Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center likes to mock Twitter entries from liberals, but its own employees' tweets are just as mock-worthy. Read more >>
Thursday, May 9, 2013
NEW ARTICLE: When MRC Staffers Tweet
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center likes to mock Twitter entries from liberals, but its own employees' tweets are just as mock-worthy. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:40 PM EDT
WND's Erik Rush Argues That Obama 'Orchestrated' Benghazi Attack
Topic: WorldNetDaily Erik Rush -- no stranger to Obama derangement -- tops himself in his May 8 WorldNetDaily column:
That's right -- Rush is saying that Obama "orchestrated" the attack on the Behgiazi because of his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood, and we know he's capable of it because of the gay men he supposedly killed. We have nothing to add.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:55 PM EDT
CNS Now Censoring Immigration Study Co-Author's Statements on Race, IQ
Topic: Earlier this week, we detailed how is censoring the fact that the Heritage Foundation study on immigration it promoted is so flawed as to make it worthless, despite promoting the study itself. Now, questions have been raised about statements made by one of the study's co-authors, and CNS hasn't said a peep about that either. Co-author Jason Richwine also wrote a 2009 doctoral dissertation titled "IQ and Immigration Policy" that "there are deep-set differentials in intelligence between races," adding, "No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against." Richwine elaborated on his race theories during a 2008 C-SPAN appearance:
Does CNS not consider this to be news? Or does it realize the news value but has decided that the truth must be suppressed? By the definition CNS' parent organization, the Media Research Center, uses to attack media outlets for not covering right-wing-friendly stories to its satisfaction, non-coverage is the same thing as censorship.Thus, CNS is censoring the truth about the Heritage study.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:42 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, May 9, 2013 11:43 AM EDT
WND Pushing Fluoride Conspiracies Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily The last time WorldNetDaily did an article on the purported menace of fluoride in municipal water supplies, it fell to one of WND's own columnists, Phil Elmore, to debunk it. But WND is back in the fluoride-conspiracy business again with a May 7 article by Steve Elwart pushing the bizarre idea that fluoride in water has "civil rights implications." Actually, all that happened is that a couple people formerly involved in the civil rights movement expressed concerns about fluoride:
Elwart also repeats a claim from a review of fluoride research that "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment." But the study also stated that "very little is known of its effects on children’s neurodevelopment," which means more research is needed -- which you wouldn'tknow from Elwart's selective editing. Elmore's earlier debunking stated that "The correlation found between fluoride and IQ levels is not causation." Looks like he needs to weigh in again and do the job WND's so-called reporters won't.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:38 AM EDT
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
AIM's Kincaid Still Promoting The Discredited Joel Gilbert
Topic: Accuracy in Media Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid was one of the chief promoters of Joel Gilbert, whose film claming that Barack Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis has been thoroughly discredited, continuing to defend Gilbert even after the debunking surfaced. You'd think Kincaid would have learned his lesson by now. Apparently not, for in his May 3 AIM column, he approvingly cites Gilbert again:
Apparently, as long as Gilbert stands by his discredited smears of Obama, Kincaid will continue to stand by him. Sad, isn't it?
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:49 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 11:54 PM EDT
WND's Farah Plays Dumb on Partisan Motivation Behind Prayer Day
Topic: WorldNetDaily When WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah first called for "a national day of prayer and fasting" in his April 11 column, his bill of particulars read like an anti-Obama rant:
Now, Farah wants you to believe there's no partisan intent behind his now-formal (it must be; it has its own URL) National Day of Prayer and Fasting, set for the totally-not-meant-to-send-a-political-message-really day of Sept. 11, and he whines when he's called on it. From Farah's May 3 column:
No, that's not it, Joe. It's the fact that you're pretending it's not another attempt to stick it to Obama that makes you not worthy of it. Plus, there's also the fact that Farah has painted President Obama's re-election in the most dire and apocalyptic of Biblical terms:
Farah oversells his modesty in his May 5 column, writing, "I admit a journalist and media entrepreneur is not the most likely candidate to be promoting spiritual revival." But Farah is not a journalist -- he said so himself in a 2009 column when he declared that "I stepped beyond my role as a journalist and media entrepreneur to become an activist, a crusader, some might even say a 'birther.'" Farah peddled some of that false modesty in his May 3 column as well, stating, "I’ve been attacked for many things in my life. For some of them, I deserved it. I’ve beat myself up for much of what I’ve done." Do any of those involving destroying the credibility of his website to pursue an four-year, scorched-earth anti-Obama jihad, or that has yet to acknowledge the fact that WND refuses to tell its readers the truth about its utterly discredited "eligibility" obsession? Somehow, we suspect not. Farah complains that his National Day of Prayer and Fasting is political "only in the vivid, warped and distorted imaginations of people with their own political agenda." No, Joe, they're not warped or distorted at all -- they've simply been watching you operate. If Farah really believes in the power of repentence, he should publicly apologize to his readers for the massive dishonesty his website has perpetrated for the past four years, trying to personally destroy Obama merely to gain a political scalp. If he can't do that, there's no reason for anyone to believe he's sincere about his day of prayer.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 9:56 PM EDT
Newsmax's Hirsen Doesn't Think Leno's Obama-Bashing Jokes Are 'Partisan'
Topic: Newsmax James Hirsen writes in his May 6 Newsmax column:
Funny how Hirsen doesn't label Leno as "partisan" for his Obama jokes. Instead, he pontificates that "Leno’s humor contains substantive messages that might pose a danger to someone who lacks the clout to buck the Hollywood infrastructure" and declares Leno's humor to be "bold, honest" and deserving of a more appreciative home at Fox.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:04 PM EDT
WND's Mercer: Putin Wouldn't Celebrate NBA Player Coming Out, So Why Should We?
Topic: WorldNetDaily When she's not pining for apartheid or lamenting that she has the right to vote, Ilana Mercer likes to serve up her definition of manhood, which apparently involves having Vladimir Putin as a role model and nary a word about homosexuality -- not to mention defining why Adam Lanza went on a shooting spree. She writes in her May 2 WorldNetDaily column:
We're supposed to follow the example of an authoritarian dictator as a prime example of manhood? Really, Ilana?
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:16 AM EDT
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
NewsBusters' Double Standard on Softball Questions
Topic: NewsBusters Kyle Drennen uses a May 6 NewsBusters post to complain that NBC's David Gregory was tossing "softballs" in an interview with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt. Yet just five hours later, NewsBusters executive editor was lobbing softballs of his own in an interview with anti-abortion activist Marjorie Dannenfelser. Here are some of the questions tossed Dannenfelser's way:
Yep, hard-hitting stuff. How can NewsBusters complain about others lobbing softball questions when it does the exact same thing? Just another day of double standards at NewsBusters.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:10 PM EDT
WND's Ellis Washington Gets More Stuff Wrong
Topic: WorldNetDaily Much as he likes to deny it, there are perfectly good reasons for not hiring WorldNetDaily columnist Ellis Washington as a tenure-track professor that have nothing to do with him being a black conservative, as he claimed in his manifesto. One of them is that he likes to perpetuate myths and outright falsehoods. (He does have an extensive history of that.) He does exactly that in his May 3 WND column railing against the NAACP for supporting Planned Parenthood. Washington begins by misunderstanding how the Plan B morning-after pill works and how it may become available to females under 18:
First, does Washington really believe that Plan B will be stocked "right next to the candy bars, bubble gum and Tic-Tacs"? Pharmacies don't do this with currently available forms of over-the-counter birth control -- typically, they're kept within eyeshot of a pharmacist or clerk -- so why would they start now? Second, Plan B is not an abortificent. It acts by inhibiting ovulation or interfering with fertilization, and it does not stop development of a fertilized egg that implants in the uterus. Washington then goes on to take Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger out of context to portray her project to bring birth-control climics to the rural South as wanting to exterminate black babies: explains what the quote really means:
Why would any self-respecting university hire such a dishonest person as an instructor? Lest one think Washington is merely hyperventilating over abortion -- or that dishonesty alone is a reason not to hire him -- remember that two weeks earlier he claimed that the Supreme Court's decision in Griswold v. Connecticut -- which overturned a state law banning married couples from obtaining contraceptives -- started "Darwinian, atheistic, progressive, anti-constitutional agenda and unleashed a nine-man sexual revolution using the incorporation doctrine to pervert the sexual mores of American society." So, basically, Washington wants to repeal the past 50 years or so of expanded sexual freedoms. Good luck finding a law school that will allow you to teach that, Ellis.
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:03 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:25 PM EDT
MRC Smears La Raza As 'Radical,' 'Separatist'
Topic: Media Research Center Clay Waters devotes a May 6 MRC TimesWatch item to smearing Obama adviser Cecilia Munoz and the advocacy organization for which she used to work. Waters calls Munoz "Obama's chief amnesty pusher" -- ignoring the fact that comprehensive immigration reform that requires numerous steps before an illegal immigrant is allowed to become a citizen is, by definition, not "amnesty" -- and complained that a New York Times article on her buried "Munoz's history as a lobbyist for the left-wing separatist group National Council of La Raza ('La Raza' means 'the race')." Waters also called La Raza "a radical pro-Hispanic group." In fact, La Raza -- which actually means "the people" or "the community" -- is not "radical" or "separatist" but, rather, an advocacy group for Hispanics. But facts aren't the MRC's strong suit when there are liberals to bash.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:03 PM EDT
WND Tries To Jump-Start Birtherism Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily Birtherism is largely dead, except for a few fringe holdouts -- even WorldNetDaily toned down its anti-Obama crusade, and WND's Jerome Corsi admits he's been "completely marginalized and discredited" for his obsession. But WND has decided to try and jump-start birtherism, but they're using the same dishonest tactics they were before. A May 5 WND article (unbylined, presumably because no WND writer wants their linked to birtherism anymore) touts how "professional law-enforcement investigators" will be taking part in an Alabama birther lawsuit. Actually, "professional law-enforcement investigators" is a bit of an exaggeration: what's actually happening is that "Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., and his special Cold Case team lead investigator Mike Zullo will be providing evidence in the arguments." Of course, WND fails to mention the anti-Obama bias of Arpaio and Zullo's cold case posse or that WND's Corsi was a de facto member. There's also no mention of the numerous things the posse got wrong, such as citing a coding system established in 1968 to interpret a birth certificate from 1961. But then, WND has always censored any factual evidence that contradicts the birthers. On the other hand, WND repeats a quote from Zullo claiming that "We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud." WND makes no apparent effort to find out what that "new irrefutable evidence" is. WND also highlights how two judges on the Alabama Supreme Court -- where the birther case is being considered -- have expressed sympathy, but ignores the fact that doing so is arguably grounds for the judges to recuse themselves from the case. So WND is back to its old birther shennanigans. So much for trying to rebuild its credibility after destroying it through four years of Obama derangement.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:55 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 12:56 AM EDT
Monday, May 6, 2013
CNS Promotes Highly Misleading Heritage Immigration Study
Topic: was so enthusiastic about a new Heritage Foundation study on immigration, it posted two items on it before the study was even released:
But the report has massive flaws that even Rector acknowledges: It not only doesn't examine the entire Senate immigration bill it purportsto be looking at, it leaves out any examination of provisions designed to help the economy. Will Harrington and Schoffstall issue follow-up articles acknowledging the report's flaws, or will it keep pushing the report as definitive and censor any mention of the errors? Our money's on the latter.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:54 PM EDT
WND Adds Sexism to Race-Baiting, Dismisses CNN Anchor As 'Newsgal'
Topic: WorldNetDaily It's no surprise that WorldNetDaily would go in for race-baiting -- after all, Colin Flaherty does exclusively that for WND -- which is why a May 5 WND article by Joe Kovacs highlights how CNN anchor Carol Costello was "robbed by a black teenager in Atlanta." For some reason, though, WND executive news editor Kovacs feels the need to denigrate her with a headline that reads "CNN newsgal outraged after black teen robs her." (The word "black" was later removed from the headline, though its legacy still remains in the article's URL.) Kovacs is a dedicated transcriber of Rush Limbaugh's radio show, and it appears that Limbaugh's sexism and misogyny is rubbing off on him. The promotional email for the article goes one step further, appending the word "gorgeous" to the headline: WND has always had a sexist streak -- after all, this is the website that has for years kept a running list of female (but not male) teachers accused of sexual contact with students.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 6, 2013 2:42 PM EDT
Newsmax's Walsh Misleads on Anti-Islam Military Instructor
Topic: Newsmax James Walsh wrote in his May 3 Newsmax column:
In fact, Dooley did much more than "suggest that Islamists were involved in terror." From Wired:
Apparently, the truth isn't sexy enough for Walsh, so he resorts to whitewashing the facts aboutwhat Dooley was teaching.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:25 PM EDT
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