Topic: WorldNetDaily
The WorldNetDaily editor has not only lied about his website's birther coverage, he and Alan Keyes want you to believe that they're not questioning Barack Obama's citizenship. Read more >>
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New Article: Joseph Farah's Birther Revisionism
Topic: WorldNetDaily The WorldNetDaily editor has not only lied about his website's birther coverage, he and Alan Keyes want you to believe that they're not questioning Barack Obama's citizenship. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:41 AM EDT
Blakeman: Militarize Mexico Border With Drones, Troops (But Don't Call It That)
Topic: Newsmax Brad Blakeman declares in an April 6 Newsmax column that the government must "take swift and permanent action to secure our nation's borders immediately" -- and he wants U.S. troops to be involved. The first step, according to Blakeman: "If we can send troops and deploy unmanned predator drones to secure the borders of foreign lands, then we can surely deploy them to help secure our own." Read that again -- he wants Predator drones of the kind that shoot missiles at suspected terrorists in Afghanistan on the Mexico border. Does Blakeman really believe that someone sneaking into the U.S. for a job is worthy of the same fate as those who wage terror and command suicide bombers? Blakeman then tries a little language bamboozlement: "We need a military style precision operation to effectively secure our borders. It is not about 'militarizing' our borders, which our president finds offensive." If you're sending armed troops and Predator drones to the border, how can that not be described as "miltarizing" the border?
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:19 AM EDT
Meanwhile ...
Topic: NewsBusters Media Matters' Jamison Foser catches NewsBusters' Tim Graham once again saying something stupid -- this time, claiming the fact that President Obama adapts his speaking style to his audience, as most people do, means that Obama is a phony.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:56 AM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: Horowitz David Swindle uses an April 6 NewsReal post to liken PResident Obama to the "psychopathic" Mr. Blonde from "Reservoir Dogs." No, really:
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:41 AM EDT
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Meanwhile ...
Topic: WorldNetDaily Richard Bartholomew does a little dot-connecting regarding WorldNetDaily's Molotov Mitchell and anti-gay Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa. Turns out Ssempa is buddies of the pastor of a neo-Pentacostal church in North Carolina linked to a movement called Every Nation, the current incarnation of a movement called Maranatha, which has been linked to authoritarian behavior. That church's previous pastor is Molotov's father.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:51 PM EDT
WND Lies About Non-Discrimination Act
Topic: WorldNetDaily An April 3 WorldNetDaily article by Drew Zahn engages in baseless and false fear-mongering about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2009, which would extend employment discrimination protection to to sexual orientation and gender identity. The lies start in the headline: "House plans to resurrect law requiring 'gay' hires." This falsely impllies that the bill mandates a quota of gays to be hired and that the law forces employers to hire a certain type of person, which is a complete and utter lie. Zahn does concede that the bnill makes "exceptions for the U.S. military, religious organizations and some businesses with non-profit 501(c) designations," but complains that it "makes no provisions for business owners' consciences." He then leaps into wild speculation: "A small construction company that wanted to maintain a Christian reputation, for example, could be sued if it refused to hire transvestites." Zahn goes on to quote a representative of the right-wing group Concerned Women of America as saying the bill creates "special privileges" for gays and the transgendered, and he also quotes professional gay-basher Matt Barber claim the bill creates "special rights." But as Right Wing Watch points out, anti-discrimination protections for things like religion have existed for decades and the right-wingers never once complained about the fact that Christians were receiving "special rights." Futher, as per WND's typical anti-gay, right-wing bias, Zahn permits no supporters of ENDA to respond to the right-wingers' criticisms. Thisalso follows in the tradition of WND's lies about extending hate-crime provisions to gays.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:04 PM EDT
Ron Paul Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: Newsmax
-- Doug Wead, April 5 Newsmax column
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:25 PM EDT
Janet Porter, Unrepentant Hater and Fearmonger
Topic: WorldNetDaily Janet Porter ratchets up the hate and fearmongering in her April 6 WorldNetDaily column:
Porter again promotes her May 1 rally " to repent of our many sins, which have brought us to this point. " Porter still has not indicated whether she will, at this event or any other occasion, repent for the barrage of lies and hate she has become known for.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:41 AM EDT
Newsmax Steals False Drudge Headline
Topic: Newsmax The headline at the top of Newsmax's "Newsfront" section on April 6 looked strangely familiar: It turns out we had seen it before: Not only did Newsmax steal a headline from Drudge, the headline itself is false. As the Associated Press article to which Newsmax links explains (which carries the accurate headline "U.S. Unveiling New, More Restrictive Nuclear Policy"), Obama would permit the use of nuclear weapons in certain situations. Note to Newsmax: If you're going to steal someone else's headline, make sure the headline is accurate. UPDATE: Newsmax doubles down on the lie by making Drudge's false headline its lead story:
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:24 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 2:34 PM EDT
WND's Kupelian Claims 'Socialist Coup d'Etat'
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian appeared on Sean Hannity's April 5 "Great American Panel," during which he claimed, "We're looking at an attempted socialist coup d'etat in Washington, D.C." Media Matters has the video. Kupelian also thinks Obama is a Manchurian candidate, so this is sadly not shocking at all.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:52 AM EDT
Monday, April 5, 2010
Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy Watch
Topic: NewsBusters An April 3 NewsBusters post by Anthony Kang takes the Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy approach to media criticism, claiming that network newscasts were issing "praise for the Obama administration's latest regulatory efforts" on new federal fuel efficiency standards. But the examples Kang claimed as evidence are weak:
Kang, by the way, appears to be a Media Research Center employee, where he also writes for the Business & Media Institute. Such specious "media research" means Kang fits right in.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:30 PM EDT
Newsmax Edits Out Pat Boone's Smears of Obama
Topic: Newsmax In his April 3 WorldNetDaily column, Pat Boone expressed vitriolic hatred of both Muslims and Barack Obama:
But when Boone's column appeared at Newsmax, it was in a severely truncated form.The second paragraph was removed entirely, and the first paragraph wasedited to remove specific references to Muslims and Hezbollah:
Gone entirely, meanwhile, was the entire first section of the WND version of the column, a weird, incomprensible rant likening -- well, we don't quite know what he was getting at:
Boone then added, by way of purported explanation: The preceding is fiction, of course. But if it were true, how long do you think it would take President Obama to have this man dealt with, perhaps never to be heard from again? Do you think he or his wife would accept the man's claim, apologize, or stop their additions and maybe just deed the property over to him? No? Sorry, it still doesn't make sense. We can see why Newsmax cut it, demonstrating it has finally learned from its John L. Perry episode. So when will it demonstrate the final lesson by canceling for good the column by the hateful Pamela Geller?
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:50 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 10:25 AM EDT
WND Ignores Gary Kreep's PAC Scam
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily loves Gary Kreep -- after all he's a birther lawyer who hates President Obama. Which is exacly why you will not see WND report on the fund-raising scam that is Kreep's political action committee. Kreep heads the Republican Majority Campaign, which claims to have a goal "to elect an enduring Republican majority that will leave to future generations a stronger and more prosperous America" -- and which works out of the offices of Kreep's United States Justice Foundation. A few weeks ago, TPM Muckraker reported that while the Republican Majority Campaign, spent nearly all of the $1.7 million it raked in from conservative donors last year, less than 2 percent of that money went toward supporting candidates or independent political spending. Much of the money went to a murky Arizona telemarketing firm that has been linked to questionable PAC activities in the past.The PAC's main activity is soliciting donations to send faxes to Washington, an activity a campaign funding expert quoted by TPM Muckraker describes as legitimate but virtually worthless. Kreep himself raked in about $60,000 from the group in 2009 for provinding "legal services." Unsurprisingly, WND has not told its readers about the scam-like nature of Kreep's PAC. Instead, in the past month WND has reported on Kreep's latest birther-related activities and touted an ad attacking Sen. Harry Reid that Kreep's group issued. WND also promoted accusations by Kreep that allegations that two politicians were purportedly "offered jobs in return for dropping out of political races that challenge two U.S. Senate supporters of President Obama." One more thing that WND won't mention in its role as Kreep's PR agent: Kreep and his USJF have previously represented WND in court, most notably in the Clark Jones lawsuit that WND ultimately settled out of court to avoid losing in the courtroom. Such non-disclosure is a violation of journalistic ethics that WND all too frequently engages in.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:50 AM EDT
NewsBusters Runs to Erickson's Defense
Topic: NewsBusters Jeff Poor spent an April 2 NewsBusters post defending right-wing commentator Erick Erickson, who he claims is the victim of a "witch hunt" by "left-wingers." Poor complains that the Politico, in writing a story about Erickson, is "taking news tips from left-wing storefronts that have staked out founder Erick Erickson's Macon, Ga. radio show on Newstalk 940 WMAC, to capture any sort of gotcha moment to embarrass Erickson. And all of this seems to have been spurred on by CNN's announcement last month that Erickson would be a network contributor." The "left-wing storefront" term is a reference to Media Matters, which captured Erickson saying on his radio show saying that if a census worker demands that he fill out the long-form American Community Survey, he will "[p]ull out my wife's shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door." And the act of monitoring someone's radio show for "gotcha moments" is exactly how Poor's employer -- the Media Research Center, which is a right-wing storefront -- operates, so what is he complaining about? Poor uncritically relayed Erickson's defense that his statement is being "misconstrued," though Poor doesn't explain exactly what is being misconstrued given the straightfoward clarity of Erickson's statement. Poor also complained that the Politico "something of continuation of behavior" in Erickson's statement, "which Erickson has since apologized for on CNN's March 28 'Reliable Sources.'" Poor doesn't explain why anyone should take Erickson's apology for past statements (like calling retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter a "goat f***ing child molester") at face value, since 1) Erickson's continued employment by CNN likely hinged on the apology, and 2) Poor and his employer would never treat a similar apology from a liberal that way. Poor then unsurprisingly launches into a double-standard complaint regarding liberal personalities. Of course, as an MRC employee Poor is pretty much the last person who should complain about double standards given the MRC's refusal to denounce the frequent anal sex references by Rush Limbaugh while criticizing others who make them.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:04 AM EDT
Sunday, April 4, 2010
WND Still Whitewashing Minutemen Extremism
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily has a long history of whitewashing the extremist aspects of anti-immigration border patrol groups like the Minutemen. It does so again in a March 23 article by Drew Zahn on the dissolution of one of those groups, the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps . Zahn regurgitated the group's line that it was dissolving because it was "concerned that Americans have grown so angry over illegal immigration and border drug wars that violence may soon erupt." Zahn uncritically quotes group leader Carmen Mercer as saying, "This organization has grown too big for its own good; or rather, the problem has grown too big and serious for us to manage. I predict soon the violence will spill over the border (it already is) and I predict Americans, on their own, will lock, load and do what the feckless cowards in Washington refuse to do." Zahn doesn't mention the fact that Mercer herself is responsible for encouraging some of that -- or that the backlash from it was a prime motivator for dissolving the MCDC. As TPM Muckraker reported, Mercer sent out an email to MCDC members on March 16 -- a week before Zahn's article appeared -- in which she urged group members to come to the border "locked, loaded and ready." She added: "You are strongly encouraged to exercise your rights and duty as an American citizen to carry a long arm and if challenged use it to defend the United States of America." Acording to the Arizona Daily Star, Mercer "received a more feverish response than she expected and decided the group couldn't shoulder the responsibility and liability of what could occur. Zahn should have known about Mercer's remarks in writing his story. If he didn't he's a bad reporter. If he did and he chose not to report them, he's a dishonest one. Either way, he's a perfect WND employee.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:02 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 5, 2010 1:23 PM EDT
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