Inaccuracy in Academia: Kline Misleads on New Deal Unemployment Topic: Accuracy in Media
Accuracy in Academia's Malcolm Kline writes in a July 8 Accuracy in Media article:
The unemployment rates at both ends of the New Deal—roughly 20-20—show that Roosevelt’s programs did not work, although they left us with the cycle of deficit spending that even Republican presidents, for the most part, have accepted as a fait accompli.
This is a highly misleading generalization. As we've previouslynoted, unemployment peaked in 1933 at 24.9 percent and had dropped to 14.3 percent in 1937 -- de facto evidence that the New Deal worked. While unemployment increased in 1938 and 1939, many experts believe that it was because Roosevelt cut spending and raised taxes in an effort to reduce the deficit. Further, government statistics at the time did not count those in government work projects as being "employed," even though they technically were.
WND's Farah, Rush Promote Bogus New Black Panther Case Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah used his July 8 WorldNetDaily column to promote the dubious and unsubstantiated claims of J. Christian Adams that the Obama administraiton "dropped the voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party because Obama's Justice Department refuses to prosecute black defendants accused of victimizing whites." Farah adds: "It's a shocking case – given the overwhelming evidence against the radical, revolutionary racists in the center of it."
What Farah won't tell you: the Bush administration -- not the Obama administration -- declined to press criminal charges against the New Black Panthers, and Adams has no firsthand knowledge of the claims he's making.
Nevertheless, Farah goes on to whine: "Think about this: The Obama Justice Department refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party. The Obama Justice Department has refused to prosecute ACORN. But the Obama Justice Department is prosecuting the state of Arizona for enforcing U.S. laws against illegal immigration!"
Farah was joined in promoting Adams' bogus claims by Erik Rush, who ranted:
To American progressives and the establishment press (which has been complicit in every seditious machination devised by Barack Obama and his minions) the contention that our president and this administration are racists is practically incomprehensible – but that is precisely where I am going. Although it still eludes those who are either dedicated Obamanoids or profoundly dim, our president's antiwhite, anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-Semitic sentiments have been painfully evident for some time. The New Black Panther Party case is just the cherry on the topping.
This retrograde, black-nationalist comportment is the worst sort of policy held to by an administration since the days of segregation.
In short, it is abject racism.
The long and short? We're stuck with a racist president. Well, we've survived those before; it's Obama's intention to transform our nation into a cross between China and Venezuela that I'm more concerned about.
Of course, the Obama administration isn't the one playing the racism card since they weren't the ones who declined to prosecute the case. But nobody ever said that Farah and Rush care about telling the truth.
Even More Right-Wing 'Experts' At Newsmax Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax's David Patten has a penchant for writingarticles featuring "experts" on various issues that are invariably right-wing -- a political affiliation he usually does not disclose. Patten churned out a pair of these articles on July 6.
One article quoted "legal scholars" President Obama appears set on a collision course with the conservative-leaning Supreme Court over the constitutionality of his administration's transformative legislative agenda. Shockingly, Patten identified the conservatives he interviewed -- from Judicial Watch and the Committee for Justice -- as conservative.
The other article, featuring "immigration law experts" claiming that the Obama administration "has little chance of prevailing" in its effort to fight the new Arizona immigration law, reverted to form. The conservatives -- Center for Immigration Studies' Stephen Camerota and "Law professor Kris W. Kobach" -- are not identified as such.
Obama's father was an alien and never a U.S. citizen. Regardless of any "cherished delusions" about his son's place of birth, but rather in the context of the place that Americans call "home," we find Obama Jr. to be an alien who: was raised for several years in Indonesia, took a trip to Pakistan in 1981 after college, later returned to Bali for many months to complete an autobiography, traveled to Kenya at least four times (including appearances alongside his then-campaigning communist cousin Odinga), has a wife who has twice in public speeches called her husband Kenyan and Kenya his "home country," during his campaign after visiting "57 states" called himself a "citizen of the world" and bows to foreign leaders. The Secret Service, with its strict clearance requirements, would undoubtedly not even allow Obama to work for himself.
Most importantly, Obama, an alien in his background, associations, attitude and language, seems to be alien to the very idea that is America.
Whether respected conservatives consider Obama an alien of ideology, or the disrespected birthers consider Obama an alien in eligibility, they both recognize him correctly for what he is – an alien.
NewsReal Blogger Likens Obama to Charles Manson Topic: Horowitz
Here's some five-alarm Obama derangement from NewsReal's Kathy Barkulis:
Charles Manson claimed he was trying to start a race war when he killed Sharon Tate and the others in Los Angeles 40 or so years ago but knew nothing about starting one. The people who are doing a good job of trying to start a race war now were barely out of diapers when Manson went on his killing spree. Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama, and the New Black Panther Party have joined forces to make sure that divisions remain between the races, and it’s all in the name of voter intimidation and getting Democrats elected. Or is there something else brewing too?
It is stunning that the first African American President and the first African American Attorney General are going to use their historic places in history to stick it to the white man.
Barkulis' entire premise, in addition to being hateful, is entirely baseless: The Bush administration, not the Obama administration, declined to charge the New Black Panthers, and the so-called whistleblower she's relying on is a right-wing activist with no firsthand knowledge of the claims he's making.
A July 6 WorldNetDaily article by Brian Fitzpatrick is a one-sided affair that uncritically repeats accusations by former Department of Justice staffer J. Christian Adams about purported "anti-whte bias" in the department and its decision not to pursue a criminal case against the New Black Panther Party on charges of voter intimidation.
How unbalanced is this article? It's not until the 40th paragraph that Fitzpatrick sees fit to include a single paragraph of response from the DOJ.
This means you will not learn from WND that Adams has no firsthand knowledge of the accusations he makes -- despite Fitzpatrick's quoting of Adams saying otherwise -- that the Bush administration, not the Obama administration, made the decision not to prosecute the New Black Panthers, or that Adams is a right-wing activist who was brought into the DOJ as part of a politicization process taken undertaken during the Bush administration.
Hirsen Mum About Gibson's Racist Rant Topic: Newsmax
Last year, we detailed the close relationship between Newsmax columnist James Hirsen and actor Mel Gibson -- a relationship Hirsen did not disclose as he was promoting Gibson's films and serving as defender of Gibson by claiming he had apologized sufficiently for his 2006 anti-Semitic tirade.
Hirsen hasn't written much about Gibson lately, perhaps because most of the news about him has been bad, i.e., his divorce and affair, which resulted in an out-of-wedlock child.
Well, Gibson is in the news again, this time for dropping the N-word in a rant against his now-ex-mistress and mother of his out-of-wedlock child (specifically: You look like a f**king pig in heat and if you get raped by a pack of ni**ers it will be your fault"). And gee, what a surprise, Hirsen won't say a thing about it -- there's no mention of it in his July 6 "Left Coast Report." Hirsen deemed Lindsay Lohan's latest travails to be more newsworthy than Gibson.
Chrissy Satterfield insists in her July 7 WorldNetDaily column that "Never would I encourage vandalism," but of course she does exactly that:
Just when I start believing there is no hope for our country I get a little reminder from my God that all is not lost. It was reported June 29 that a billboard sign sponsored by a North Carolina atheist organization had been vandalized. The ad reads, "One Nation Indivisible." It seems someone didn't think the sign was an accurate depiction of our Pledge of Allegiance, so the vandals inserted "Under God" with spray paint – and I couldn't be more relieved. It's nice to know that I am not alone in my beliefs and that some people are still willing to stand on the right side of truth.
Never would I encourage vandalism, but in this case I think I'll let it slide. Atheists have been vandalizing my beliefs for years, so it's about time the shoe was on the other foot. When asked about the vandalism, William Warren, the spokesman for Charlotte Atheists and Agnostics, said, "It was done by one or two people off on their own who decided their only recourse was vandalism rather than having a conversation." Hmm. That's interesting, because the Charlotte Atheists and Agnostics felt its only recourse was to deliberately insult those who understand the importance of "Under God." They probably figured that because the Bible teaches Christians to turn the other cheek, we'll just take their abuse forever. We will only take so much before we stand up against our oppressors. Besides, I can't count how many times an atheist and I have had a "conversation." They're not as calm and passive as Warren suggests.
I also need to extend a thank-you to some people in Sacramento and Detroit. In February, 10 atheist billboards were defaced in the Golden State and a slew of atheist bus ads were vandalized in Detroit. My dose of honesty this week: I am not happy that vandalism seems to be the only way to get an atheist's attention. I'm happy that I can count on other Christians to stand up for themselves and for Christians everywhere. It gives me hope.
So Satterfield not only endorses vandalism, she also endorses the censorship of a viewpoint that she opposes.
Kovacs Still Whitewashing Birther Hero's Racist Ties Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a July 6 interview on Denver's KHOW radio, WorldNetDaily's Joe Kovacs continued to whitewash the apparent racist links of birther hero Tim Adams, following the host's lead in promoting the idea that Adams is "anything but a racist."
As he hasbefore, Kovacs does not address the core issue -- Kovacs first made his claims on the radio show of a self-described "pro-white" host while at a convention of the white-supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens.
Kovacs goes on to say of Adams, "He's not a birther, he's a Hillary Clinton supporter." But that means nothing, since the first birthers, like Philip Berg, were Hillary supporters as well.
Kovacs also insists that "everything he has said is so far true, " but that's not necessarily true. As we noted, Glen Takahashi, administrator of the Honolulu City Clerk's office where Adams worked, has contradicted Adams' claims about how much access he had to database records, as well as Adams' claim that Obama's lack of a birth certificate was an "open secret."Kovacs has never reported Takahashi's statement -- presumably because they do conflict with the birther narrative that is WND editorial policy.
Have you ever read a book so great, so important, so revealing of the deepest convictions you hold that you say to yourself, "Gee, I wish I wrote that!"
That's what happened to me not just upon turning the final page of "How Evil Works," but literally after every chapter!
"How Evil Works" by my longtime friend and colleague, David Kupelian, is the sequel to another work that had that effect on me – "The Marketing of Evil." While the first book, as the title implies, exposed how the very real existence of evil in our world is sold to us as good, this book probes even deeper, providing insights into the very nature of evil and how prevalent it is in our modern world.
This book is deep, but engaging – transformative, but eminently readable.
Joseph Farah – not only my long-time friend, colleague, WND founder and crusading journalistic veteran, but a risk-taking patriot who understands the true basis of lasting liberty and isn't afraid to talk about it – has come forth with an eloquent and powerfully reasoned argument for letting God back into our lives, into America and into the tea party.
Following in the tradition of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" and other passionate revolutionary-era pamphleteers, in "The Tea Party Manifesto: A Vision for an American Rebirth," Farah appeals equally to the hearts and minds of his countrymen with an irresistible call simply to return to our roots as Americans.
Vice President Joe Biden has been accused of comparing Republicans with Nazis by using the word “blitzkrieg” in a fundraising e-mail.
In the e-mail sent via the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Biden warned that House Democrats “will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg of vicious swift-boat-style attack ads.”
“Blitzkrieg” is a term that was used to describe Germany’s military offensives during World War II.
The Newsvine website, in an article headlined “Biden e-mail compares Republicans to Nazis,” said Biden “continued with his Nazi slur by referring to Democrats as the Allies who fought back the Nazi occupation of Europe.” Biden stated: “Our Democratic allies in the House need your help, and the president and I hope we can count on you to come to their defense.”
A spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner told the New York Daily News that “invoking the Nazis’ crimes against humanity in a political debate is simply inappropriate.”
The idea that Biden is likening Republicans to Nazis by using the word "blitzkrieg" is utterly ridiculous. Newsmax apparently got the inspiration for this smear from Matt Drudge, so that explains a little.
Newsmax also treats Newsvine as some sort of legitimate news organization. It's not -- it's a personalized news aggregator. What Newsmax is quoting from is a blogger named "Dr. Danny," whose blog is apparently hosted by Newsvine.
But if using the word "blitzkrieg" is equal to calling someone a Nazi, let's see Newsmax's record:
In a September 2002 column, Phil Brennan referred to then-California "Gov. Gray Davis’ advertising blitzkrieg" against opponent Bill Simon.
A December 2002 column by Tammy Bruce references "Sen. Tom Daschle's nutty blitzkrieg against Rush Limbaugh."
The attack book "Hillary's Scheme" by Newsmax's Carl Limbacher, references "the Clinton IRS blitzkrieg" against opponents.
In a August 2009 column, Arnaud de Borchgrave quotes the right-wing Human Events as promoting their daily newsletter as having the goal to "defeat the pro-abortionists' 'stealth' media campaign with its own media blitzkrieg designed to counter . . . lies and propaganda with the facts."
Unless Newsmax is willing to admit that all of these people were endeavoring to liken those they were attacking as Nazis, they should back away from smearing Biden in this manner.
It's not easy declaring that someone told the truth when you don't actually quote anything they said, but Mychal Massie has accomplished that feat in his July 6 WorldNetDaily column. It's headlined "Michael Steele told the truth," but nowhere does Massie directly quote Steele telling said truth. Instead, Massie writes around it:
This is Obama's war now, and he's doing a lousy job of instilling confidence in his leadership as commander in chief. Did officers and troops refuse to obey direct orders of President George W. Bush by refusing deployment?
Michael may not have spoken eloquently, but what he said doesn't rise to the level of his stepping down. This is "gotcha" politics – Republican-style. If it weren't, those criticizing him would be making the points I'm making.
But Steele came nowhere near to saying that Afghanistan "is Obama's war now." What he actually said was that Afghanistan is a "war of Obama's choosing" and that it is "not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." Not the same thing.
Massie then went on to attack Obama's prosecution of the war:
First of all, there is no one more pro-military than I – no one. But unless Obama, the leftover Clinton Pentagon pansies and all of the pusillanimous Harvard/Yale theorists get out of the way – the war in Afghanistan will be reduced to a Vietnam. I'm more interested in killing all the enemy radical Muslims I can, more than I am in getting more homosexuals and lesbians into the Marine Corps. I'm pro-military, and I'm pro–crush and thoroughly demoralize the enemy at every opportunity.
And, let me repeat myself, this is Obama's war. He's the president – he owns it. And not until he and the politically correct get out of the way and let our great military do what they do better than any other military in the world will we have victory – because you can't win a war with one hand tied behind your back.
At no point does Massie offer any evidence that the military's prosecution of the war is being overly restrained in any way.
D.J. Dolce's Idea of 'Comedy': An Anti-Gay Rant Topic: WorldNetDaily
D.J. Dolce's July 6 edition of "News! News!" at WorldNetDaily is even more painfully unfunny than usual, because it begins with a long gay-bashing screed:
San Francisco recently celebrated its 40th annual gay parade. Seriously, homosexuals, you want us to believe that you're trustworthy, safe, upstanding pillars of the community, and you dress up like this? America, would you let this babysit your kids? Much less adopt a kid?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, you're GAAAAYYY! -- and walking proof that homosexuality is a mental disorder.
And if you suffer from this particular disorder, you're probably conflicted over a recent "SNL" skit that portrays homosexuals as the opposite of normal. Specifically, this skit juxtaposes Midwestern family values against New York gay bars with fetish. Not cool, "Saturday Night Live" -- making fun of people with mental disorders is not funny.
Where, exactly, is the "joke" here? Remember, this is supposed to be comedy. We couldn't find it -- all we saw was hate. Which is not surprising, since Dolce is married to noted homophobe Molotov Mitchell, who approves of a proposed law in Uganda that would permit capital punishment for merely being homosexual (Molotov's some-of-my-best-friends-are-gay defense notwithstanding).
Dolce also plays into WND's longtime anti-gay agenda, so it's the perfect place for her to spew her rage.
P.S. Dolce also calls President Obama an "illegal immigrant."
New Article: WorldNetDaily's Letter Scam (Or Is That Spam?) Topic: WorldNetDaily
WND wants readers to pay it increasingly hefty fees to send letters to politicians on various hot-button issues -- and to spread numerous lies in the process. Read more >>
WND Seems Mostly Happy Tabloid Stole Its Birther Story Topic: WorldNetDaily
Is WorldNetDaily happy to have descended to the level of a supermarket tabloid? It appears so.
A July 5 WND article by Joe Kovacs details how the charges leveled by new birther hero Tim Adams are "now featured in a cover story in Globe Magazine, repeating the allegations originally revealed by WND." Kovacs adds that "in every instance of a quotation from Adams, the tabloid appears to have simply copied Adams' comments to WND verbatim, without ever mentioning the remarks originated with a WND interview."
Of course, the Globe isn't exactly a "magazine"; it's a supermarket tabloid. The Globe promoted the birther story last August, which WND also touted. It seems fitting, since WND has roughly the same standards of accuracy as a supermarket tabloid.
But lifting stuff from WND without sufficient credit has long been a sore point. Does this mean that WND will start attacking the Globe like it did the New Republic, when it slimed writer John B. Judis as "Judas" for not crediting WND for a story? You'd think it would, and we can't wait to see it.
Kovacs also repeats the claim that Adams' "direct contradiction of the White House storyline that Obama was born in Hawaii has sparked detractors to attack him personally online and on the air in a vicious smear campaign." But as before, Kovacs doesn't address the basis for the so-called "smear campaign": Why did Adams make his claim to a "pro-white" radio show at a convention of the white-supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens?