Topic: WorldNetDaily
You don't have to be black -- or even human -- to be fearmongered about in the WorldNetDaily writer's race-baiting. Read more >>
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
NEW ARTICLE: Colin Flaherty's Rainbow-Colored 'Black Mobs'
Topic: WorldNetDaily You don't have to be black -- or even human -- to be fearmongered about in the WorldNetDaily writer's race-baiting. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:04 AM EDT
Monday, October 14, 2013
NewsBusters Invents A Right For Pro-Lifers
Topic: NewsBusters Complaining about an MSNBC segment in which panelists agreed that "Pro-life sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics is 'bullying' and should not not accorded First Amendment's 'free speech' guarantees," Ken Shepherd uses an Oct. 10 NewsBusters post to declare a new right: "But completely left by the wayside is the right of women seeking an abortion to consider their options and listen to what pro-lifers have to say." We weren't aware that there was some special right involved to "counsel" women -- if shouting at them on the sidewalk outside a clinic constitutes such a thing -- outside abortion clinics. It seems like the assumption being made here by Shepherd and other anti-abortion activists is that women get abortions on the spur of the moment and put absolutely no thought whatsoever into the decision and no consideration whatsoever into all sides of the issue. Shepherd even approvingly quotes an amicus brief by a Democratic group noting that "All studies show that the decision to have an abortion is not one that is taken lightly or made without thoughtful consideration." Still, Shepherd seems to think differently, that shouting at women outside abortion clinics does anything beyond making a difficult decision that much more so.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:26 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Joseph Farah, Sept. 23 WorldNetDaily column
-- Barry Farber, Sept. 24 WorldNetDaily column
-- Erik Rush, Sept. 25 WND column
-- Ted Nugent, Sept. 25 WND column
-- Ted Nugent, Oct. 2 WND column
-- Gina Loudon, Oct. 6 WND column
-- Christopher Monckton, Oct. 8 WND column
-- Larry Klayman, Oct. 11 WND column
-- Barbara Simpson, Oct. 14 WND column
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:54 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 14, 2013 10:16 PM EDT
James Walsh's Latest Anti-Immigration Rant
Topic: Newsmax Immigrant-hater James Walsh really piles up the hate and lies in his Oct. 7 Newsmax column. He starts this way:
We found no evidence that any White House official said this. It appears that Walsh simply made up this quote. Walsh then makes an odd racial attack on President Obama:
That seems to speak for itself. That's followed by:
Walsh offers no evidence that the "path to citizenship" envisioned under immigration reform is "easy" or "unearned." He then says:
Way to invoke Hispanic stereotypes there, Mr. Walsh. He concludes with a final flurry of unsubstantiated Obama-bashing and race-baiting:
Walsh needs to learn to give up his hatred of those who don't share his skin color, starting with the President of the United States.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:46 PM EDT
WND Airbrushes Klayman's Offensive Remarks From Protest Story
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joe Kovacs ramps up the drama in an Oct. 13 WorldNetDaily article on a Washington protest:
Omitted from Kovacs' article: the fact that WND columnist Larry Klayman also addressed the crowd. CNN, meanwhile, reported on Klayman's words:
We don't know why WND would have a problem with what Klayman said -- he calls Obama a Muslim pretty much every week in his WND column, and it was just a few weeks ago that Klayman used his column to test-drive his "put the Quran down" remarks. In other words, Klayman is saying nothing new, it's obviously comfortable with his inflammatory rhetoric, so there was no reason whatsoever to ignore Klayman's presence at the protest. What, exactly, are Kovacs and WND afraid of?
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:09 AM EDT
Sunday, October 13, 2013
No, MRC, Cruz Hecklers Didn't Call For 'Amnesty'
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center's Dan Joseph chatted with people who were kicked out of the Value Voters Summit after heckling a speech by Sen. Ted Cruz. In discussing their views on immigration reform in the video posted at and NewsBusters, neither Joseph nor the hecklers used the word "amnesty." Yet in the CNS article Joseph wrote to accompany the video, Joseph declared that the hecklers were "advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants." And in the NewsBusters post accompanying Joseph's video there, Tim Graham wrote that the protesters were "heckling for amnesty." Um, no. As we've documented, "amnesty" means something, and the "path to citizenship" advocated by the protesters includes numerous condidtions and thus is not, by definition, "amnesty."
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:53 PM EDT
WND's Farah Pretends To Care About Miriam Carey
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joseph Farah continues to concern-troll over a shooting outside the Capitol min his Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily column:
We imagine that if Bush had been residing in the White House at the time, Farah would be passing this story on to Colin Flaherty, who would portray it as yet another example of purported "black mob violence" in America. But because there is a black Democrat in the White House -- one that Farah and his website have spent years trying to destroy -- Farah has decided that Miriam Carey's death can be exploited for political purposes:
But most people tossing and tuyrning over the shooting were likely doing so for different reasons than Farah, who was likely trying to figure out how to use Carey's death against Obama. And by golly, that's what he does:
Joseph Farah does not give a damn about Miriam Carey. He cares only about using any and all means necessary -- including Carey's death -- as a cudgel against President Obama. He's driven by hate, not by compassion.
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:06 PM EDT
Saturday, October 12, 2013
AIM's Kincaid Freaks Out About De Blasio's Name Change
Topic: Accuracy in Media What is it about New York mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio's name change that so unnerves right-wingers? In an Oct. 10 Accuracy in Media column that mostly rants about de Blasio's supposed pro-communist past, Cliff Kincaid drops this in: "Curiously, it also turns out that de Blasio has had three different names, but he refuses to talk about that in any depth, either." As we pointed out when the Catholic League's Bill Donohue freaked out about it at Newsmax, de Blasio has discussed his name changes -- he was abandoned by his father and taking the name of his mother's family is his way of honoring the side of the family that raised him. There is an explanation, but Kincaid has no interest in finding out about it, preferring to construct a conspiracy theory about it instead.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:12 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Can't Stop Perpetuating Homeschool-Nazi Myth
Topic: WorldNetDaily Bob Unruh, it seems, is not about to let the facts interfere with his defense of homeschooling. Unruh writes in an Oct. 10 WorldNetDaily article:
As we pointed out the last time Unruh wrote about the Romeike case, compulsory schooling in Germany dates farther back than the Nazi era -- it has been a tradition for a good 200 years. Then, Unruh quotes a homeschool activist making the same claim:
Like Unruh, Farris is going Godwin. As the chancellor and moot court coach at Patrick Henry College, the homeschooler-friendly school he founded, Farris should know better than to make such dishonest claims and engage in such a rhetorical fallacy. As per WND policy, Unruh tells only the homeschoolers' side of the story, ignoring any mention of the fact that the Romeikes also rejected private and religious schools in Germany, and could have chosen to work toward creating a school in Germany that more closely aligns with their claimed "Christian faith" but they apparently chose not to.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:12 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 12, 2013 2:17 AM EDT
Friday, October 11, 2013
Newsmax's Favorite Presidential Candidate Doesn't Register In Newsmax Poll
Topic: Newsmax Jim Meyers touts Newsmax's latest poll in an Oct. 10 article:
Strangely missing from Newsmax's poll is Peter King, despite the fact that it was none other than Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy put the bug in King's ear to run for president. Even more strange is the fact that unlike many of the names Newsmax polled on, King has specifically expressed interest in running for president in 2016. Why wouldn't Newsmax want to poll for a candidate it created? Very strange indeed.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:30 PM EDT
WND Promotes Debt Limit Denialism
Topic: WorldNetDaily Unsurprisingly for a website that is trying to con readers into giving it money to tell members of Congress not to raise the debt ceiling, WorldNetDaily is rather desperate to push the myth that not raising the debt ceiling has no consequences. Bob Unruh writes in an Oct. 8 WND article:
Unruh then repeats claims from various sources claiming that there is no threat of default because the federal government would still be receiving enough in revenue to pay interest on the money it has borrowed. Garth Kant followed with an Oct. 9 article:
But as economist Jared Bernstein points out, even if the federal government paid its creditors, there is not enough money to pay all expenses, and that is "default by another name." Both Unruh and Kant reference the claim that default could be avoided by prioritizing expenses. But that's a fallacy as well: Experts say such prioritization is unworkable and legally dubious, in that the Treasury Department doesn't have the legal authority to prioritize payments. Unruh and Kant dismiss or ignore entirely such arguments. That's not good journalism.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:36 PM EDT
CNS' Jeffrey Now Just Flat-Out Deceiving His Readers
Topic: Terry Jeffrey isn't even bothering to engage in honest journalism anymore. Jeffrey's Oct. 8 column caries the headline "Obama Administration Prohibits Kennedy Family from Practicing Catholicism." It begins:
It's not until the third paragraph that Jeffrey mentions it's not that Kennedy family:
That's deception and manipulation of the most base and cynical kind. On top of that, Jeffrey repeats the discredited myth that Obamacare pays for "abortions induced by drugs." What kind of example is Jeffrey setting for his CNS employees? It's clear that Jeffrey no longer cares about using the website he runs to tell the truth -- if, indeed, he ever did.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:48 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome, 'Meaty, Deceitful Lips' Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Erik Rush, Oct. 9 WorldNetDaily column
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:07 PM EDT
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Meanwhile ...
Topic: Media Research Center Media Matters highlights the "unabashed transphobia" of the Media Research Center's Matt Philbin, as displayed in a Washington Times op-ed claiming that LGBT movement is part of a broader left-wing effort to "dismantle" Western civilization.
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:49 PM EDT
WND Launches Meaningless Petition
Topic: WorldNetDaily An Oct. 8 WorldNetDaily article is dedicated to touting WND's latest anti-Obama petition:
The article strangely doesn't mention the fact that WND created the petition. Nor does the article state what WND will do with the petition when it gets enough signatures, however many that may be. Perhaps that's because the petition itself is beside the point - the real goal is to serve as a vehicle for gathering email addresses. The end of the petition states:
This petition may not go anywhere -- heck, it's almost guaranteed not to -- but WND will have a longer email list it can sell to advertisers.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:48 PM EDT
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