What Would A ConWeb Writer Have to Do to Get Fired? Topic: The ConWeb
The ConWeb was, unsurprisingly, incredibly happy that Yahoo Washington bureau chief David Chalian was fired from his job for being caught on a hot mic saing that Mitt Romney was "happy to have a party with black people drowning." For example:
NewsBusters' Matt Sheffield, who broke the story (but originally falsely identified Chalian's voice as that of an ABC News employee) declared that Chalian's remark was "the perfect example of the pervasive anti-Republican bias Mitt Romney faces in his bid to unseat President Barack Obama." Sheffield later touted Chalian's firing, then bashed NPR's Gwen Ifill for defending him.
WorldNetDaily columnist Diana West called Chalian's remark "a race-bait too far."
The thing is, though: Such firings for making outrageous remarks very rarely happen in the ConWeb, where writers are simply not held to the same standards as those in the so-called "mainstream media." The most outrageous remarks and unprofessional journalistic behavior have not only gone unpunished but have been rewarded in some cases.
In 2009, CNSNews.com reporter Penny Starr called Harry Reid a baby-killer by likening him to King Herod. She's still employed as a reporter.
In 2005, WND was forced to retract a story by Aaron Klein that falsely smeared the charity group Islamic Relief by claiming it is linked to terrorism and accusing it of making a fraudulent appeal for money for orphans that don't exist. Not only is Klein still employed by WND, he now hosts a talk show on a New York radio station.
in 2009, WorldNetDaily's Erik Rush likened President Obama to a cellblock rapist. Not only does WND still publish his columns, Rush was named "Vice President of Administration and Strategic Alliances" for Pink Pagoda Girls USA, a group that claims to be "involved in rescuing baby girls in the People’s Republic of China from infanticide as a result of that nation’s 'one child per family' policy."
In 2011, WorldNetDaily executive news editor Joe Kovacs utterly botched a story by claiming that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan's name came up "at least nine times on [Supreme Court] dockets involving Obama eligibility issues" stemming from her connection as Obama's former solicitor general. In fact, none of those docket items has anything to do with "eligibility issues." Kovacs remains employed at WND, still dutifully transcribing pearls of wisdom from his idol, Rush Limbaugh.
In 2006, NewsBusters blogger Dan Riehl led a personal attack on a Democratic campaign tracker who was the target of Virginia Senate candidate George Allen's notorious "macaca" remark, falsely accusing him of making racial slurs. Riehl remained a regular blogger at NewsBusters for the next year and a half; he later became a regular blogger at Breitbart.com. Earlier this year, he hurled sexually explicit tweets at Salon editor Joan Walsh, which has not affected his blogging status at Breitbart.
In 2001, WND published a column by Anthony LoBaido in which he blamed America for the 9/11 attacks: "All that is evil in the world can be found in New York: MTV, the United Nations, the U.N. abortion programs, the Council on Foreign Relations, New Age Church of St. John the Divine, WallStreet greed, Madison Avenue manipulation and of course more confirmed AIDS cases than the rest of America combined. Let's remember the filthy sodomite gay parade last summer in New York." WND editor Joseph Farah defended LoBaido's right to say what he did, and WND has continued to publish him ever since. (That column, though, was mysteriously deleted without explanation.)
The only direct dismissal for a beyond-the-pale statement we can recall in our 12-plus years of monitoring the ConWeb is Newsmax columnist John L. Perry, who was dropped after a 2009 column in which he rooted for a military coup to resolve the "Obama problem."
For anyone in the ConWeb to chortle over Chalian's dismissal is utterly hypocritical, since none of these right-wing "news" organizations holds their employees to the same standards.
UPDATE: Remember, the head of the MRC, Brent Bozell, has set the extremist bar pretty high by calling Obama a "skinny ghetto crackhead." If nobody at the MRC was outraged by that, it's no wonder that Penny Starr is feeling a lot of job security.
WND's Corsi Still Denying Reality on Obama's Grandmother Topic: WorldNetDaily
Jerome Corsi has taken a break from swimming in the cesspool of Obama gay-sex rumors to take a stab at propping him his rapidly crumbling birther conspiracy. This effort, though, demonstrates just how pathetic he's become.
In an Aug. 29 WorldNetDaily article, Corsi tries to make a big deal out of a British documentary on Barack Obama that included a scene inside the Kenyan home of his grandmother, Sarah Obama, where there hung a 2005 calendar that described Obama as "The Kenyan Wonder-Boy in the U.S."
This, of course, adds absolutely nothing to the manufactured debate of where Barack Obama was born, but it gives Corsi a reason to rehash the story of an interview in which Corsi and others have insisted that Sarah Obama said that Barack was born in Kenya.
As we've pointed out, the Anabaptist minister who conducted the translator-facilitated interview, Ron McRae, is an Obama-hater who cite only "common knowledge," not any actual facts, to back up his claim that Obama was born in Kenya.
Corsi also fails to mention an interview Sarah Obama did earlier this year with Salon's Irin Carmon, in which she explicitly denied that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. That's just one of the many things contradicting the birther narrative that Corsi and WND have kept hidden from their readers.
With each desperate, shoddy article he writes, Corsi reveals himself to be nothing more than a desperate, shoddy man who only knows how to destroy, not add to anyone's knowledge. How pathetic.
NewsBusters -- Which Called Michael Moore 'Corpulent' -- Complains That Christie's Weight Is Being Talked About Topic: NewsBusters
NewsBusters is having a fit over alleged references to Chris Christie's weight in the media:
Tim Graham was unhappy that the Los Angeles Times made reference to Christie's "big, fat rear end," despite the fact that the paper was quoting Christie himself.
Ryan Robertson grumbles that one newspaper put a headline on a story about Tropical Storm Isaac, “Isaac, Huge and Slow,” below a picture of Christie, lamenting that "some in the liberal media were far too busy thinking of jokes they could make at the New Jersey governor’s expense rather than actually listen to what he had to say."
You'd think such righteousness would mean that NewsBusters would never be so gauche as to comment on the weight of a liberal, right?
Wrong. A Sept. 27, 2011, NewsBusters post by Noel Sheppard describes filmmaker Michael Moore as "rather corpulent," going on to add that "this portly schlockumentarian has never met a cheeseburger he'd say no to."
Sheppard wasn't done with his fat-mocking, though. He went on to describe Joy Behar as "hardly the poster child for the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition."
And we haven't even gotten to the NewsBusters commenters who go even farther. For instance, in this thread, here's a selection of what commenters call Moore:
"fat freaking moron"
"fat slob"
"fat Marxist lying slob"
"fat, disgusting, psuedo-commie, stupid piece of corpulent crap"
"fat boy"
"Wow, hes so FAT!"
NewsBusters clearly wasn't offended enough by these insults to delete them, which tells us their outrage over Christie's weight being highlighted is utterly hypocritical and meaningless.
WND Writer Defends Putin's Prosecution of Pussy Riot -- And Putin, Too Topic: WorldNetDaily
Following in the footsteps of Ed Koch at Newsmax, Kevin DeAnna uses an Aug. 28 WorldNetDaily column to defend the Russian prosecution of the punk band Pussy Riot for "hooliganism" -- then takes it a step further by defending Russian leader Vladimir Putin as nothing more than "simply a Russian nationalist."
DeAnna lists other henious activities by the group, such as "public orgies, shoving chicken into their vaginas at a supermarket and overturning police cars (with officers inside)." His source for this is a post on the Lew Rockwell website that also goes way conspiratorial by suggesting that the State Department funneled money to the group with the goal of "undermining a foreign leader viewed as out of favor with Washington."
DeAnna's ultimate goal, though, is to denounce conservatives who came to Pussy Riot's defense. He begins his column by stating, "What do conservatives do when the institutions they are fighting to defend join the other side? Unfortunately, the American right has an answer to that question – fight harder than ever to save their enemies." He goes on to complain that "The band’s ideology is typically boring leftism, which American conservatives seem determined to misinterpret. The reason is because it might get in the way of bashing Russia."
DeAnna concludes with a Putin-defending rant:
Russia is targeted precisely because it is conservative. The vast majority of Russians were outraged at P—y Riot’s stunt. As Putin himself noted, there’s a reason they didn’t target a mosque. The real audience was the left-wing American and European media, which never misses an opportunity to promote degeneracy when it is directed at Christian or Western targets.
Putin is not perfect, and Russia is certainly corrupt, though it was far worse before Putin’s takeover. Putin is simply a Russian nationalist, doing his best to strengthen his own country’s interests. Perhaps used to our own leaders deliberately sabotaging us, this may appear threatening to Americans. If anything, Putin has not gone far enough, making concessions to Islamists in a shortsighted attempt to try to hang on to Russia’s Muslim southern territories.
It’s probably not surprising that American conservatism has been reduced to defending free speech only for leftists and concealing its own powerlessness with swaggering bellicosity against media-approved enemies. The problem is that’s not where the enemy is anymore.
There actually is an imperialist, left-wing power that interferes with other countries. It pushes mass Muslim immigration on Western nations. It tries to displace traditional values in Christian countries. It hands over former American allies to the Muslim Brotherhood. It supports progressive activist organizations with millions of taxpayer dollars in collusion with far-left activists like George Soros. That country is the United States.
American conservatives should be angry about the subversion of their own country, not following the left’s orders yet again by bellowing attacks against the Third Rome.
DeAnna, by the way, is a WND staff writer who's the former head of a far-right student group called Youth for Western Civilization, which the Southern Poverty Law Center notes has received the benefit of fundraising from Cliff Kincaid-approved racist Jared Taylor.
The MRC Declares War on Androgyny Topic: Media Research Center
Matt Philbin uses an Aug. 27 Media Research Center Culture & Media Institute item to rant about how Salon writer Mary Elizabeth Williams praised a Japanese Toyota commercial featuring an androgynous male model:
Sound creepy? Not to Williams. This, she wrote, is “the changing way gender is portrayed in advertising.” The model “represents a new understanding that gender isn’t always neatly defined, and that if a man can be alluringly beautiful, that shouldn’t be anything to be laughed at or scared of.”
Unfortunately, we Americans aren’t sophisticated enough to appreciate what Williams asserted was “definitely an idea worth sharing.”
“Why is the ad not running in America?” she asked. “No doubt because it would immediately gay indoctrinate all our menfolk and then there would never be any more babies made and Mitt Romney would never become president.”
That, of course, is exactly the mocking nastiness that greets any conservative critique of the “queering” of mass culture.
Actually, such conservative critiques are, if anything, more mocking and nasty than the response. Philbin helpfully provides an example:
In 2011, the Culture and Media Institute caused a media firestorm by pointing out that clothing manufacturer J.Crew’s marketing materials featuring the company president painting her young son’s toenails hot pink was a nod to the gay agenda.
Philbin, like the CMI piece he's referencing, is making the entirely unsubstantiated assumption that pink on a boy automatically equals "gay agenda" when it may just be that the kid's a 5-year-old who likes bright colors.
Philbin never explains why gay people, perceived or otherwise, are not allowed to be depicted in advertising, but he's on an anti-gay roll:
That agenda is advancing. No TV show is complete these days without a gay character or storyline. Gay activist group GLAAD is in a committed relationship with CNN. GM recently began its own campaign marketing to American gays.
So companies shouldn't try to make money by marketing to gays? Really?
Remember, the MRC has an anti-gay agenda, and apparently all androgynous people are guy, so they must be denounced too.
WND's Corsi Returns to the Cesspool of Obama Gay Rumor-Mongering Topic: WorldNetDaily
Unable to admit that his birther conspiracy has been utterly discredited -- he won't even concede that Mike Zullo's cold case posse, of which he is a de facto member, completely botched the birth certificate coding stuff -- Jerome Corsi must find ways to distract from his failure. As befits the personality of himself and his boss, Joseph Farah, he's chosen to fully embrace his inner sleazybottom-feeder, peddling rumors that Barack Obama is gay.
He's been doing this for a while now, but he's been wading deeperanddeeper into that cesspool in recent months as the birther conspiracies he's peddled for years have imploded.
Corsi's latest attempt at slime-peddling is an Aug. 28 article focused around Obama assistant Reggie Love and how "the Internet" was "abuzz with speculation" that Love temporarily stepped down from his position because of college photos that "purported to show a heavily inebriated Love surrounded by fellow students assisting him in engaging in a homosexual act at a party."
Corsi then goes on to tout how the Drudge Report "toyed with headlines, photos and page placement over the years that give the impression Love was something more than a presidential assistant" to Obama, then finally moved to peddle completely unsubstantiated rumors that Obama and Love have had a sexual relationship.
Corsi presents not a single fact in support of this claim -- only rumors. This is the WND "news" standard now, apparently.
One of Corsi's sources for his sleaze on Love is Wayne Madsen, whom we've previously noted peddling false birther claims and discredited anti-vaccine conspiracies. This is the best "source" Corsi has, by the way.
Corsi has never cared about the truth -- he only wants to destroy Obama. His new obsession with homosexuality only confirms that. (Though, for all we know, it may be more than a professional interest.)
AIM's Kincaid Quotes Racist Jared Taylor -- Again Topic: Accuracy in Media
Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid really, really likes Jared Taylor and his racist group American Renaissance.
In an Aug. 28 AIM column, Kincaid approvingly quotes Taylor's opinion on:
Jared Taylor, who runs the organization American Renaissance, comments, “Rachel Maddow wonders whether Mitt Romney is trying to get ‘the white vote.’ What an idea! Everyone tries to cultivate blacks, Hispanics, and even Asians, but wouldn’t it be ‘racist’ to cultivate the white vote? Actually, because they cast 76.3 percent of the votes in the 2008 election, anything that shifts even one or two percent of whites your way is worth doing.”
Taylor told AIM, “Hispanics were only 7.4 percent of the electorate [in 2008], so getting just one percent more of whites to vote for you is like getting 10 percent more Hispanics. If you were Romney, where would you concentrate your efforts?”
Jared Taylor, author of the book, White Identity, has been banned from most programs because he dares to talk about whites as people with special interests of their own, separate from various minority groups. “Only whites must always act as individuals and never as members of a group that promotes shared interests,” he notes in his book, in commenting on the politically correct mindset that prevails on racial matters in America.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, the far-left group that is said to have inspired the violent homosexual to open fire on the Washington office of the Family Research Council, has smeared Taylor as a “white nationalist.”
Calling Taylor a "white nationalist" isn't a smear -- it's the truth. Here's more of what the SPLC says about Taylor:
In his personal bearing and tone, Jared Taylor projects himself as a courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe as crudely white supremacist — a kind of modern-day version of the refined but racist colonialist of old. He is the founder of the New Century Foundation and edits its American Renaissance magazine, which, despite its pseudo-academic polish, regularly publishes proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black and anti-Latino racists. Taylor also hosts a conference every other year where racist intellectuals rub shoulders with Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.
Blacks, Taylor writes, are "crime-prone," "dissipated," "pathological" and "deviant."
Taylor, whose 1992 Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America makes similar points in a book format, went further out on the racist limb in 1993 by speaking at a conference of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group that has described black people as "a retrograde species of humanity." Today, Taylor's New Century Foundation is intimately related to the council through "common membership, governing bodies, trustees and officers," according to the foundation's tax forms.
In the late 1990s, Taylor came out with The Color of Crime, a booklet that tried to use crime statistics to "prove" that blacks are far more criminally prone than whites — and that argued, based on a misunderstanding of what constitutes a hate crime, that black "hate crimes" against whites exponentially outnumbered the reverse. That racist booklet is now a staple in white supremacist circles. Taylor's New Century Foundation also plays host to biannual American Renaissance Conferences, suit-and-tie affairs that attract a broad spectrum of the participants from the racist right, including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Holocaust deniers and eugenicists. The conferences nearly always have an international presence. Speakers have included such prominent figures in the European radical right as Nick Griffin, leader of the racist British National Party, and Bruno Gollnisch, the then second-in-command of Jean Marie Le Pen's immigrant-bashing French National Front.
More recently, Taylor has sounded off against all black culture, railing in a 2005 article in American Renaissance, "Africa in our Midst: Lessons from Katrina" that "the barbaric behavior" of the city's black population after the hurricane revealed a key truth: "Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization —any kind of civilization — disappears."
Kincaid has long sought to mainstream Taylor. In 2011, Kincaid ludicrously claimed that "there is no evidence that American Renaissance by any objective standard is a racist organization" -- a claim he tried to walk back a few days later. Kincaid also approvingly quoted Taylor in a May article.
How does Kincaid's boss, Don Irvine, feel about Kincaid's regular invocation of a white supremacist on the AIM website? He must approve, otherwise it wouldn't be happening, right?
Richard Bartholomew catches Joel Richardson misleading about the prevalence of child brides in the Islamic world in an Aug. 16 WorldNetDaily article. Bartholomew points out that Richardson is overstating the issue, ignoring factors other than religion that drive the situation as well as the existence of age-of-consent laws in Muslim countries, and misleadingly boils down the issue to Muslims "simply emulating the behaviour of Muhammad in his marriage to Aisha."
Bartholomew adds, "What a shame that Richardson appears to put less energy into providing truthful witness than he does into trying to discern signs of the coming Muslim Anti-Christ."
NEW ARTICLE: A Cog In The MRC's Anti-Gay Outrage Machine Topic: Media Research Center
Matt Hadro's job at the Media Research Center involves getting upset every time a gay person appears on CNN. Read more >>
WND Falsely Suggests Obama Stealing From Your Smartphone Topic: WorldNetDaily
An Aug. 24 WorldNetDaily article by Bob Unruh carries the headline, "Is your smartphone donating to Obama's campaign?"
The implication, of course, is that Obama is stealing money from you through your smartphone -- a shocking allegation if it were in any way true.
Needless to say, it's not. Not even Unruh accuses Obama of theft. Rather, it's about potential scams perpetrated by gaining access to personal information stored in smartphones. Unruh's only mention Obama doesn't come until the 17th paragraph of his article, and it's limited to noting that "Barack Obama’s campaign already uses a campaign app to identify registered Democrats by first name, last initial and age."
Once again, WND has stuck a highly misleading, potentially libelous headline on an article that doesn't support the allegation being made.
MRC Spending $300,000 Preaching To the Choir At RNC Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center is dropping some serious coin to promote its anti-media message at the Republican National Convention. From an Aug. 27 CNSNews.com article by Pete Winn:
From now until Sept. 2, the media watchdog group, which is the parent organization of CNSNews.com, has rented three 14 ft- by-48 ft. billboards along Route 60 -- the primary road running from the Tampa airport to the convention site, the Tampa Bay Times Forum.
In addition to the billboards, a plane will fly a 40 ft.-by-80 ft. aerial banner around the city, weather-permitting, and a mobile billboard truck with the same slogan will drive around the Tampa area displaying the slogan.
High-powered projectors will also shine night-time projections with the message onto buildings surrounding the downtown convention site. And "Don't Believe the Liberal Media" buttons, bumper stickers and signs will all be handed out around the outside of the convention hall, according to MRC Marketing Director Ed Molchany.
The $300,000 Tampa campaign is part of an overall $5 million “Tell the Truth 2012” campaign that MRC President L. Brent Bozell III announced in January, during the New Hampshire primary.
Does the fact that the Media Research Center has to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get its message out to a highly targeted audience that should theoretically already be receptive to it indicate the weakness of that message? If the MRC thinks so, it certainly won't say so in public.
Winn's boss, Brent Bozell, is quoted as making this curiously worded statement:
“Our goal is not--and I underscore this--our goal is not to do what they do, which is to attempt to elect or defeat a candidate," said Bozell. "We want a level playing field. We want the rules to apply to both sides. If you are going to have hard-hitting investigative reporting on one side, perfect. Then have hard-hitting investigative reporting on the other.”
Bozell has to say that the MRC's efforts are not intended "to attempt to elect or defeat a candidate" -- the MRC would be violating its 501(c)3 nonprofit status if Bozell wasn't tossing out that disclaimer and keeping up the pretense that it's not an arm of the Republican Party and the Romney campaign.
However, Bozell is simply lying when he says that "we want the rules to apply to both sides." The MRC has never applied the same rules to, say, Fox News that it applies to the "liberal media." And the MRC's "Tell the Truth!" campaign is hostile to media outlets that tell the truth about conservatives.
In rapid response to Mitt Romney’s joke to a crowd in his home state of Michigan, that “No one ever asked me for my birth certificate,” Barack Obama’s campaign put out a 15-second TV spot to declare, “America doesn’t need a birther-in-chief.”
I’ve finally found a point of agreement with Obama.
America certainly does not need a “birther-in-chief” – which is one of at least 2,012 reasons to dump Barack Obama from the White House on Election Day.
America already has a “birther-in-chief.” His name is Barack Obama.
Who started the controversy over his identity? He did. For at least 17 years he boasted in his literary biography of being born in Kenya. That claim was quietly withdrawn only in 2007 – less than a year before he declared his candidacy for the presidency. It was never repudiated or explained. His own wife referred to Kenya as his home country. His autobiography claims he is the offspring of two parents, neither of which could bestow upon him the constitutional requirement of “natural born citizenship.” When repeatedly asked for years into his presidency to produce his birth certificate, he released a document every expert who has looked at it agrees is fraudulent – including the one and only law enforcement investigation to examine the evidence.
No one else besides Barack Obama can claim credit for the title “birther-in-chief.” He owns it. He prompted the very term. He sustained it needlessly. And then he blames others for his own absolute unwillingness to provide the most rudimentary documentation of his eligibility for office.
Well, it's easy to claim that "every expert who has looked at [the birth certificate] agrees [it] is fraudulent" when you blacklist the experts who agree that it's authentic. WND even solicited one expert, Ivan Zatkovich, who failed to conclude that the document was "fraudulent," but cherry-picked his findings and refused to publish his full report.
That, of course, is just the latest lie Farah has told his readers. Speaking of lies, providing two different birth certificates apparently does not qualify as "the most rudimentary documentation of his eligibility for office" in Farah's paranoid, hate-filled little world.
Farah unsurprisingly approves of Mitt Romney's birther dig at Obama, lamenting that "I’m only sorry he apologized for it later." Farah laughably goes on to claim that his rapidly self-destrructing birther conspiracy is "a story bigger than Watergate and the Teapot Dome scandal combined." Again, that's easy to believe if you deliberately ignore all evidence to the contrary, which appears to be WND's official editorial policy.
NewsBusters: Only Conservatives Should Review Anti-Obama Films Topic: NewsBusters
Mike Bates spends his Aug. 27 NewsBusters post having a conniption over a less-than-favorable Los Angeles Times review of the factually challenged Dinesh D'Souza film "2016: Obama's America."
Bates largely ignores the substance of the review -- in which review Betsy Sharkey points out how the numerous re-enactments in the film "play like badly scripted sitcoms" and dhow D'Souza's "quiet, scholarly sensibility ... works against him on screen" -- to obsess over how Sharkey unfavorably compared the film to the works of liberal filmmaker Michael Moore.
Bates concludes: "Reviews are by nature subjective. But couldn't the LA Times have found an analyst who's not an unabashed fan girl for Michael Moore to report on a conservative movie?"
So only conservatives -- who, presumably, would be more predisposed to giving favorable reviews to films that promote views they agree with -- should be allowed to review a conservative movie? Isn't that the kind of media bias the MRC argues against?
Oh, we forgot -- conservatives are exempt from bias allegations at the MRC.
Right-Wing Doctor Agrees With Akin on Rape Pregnancy Topic: WorldNetDaily
Jane Orient is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a right-wing group that 's known for its extremistviews on medicine. Thus, it's the group you'd expect would come to the defense of Todd Akin's discredited claim that rape rarely causes pregnancy because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
And given that Joseph Farah himself agreed with Akin, it's no surprise that WorldNetDaily would be the one to publish Orient's defense:
Is the risk of pregnancy lower with forcible rape, and if so, why? Off the cuff, Todd Akin gave a layman’s restatement of the point made by some pro-life physicians that the female body has some defense mechanisms against pregnancy in cases of rape.
The process of fertilization, implantation and maintenance of pregnancy is an intricate one, highly dependent on hormonal signals. Stress is conceded to make miscarriage more likely by disrupting the hormonal milieu. What could be more stressful than a forcible rape?
The intensity of the media outrage against Akin’s remark shows that this is not a scientific dispute about numbers, or the definition of “really rare.” Medical science is being replaced by political demagoguery about the issue of rape.
Actually, the person injecting politics into the issue is Orient. What do doctors who aren't pushing an agenda have to say?
"What we know is that chronic stress can decrease fertility," said Dr. Sharon Phelan, a fellow at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of New Mexico, in a telephone interview with CNN.
Phelan cites emotional, medical or nutritional stress as forms of chronic stress.
"The acute stress does not have the same impact," she added, referring to the act of rape.
A 1996 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology estimated 32,101 pregnancies in the United States each year result from rape.
Orient then deviated even more from medical reality to launch an even more explicit political attack:
Starting from one extreme, some radical feminists appear to believe that most if not all sex involving a man and a woman is a rape. The man is always the perpetrator, and the woman, a victim. Clearly, there are activities that are not forcible rape and do not involve the same emotional reaction, but are still not legitimate. These would include statutory rape, “date rape” and seduction. To suggest that a woman ‘s dress or behavior might in some cases have contributed is, of course, unacceptable.
At the other extreme, radical Muslims appear to believe that rape rarely if ever occurs, and that all non-marital contact between a man and a woman is illegitimate and the fault of the temptress. From the fury directed at Akin, you’d think he had advocated Shariah law and “honor” killings.
Politicians who claim to be pro-life are often adamant about preserving an exception for rape or incest. This exception is a fig leaf over the reality of what an abortion is. Coming too close to The Question is feared to jeopardize the chance to gain political power.
Akin’s phrasing became a convenient pretext for raising a disproportionate clamor as a diversion from the real problem. Those politicians and commentators who are calling for Akin’s head have signaled where their priorities lie.
Remember, this is the woman who was accusing others of replacing medical science with "political demagoguery." Or was she talking about herself?
We've detailed the logrolling relationship between Newsmax's Ronald Kessler and David Keene, former head of the American Conservative Union (which gave Kessler its "Robert Novak Journalist of the Year Award") and current head of the National Rifle Association.
Well, this dynamic duo is back together again in an Aug. 27 Newsmax article, in which Kessler gives Keene a platform to opine that "Mitt Romney is well positioned to win the presidency and should pull it off by five to seven percentage points."
Kessler even serves up some of his trademark slobbering, declaring that "Keene is one of the country’s sharpest political observers." Weirdly, though, Kessler doesn't mention Keene's current NRA job, identifying him only as "former chairman of the American Conservative Union."