was U.S. policy reshaped as “Come One, Come All”? When citizens didn’t make it to the polls.

Walsh needs to learn to give up his hatred of those who don't share his skin color, starting with the President of the United States.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:46 PM EDT
WND Airbrushes Klayman's Offensive Remarks From Protest Story
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joe Kovacs ramps up the drama in an Oct. 13 WorldNetDaily article on a Washington protest:

Thousands of Americans have taken the government shutdown into their own hands, literally, as they stormed into the nation’s capital, tearing down barricades blocking off the World War II Memorial on the National Mall Sunday morning.

“Barrycades are down,” tweeted Sherry Lucas, a reference to President Barack Obama’s childhood nickname of Barry.

Many of the barricades were then hand-carried by the protesters and dumped in front of the White House.

This weekend has seen the convergence of U.S. veterans and truckers on the nation’s capital, as many protest the closure of public memorials as well as the president’s policies.

Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, addressed the crowd at 9:30 a.m. and were later joined by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Omitted from Kovacs' article: the fact that WND columnist Larry Klayman also addressed the crowd. CNN, meanwhile, reported on Klayman's words:

One speaker went as far as saying the president was a Muslim and separately urged the crowd of hundreds to initiate a peaceful uprising.

"I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up," said Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group.

We don't know why WND would have a problem with what Klayman said -- he calls Obama a Muslim pretty much every week in his WND column, and it was just a few weeks ago that Klayman used his column to test-drive his "put the Quran down" remarks. 

In other words, Klayman is saying nothing new, it's obviously comfortable with his inflammatory rhetoric, so there was no reason whatsoever to ignore Klayman's presence at the protest. What, exactly, are Kovacs and WND afraid of?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:09 AM EDT
Sunday, October 13, 2013
No, MRC, Cruz Hecklers Didn't Call For 'Amnesty'
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Dan Joseph chatted with people who were kicked out of the Value Voters Summit after heckling a speech by Sen. Ted Cruz. In discussing their views on immigration reform in the video posted at and NewsBusters, neither Joseph nor the hecklers used the word "amnesty."

Yet in the CNS article Joseph wrote to accompany the video, Joseph declared that the hecklers were "advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants." And in the NewsBusters post accompanying Joseph's video there, Tim Graham wrote that the protesters were "heckling for amnesty."

Um, no. As we've documented, "amnesty" means something, and the "path to citizenship" advocated by the protesters includes numerous condidtions and thus is not, by definition, "amnesty."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:53 PM EDT
WND's Farah Pretends To Care About Miriam Carey
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah continues to concern-troll over a shooting outside the Capitol min his Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily column:

A young, unarmed black mother with a baby in the car was shot down more than a week ago by a virtual firing squad of Capitol Hill police.

Why do I appear to be the only person in America with a platform troubled by this senseless execution in cold blood?

I’m trying to imagine if this would be the case if George W. Bush had been residing in the White House at the time.

We imagine that if Bush had been residing in the White House at the time, Farah would be passing this story on to Colin Flaherty, who would portray it as yet another example of purported "black mob violence" in America.

But because there is a black Democrat in the White House -- one that Farah and his website have spent years trying to destroy -- Farah has decided that Miriam Carey's death can be exploited for political purposes:

Where is the black community on this atrocity? Where is Al Sharpton?

Is it all right to act like this when the president and the attorney general are black?

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore

I guess it is as long as they continue to search for ways to subject George Zimmerman to double jeopardy.

Where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where are all the so-called “civil rights activists”?

Where is the police review board in Washington?

I tossed and turned most of the night after this shooting. Did anyone else in America have that reaction?

But most people tossing and tuyrning over the shooting were likely doing so for different reasons than Farah, who was likely trying to figure out how to use Carey's death against Obama. And by golly, that's what he does:

Most of all, I wonder, where is Barack Obama?

Why hasn’t he been asked about this unseemly spectacle?

Why hasn’t he offered his take on the shooting?

After all, Miriam Carey had delusions that Obama was stalking her – at least we assume they were delusions.

It’s been a sad week for America for many reasons. I mourn for Miriam Carey. I mourn for America. Does anyone else?

Joseph Farah does not give a damn about Miriam Carey. He cares only about using any and all means necessary -- including Carey's death -- as a cudgel against President Obama. He's driven by hate, not by compassion.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:06 PM EDT
Saturday, October 12, 2013
AIM's Kincaid Freaks Out About De Blasio's Name Change
Topic: Accuracy in Media

What is it about New York mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio's name change that so unnerves right-wingers?

In an Oct. 10 Accuracy in Media column that mostly rants about de Blasio's supposed pro-communist past, Cliff Kincaid drops this in: "Curiously, it also turns out that de Blasio has had three different names, but he refuses to talk about that in any depth, either."

As we pointed out when the Catholic League's Bill Donohue freaked out about it at Newsmax, de Blasio has discussed his name changes -- he was abandoned by his father and taking the name of his mother's family is his way of honoring the side of the family that raised him.

There is an explanation, but Kincaid has no interest in finding out about it, preferring to construct a conspiracy theory about it instead.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:12 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Can't Stop Perpetuating Homeschool-Nazi Myth
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh, it seems, is not about to let the facts interfere with his defense of homeschooling.

Unruh writes in an Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily article:

A petition filed Thursday asks the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down a Nazi-era standard that would be imposed if the Obama administration gets its wish and deports a family of homeschoolers to Germany.

The petition from the Home School Legal Defense Association is on behalf of the Romeike family, which fled Germany because of the nation’s ban on homeschooling.

Germany bans homeschooling based on a Nazi-era philosophy that the shaping of the minds of children ultimately must be guided by the state, not parents.

As we pointed out the last time Unruh wrote about the Romeike case, compulsory schooling in Germany dates farther back than the Nazi era -- it has been a tradition for a good 200 years.

Then, Unruh quotes a homeschool activist making the same claim:

HSLDA’s founder and president, Michael Farris, noted that international human rights protections were written in response to Germany’s practices in the Nazi era.

“It is impossible to distinguish the German desire for philosophical conformity today from that of the 1930s,” he said. “Children do not belong to any government in any decade.”

Like Unruh, Farris is going Godwin. As the chancellor and moot court coach at Patrick Henry College, the homeschooler-friendly school he founded, Farris should know better than to make such dishonest claims and engage in such a rhetorical fallacy.

As per WND policy, Unruh tells only the homeschoolers' side of the story, ignoring any mention of the fact that the Romeikes also rejected private and religious schools in Germany, and could have chosen to work toward creating a school in Germany that more closely aligns with their claimed "Christian faith" but they apparently chose not to.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:12 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 12, 2013 2:17 AM EDT
Friday, October 11, 2013
Newsmax's Favorite Presidential Candidate Doesn't Register In Newsmax Poll
Topic: Newsmax

Jim Meyers touts Newsmax's latest poll in an Oct. 10 article:

If the Republican presidential primary were held today, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie would garner the most votes, according to a new Newsmax/Zogby poll.

Christie received 11.4 percent of the votes in the survey, just ahead of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who collected 11.2 percent, and Rand Paul, 10.1 percent.

Pollsters interviewed  418 likely voters, including Democrats, Republicans and Independents, as well as a variety of age groups and background. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percent.


The poll offered respondents a list of 21 potential candidates. Here are the candidates and the percentage of the survey votes they received:

Christie, 11.4 percent; Bush, 11.2; Paul 10.1; Paul Ryan, 9.1; Sarah Palin, 6.9; Ted Cruz, 6.5; Marco Rubio, 3.7; Rick Santorum, 2.8; Rick Perry, 1.6; Scott Walker, 1.5; Allen West, 1.4; Ben Carson, 1.3.

Next on the list of candidates, Bobby Jindal, 0.9 percent; Mitch Daniels, 0.8; John Kasich, 0.8; Rob Portman, 0.8; Jim DeMint, 0.4; Bob McDonnell, 0.3; Susana Martinez, 0.2; Nikki Haley, 0; Jon Thune, 0.

Strangely missing from Newsmax's poll is Peter King, despite the fact that it was none other than Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy put the bug in King's ear to run for president. Even more strange is the fact that unlike many of the names Newsmax polled on, King has specifically expressed interest in running for president in 2016.

Why wouldn't Newsmax want to poll for a candidate it created? Very strange indeed.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:30 PM EDT
WND Promotes Debt Limit Denialism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Unsurprisingly for a website that is trying to con readers into giving it money to tell members of Congress not to raise the debt ceiling, WorldNetDaily is rather desperate to push the myth that not raising the debt ceiling has no consequences.

Bob Unruh writes in an Oct. 8 WND article:

President Obama has been using the threat of a “default” to persuade House Republicans to fund his newly implemented health-care law and the rest of the heavily indebted federal bureaucracy, as well as end the government shutdown.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi both have followed the party talking points, encouraging Americans to “avoid default” by having the GOP give the president what he wants.

The  problem, however, is that the Democrats’ threat of default is not reality, according to leading economists.

Unruh then repeats claims from various sources claiming that there is no threat of default because the federal government would still be receiving enough in revenue to pay interest on the money it has borrowed.

Garth Kant followed with an Oct. 9 article:

A growing number of economists and politicians say President Obama is just factually wrong when he claims the United States is risking default by not raising the debt celing.

They also say Obama is mistaken in claiming that failure to raise the debt ceiling would be a disaster, or as he put it, “insane, catastrophic, chaos.”

One famous economist even goes so far as to portray the president’s dire warnings as outright dangerous and irresponsible. CNBC’s Lawrence Kudlow accused the president of threatening “to pull the whole system down for (his) own gain.”

But as economist Jared Bernstein points out, even if the federal government paid its creditors, there is not enough money to pay all expenses, and that is "default by another name."

Both Unruh and Kant reference the claim that default could be avoided by prioritizing expenses. But that's a fallacy as well: Experts say such prioritization is unworkable and legally dubious, in that the Treasury Department doesn't have the legal authority to prioritize payments.

Unruh and Kant dismiss or ignore entirely such arguments. That's not good journalism.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:36 PM EDT
CNS' Jeffrey Now Just Flat-Out Deceiving His Readers

Terry Jeffrey isn't even bothering to engage in honest journalism anymore.

Jeffrey's Oct. 8 column caries the headline "Obama Administration Prohibits Kennedy Family from Practicing Catholicism." It begins:

The Obama administration has prohibited the Kennedy family from practicing its Catholicism, and the Kennedys now intend to ask the Supreme Court to restore their First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.

Their case could become one of the most consequential in our nation's history. The issue: Will the most fundamental liberty of all--freedom of conscience--survive in post-Obama America?

It's not until the third paragraph that Jeffrey mentions it's not that Kennedy family:

John Kennedy serves as president of Autocam and Autocam Medical, Michigan-based companies that produce automobile components and medical devices. He and his family own the companies, which employ 661 people in the United States.

That's deception and manipulation of the most base and cynical kind.

On top of that, Jeffrey repeats the discredited myth that Obamacare pays for "abortions induced by drugs."

What kind of example is Jeffrey setting for his CNS employees? It's clear that Jeffrey no longer cares about using the website he runs to tell the truth -- if, indeed, he ever did.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:48 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome, 'Meaty, Deceitful Lips' Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

At the White House on Tuesday, President Obama delivered a statement and took questions from reporters on the partial government shutdown and the ongoing fight over raising the federal debt ceiling. I think that the only thing worse than having to endure the interminable effluvia of falsehoods was having to hear them over and again as he flapped his meaty, deceitful lips for an entire hour.


It is Obama’s obstinacy that so many are finding troublesome. Cited as being unprecedented, this ought not be a surprise, since having a revolutionary Marxist in the White House is also unprecedented. His modality has become that of a dictator, as evidenced by those who have recognized this and articulated the same. On Monday, Arizona state Rep. Brenda Barton posted on her Facebook page that “Someone is paying the National Park Service thugs overtime for their efforts to carry out the order of De Fuhrer [sp],” likening Obama to Nazi despot Adolf Hitler.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 9  WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:07 PM EDT
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Meanwhile ...
Topic: Media Research Center
Media Matters highlights the "unabashed transphobia" of the Media Research Center's Matt Philbin, as displayed in a Washington Times op-ed claiming that LGBT movement is part of a broader left-wing effort to "dismantle" Western civilization.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:49 PM EDT
WND Launches Meaningless Petition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An Oct. 8 WorldNetDaily article is dedicated to touting WND's latest anti-Obama petition:

Got your Obamacare rate hikes? Like the deductible? How about the coverage? Still want it? Or is there another path you’d like to see Congress take?

The time to tell your representatives and senators is right now, or, as the minister says at weddings, “forever hold your peace.”

A new petition has been launched urging Congress to roll back President Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America.”

The issues are multiple: the government shutdown because Obama refused to compromise with House Republicans, the president’s demand to have unfettered access to borrowing and spending more taxpayer money, the intimidating warning that if the GOP doesn’t cave in Obama will allow the “full faith and credit” of the nation to be compromised.

It’s a petition urging the House of Representatives to “stand strong and united, and not to cave in to the ‘make-the-shutdown-hurt’ and extortionist tactics of President Barack Obama.”

The article strangely doesn't mention the fact that WND created the petition. Nor does the article state what WND will do with the petition when it gets enough signatures, however many that may be.

Perhaps that's because the petition itself is beside the point - the real goal is to serve as a vehicle for gathering email addresses. The end of the petition states:

Notice: You will also be signed up for WND's free emails so you can keep up to date with breaking news and special offers from WND. You may change your email preferences at any time.

This petition may not go anywhere -- heck, it's almost guaranteed not to -- but WND will have a longer email list it can sell to advertisers.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:48 PM EDT

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